The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa)

Friday Sermon Summary 1st March 2024: ‘Incidents from the Life of the Holy Prophet (sa) – Incidents During the Battle of Uhud’

After reciting Tashahhud, Ta‘awwuz and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) continued narrating incidents from the Battle of Uhud.

His Holiness (aba) quoted the Promised Reformer, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (ra) who said that those injured in the battle were tended to while the martyred were buried. At this time, the Holy Prophet (sa) came to learn that the disbelievers had mutilated some of the Muslims’ bodies, including that of his uncle, Hazrat Hamzah (ra). This greatly pained the Holy Prophet (sa), however, it was revealed to him that no matter the sentiments of revenge that may arise, mercy and justice must always prevail. These are the teachings of Islam.

His Holiness (aba) said that Hazrat Hamzah (ra) was shrouded in a single sheet; when it was pulled up, his feet would become exposed, and when it was pulled down, his face would become exposed. The Holy Prophet (sa) instructed that his face should remain covered. Hazrat Hamzah (ra) and Hazrat Abdullah bin Jahsh (ra) were buried in the same grave.

Islamic Instructions Regarding Wailing Upon A Person’s Demise

His Holiness (aba) said that the Holy Prophet (sa) very wisely forbade wailing and lamenting over the deceased. When the Holy Prophet (sa) returned from Uhud, he learned that the women of the Ansar would cry and wail over their deceased husbands. The Holy Prophet (sa) asked whether there was no one to wail for Hazrat Hamzah (ra). And so the women gathered to wail for Hazrat Hamzah (ra). In the meantime, the Holy Prophet (sa) fell asleep. When he awoke, the women were still wailing, and the Holy Prophet (sa) asked if they would continue wailing for Hazrat Hamzah (ra) like this. He said that they should return to their homes and that from that day forward, no one should wail over the deceased. Thus, the Holy Prophet (sa) remained mindful of their sentiments, while also wisely putting an end to this tradition of wailing. 

Burial of Hazrat Mus’ab bin Umair (ra)

His Holiness (aba) said that when the Holy Prophet (sa) found the body of Hazrat Mus’ab (ra) who had been martyred, he recited the following verse of the Holy Qur’an:

‘Among the believers are men who have been true to the covenant they had made with Allah. There are some among them who have fulfilled their vow, and there are others among them who still wait, and they have not changed their condition in the least.’ (The Holy Qur’an, 33:24)

Then, the Holy Prophet (sa) attested that such people would maintain the rank of martyrdom in the sight of Allah the Almighty on the Day of Judgement.

His Holiness (aba) quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad (ra) who writes:

‘One honourable man from among the martyrs of Uḥud was Mus‘ab bin ‘Umair (ra). He was the first Muhajir who came to Madīnah as a missionary of Islam. In the era of the Jahiliyyah, among the young men of Makkah, Mus‘ab (ra) was considered to be the most well-dressed and elegant, and lived in great comfort and luxury. After accepting Islam, his condition was transformed completely. In fact, there is a narration that on one occasion, the Holy Prophet (sa) saw him dressed in a cloth which was covered with numerous patches. At this, the Holy Prophetsa was reminded of his earlier life, and the eyes of the Holy Prophet (sa) began to glisten with tears. When Mus‘ab (ra) was martyred at Uhud, he did not even have enough cloth by which his body could be covered fully. If his feet were covered, his head would become exposed, and if his head was covered, his feet would become bare. As such, according to the instruction of the Holy Prophet (sa), his head was covered with cloth and his feet were covered with grass.’

(The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa), Vol. 2, pp. 346-347)

His Holiness (aba) said that after the Battle of Uhud, the Holy Prophet (sa) made a prayer. He instructed the Muslims to make rows behind him, and then made a prayer extolling Allah, His power and might, He prayed for Allah to bestow such blessings that could never be removed or taken away. He prayed for peace on the Day of Judgement. He prayed for remaining safe from all evil. He prayed for faith to become dear and beloved to them and for all evil to become abhorrent. He prayed for them to die in a state of being believers and to remain alive in a state of believers. He prayed for the destruction of those who rejected all prophets and for the disbelievers to be ruined. 

Pivotal Role of Muslim Women in the Battle of Uhud

His Holiness (aba) said that the female Companions played a pivotal role during the Battle of Uhud. It is recorded that Hazrat Umm Salamah (ra) partook in the Battle of Uhud. When the Holy Prophet (sa) was on the way to Uhud for the battle, the Holy Prophet (sa) stopped along the way to rest, at which point Hazrat Umm Salamah (ra) brought him some food to eat. It is recorded that during the battle, Hazrat A’ishah (ra) and Hazrat Umm Sulaim (ra) were seen bringing water to the Muslims. Hazrat Umm Sulaim (ra) and Hazrat Umm Atiyyah (ra) also rendered the same service. 

His Holiness (aba) said there were also some Muslim women who actively fought in the battle with swords and spears in hand. For example, there was Hazrat Umm Ammarah (ra), who protected the Holy Prophet (sa) from the attacks of Ibn Qum’ah. There were also some female Companions who came to the battlefield after the battle had finished, such as Hazrat Fatimah (ra) who hugged her father, the Holy Prophet (sa) upon seeing him and started to wash his wounds. 

His Holiness (aba) said that in Madinah, Hazrat A’ishah (ra) left her home to find out about what had happened in the battle. Upon reaching Harrah, she came across Hazrat Hind bint Amr, sister of Hazrat Abdullah bin Amr. She was guiding a camel that was carrying the bodies of her husband, her son and her brother. When Hazrat A’ishah (ra) asked her about the conditions of the war, Hazrat Hind (ra) replied by saying that the Holy Prophet (sa) was fine, and so long as he was fine, then nothing else mattered. She was carrying the bodies of three of her deceased family members, yet all she cared about was the wellbeing of the Holy Prophet (sa). 

His Holiness (aba) said that on the day of the Battle of Uhud, the Holy Prophet (sa) pointed out a disbeliever to Hazrat Sa’d (ra) and instructed him to shoot an arrow at him. This arrow did not have a point, and was essentially a mere stick, however, when it struck the disbeliever and moved him out of the way, the Holy Prophet (sa) smiled, because even with such an arrow, Allah the Almighty moved this disbeliever out of the Muslims’ way. It was also on this occasion that the Holy Prophet (sa) said to Hazrat Sa’d (ra), ‘May my parents be sacrificed for you.’

His Holiness (aba) said that even whilst injured and in pain, the Holy Prophet (sa) maintained his composure and continued guiding the Muslims. One of the Holy Prophet’s (sa) bottom teeth broke after being struck by a stone and his bottom lip also started bleeding. The Holy Prophet (sa) prayed against Utbah bin Abi Waqqas who had thrown the stone, that he may die in the state of disbelief during the same year. It so happened that Utbah died the same day at the hands of Hatib bin Balta’ah. The Holy Prophet (sa) said that God was pleased with Hatib. 

His Holiness (aba) said that Hazrat Umm Ammarah (ra) and her sons partook in the Battle of Uhud. The Holy Prophet (sa) prayed for her entire family, that God may shower them with His mercy and blessings. Hazrat Umm Ammarah (ra) requested the Holy Prophet (sa) to pray that they may accompany him in heaven. She said that she did not care about what happened to her in this world. This was the example established by the female Companions and their love for the Holy Prophet (sa). These were the women who did not care for worldly things but gave precedence to their faith.

His Holiness (aba) said that he would continue narrating these incidents in the future.

The Mubarak Mosque

Funeral Prayers

His Holiness (aba) said that he would lead the funeral prayers in absentia of the following deceased members:

Ghussan Khalid al-Naqib

Ghussan Khalid al-Naqib of Syria who recently passed away. He is survived by his wife, a son and daughter. He accepted Ahmadiyyat during the time of the Fourth Caliph (rh), and later his son converted as well. His wife and daughter have not yet accepted Ahmadiyyat. Upon seeing the Fourth Caliph on the programme Liqa Ma’al Arab, he realised that if anyone was truthful it was this man, and thus he accepted Ahmadiyyat. He also became part of the Wasiyyat scheme. He studied the literature of the Community and would take notes. He wished to remain alive long enough to study all the books of the Promised Messiah (as) and his Caliphs, to make up for the time he had lost. He loved the commentary of the Holy Qur’an written by the Second Caliph (ra). He helped in the revision of the Arabic transcript of His Holiness’ (aba) Friday sermons, along with the Arabic translations of other books as well. He also compiled a book about the prophets of God based on content from the Grand Exegesis by the Second Caliph (ra). He also made significant contributions to the Al-Taqwa magazine. His Holiness prayed that may Allah grant him forgiveness and mercy, elevate his station and accept his prayers for his children. 

Noushaba Mubarak

Noushaba Mubarak wife of Jalees Ahmad, a missionary serving in the archives and Al Hakam departments. She passed away in an accident in Pakistan. She is survived by her husband, parents, four brothers and two sisters. Her husband says that he is grateful that God granted him a wife who possessed many great qualities. Having married a life-devotee, she always gave precedence to her faith and never made any sort of demands. She was always a source of happiness for others. She served the Community in various ways and helped her husband in his work as well. She would complete a complete recitation of the Holy Qur’an at least three times and sometimes even four complete readings during the month of Ramadan. She was very kind and loving to all. She loved the Caliphate a great deal. His Holiness (aba) prayed that may Allah elevate her station and grant patience to her family. 

Razia Sultana

Razia Sultana wife of the late Abdul Hamid Khan of Rabwah. She was the mother of Abdul Qayyum Pasha, the National President and Missionary in-charge of the Community in Ivory Coast. She loved to study the books of the Promised Messiah (as), and she read all of his books multiple times along with completing the reading of the Second Caliph’s (ra) commentary of the Holy Qur’an. She had complete trust and faith in God, and despite her husband having passed away, she was content with the fact that her only son would become a life-devotee. She is survived by a son and two daughters. Her son was unable to attend his mother’s funeral because of his duties in the field. His Holiness (aba) prayed that may Allah grant him patience, and elevate his mother’s station.

Bushra Begum

Bushra Begum wife of Dr Muhammad Saleem of Lahore. She was the mother of Muhammad Naeem Mazhar, Missionary in-charge of the Community in Sierra Leone. She is survived by two sons and five daughters. Due to being in the field of service, her son was unable to attend her funeral. She was not born an Ahmadi, but her search for the truth led her to Ahmadiyyat and she pledged allegiance at the hand of the Second Caliph (ra). She was prepared to make any sacrifice for the sake of Ahmadiyyat. She was very prayerful, brave and resolute. She would endure hardships without making any complaint. She would be at the forefront of participating in financial appeals made by the Caliphs. His Holiness (aba) prayed that may Allah grant her forgiveness and mercy and accept her prayers for her children.

Rashid Ahmad Chaudhary

Rashid Ahmad Chaudhary of Norway. He endured his illness with great patience and steadfastness. His father went to Qadian and pledged allegiance at the hand of the Second Caliph (ra) and later devoted his life for the service of Islam and served in various capacities. Rashid Ahmad Chaudhary served in Rabwah during its early days and worked as an electrician for the residence of the Caliph during the eras of the Second and Third Caliphs, along with other Community buildings. After moving to Norway he remained at the forefront of serving the Community in various ways and capacities. His Holiness (aba) said that he knew him before becoming the Caliph, but their bond grew stronger afterwards. His Holiness (aba) said that their fathers were also very close. His Holiness (aba) said that Rashid Ahmad Chaudhary’s father was always smiling and was very kind, and his son resembled those qualities. He was always ready to serve humanity without any discrimination. His Holiness (aba) prayed that may Allah grant him forgiveness and mercy. He is survived by his wife, two sons and four daughters. He was the brother-in-law of Inamul Haq Kausar, National President and Missionary In-charge of the Community in Australia. His Holiness (aba) prayed that may Allah grant everyone patience.

Summary prepared by The Review of Religions


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