The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa)

Friday Sermon Summary 15th November 2024: ‘Incidents Prior to the Treaty of Hudaibiyah’

After reciting Tashahhud, Ta‘awwuz and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) said that he would begin mention of the Treaty of Hudaibiyyah. 

Promise of a Clear Victory

His Holiness (aba) said that the Treaty of Hudaibiyah took place in Dhu al-Qa’dah 6 AH, or March 628 AD. This is also known as the Expedition of Hudaibiyah. God Almighty revealed an entire chapter of the Holy Qur’an regarding the Expedition of Hudaibiyah called Surah al-Fath (The Victory). It begins as follows:

‘Verily, we have granted thee a clear victory. That Allah may cover up for thee thy shortcomings, past and future, and that He may complete His favour upon thee, and may guide thee on a right path; and that Allah may help thee with a mighty help.’ (The Holy Qur’an, 48:2-4)

His Holiness (aba) said that Hudaibiyah was the name of a well that in early Islam, was used by travellers and pilgrims. It was located nine miles from Makkah. It was here that a treaty was formed between the Quraish of Makkah and the Muslims. 

His Holiness (aba) said that history tells us that the Holy Prophet (sa) had seen a dream on the basis of which he travelled to Hudaibiyah. In the dream, he saw that along with his companions, he was peacefully entering Makkah with shaven heads. He saw that he entered the Ka’bah and that he took possession of its keys. He also saw himself staying with those who stayed at Arafat. As such, after seeing this dream, the Holy Prophet (sa) gathered all those around to accompany him on this journey. They set out without any weapons except for their sheathed swords, which was customary for Arabs to take along with them on every journey. The Holy Prophet (sa) was asked why he didn’t take weaponry with him knowing that there was a threat posed to Muslims by the Makkans. The Holy Prophet (sa) said that since he was setting out for the Umrah (lesser pilgrimage), he did not wish to take weapons with him.

His Holiness (aba) quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad (ra) who writes:

‘Upon seeing this dream, the Holy Prophet (sa) instructed his companions to prepare for ‘Umrah. ‘Umrah, was as if a lesser Hajj, wherein various rites of the Hajj were left out and only Tawaf of the Baitullah and an animal sacrifice would suffice. Furthermore, unlike the Hajj, there was no specified time of the year for the ‘Umrah either. This worship could be performed any time of the year. On this occasion, the Holy Prophet (sa) also announced to the companions that since this journey was free from any intentions of violent confrontation, rather, it was merely for the purpose of performing peaceful religious worship, the Muslims should not take their weapons along with them. Albeit, as per the custom of Arabia, swords could be kept in their sheaths in the manner of a wayfarer.’

(The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa), Vol. 3, pp. 118-119)

Number of Muslims Present During the Expedition of Hudaibiyah

His Holiness (aba) said that there are various narrations about the number of Muslims at the Expedition of Hudaibiyah. Some say there were more than 1,000, some say 1,300, while another narration says 1,400. Other narrations even mention 1,700 Muslims. 

His Holiness (aba) said that the Holy Prophet (sa) donned clothes made of Yemeni cloth and then set out upon him camel Qaswah. His wife, Hazrat Umm Salamah (ra), accompanied him on this journey. Upon arriving at Dhul Hulaifah, the Holy Prophet (sa) offered the early afternoon prayer, after which he marked the animals which were for sacrifice and placed collars on them and the Muslims followed suit. The Muslims had 200 camels on this journey.

The Holy Prophet (sa) Sets Out Towards the Ka’bah

His Holiness (aba) said that the Holy Prophet (sa) entered the state of Ihram at Dhu al-Hulaifah so that it would be known that he had set out towards the Holy Ka’bah. As he continued his journey the Holy Prophet (sa) would recite:

‘Here I am, O Allah here I am. Here I am, You have no partner, here I am. Indeed all praise and bounty are Yours and Yours in the kingdom. You have no partner.’

His Holiness (aba) said that the Holy Prophet (sa) sent a small contingent ahead to find out about the movements of the Quraish to ensure that they were not up to any sort of mischief. It was reported to him that there were some idolaters ahead along the way who could pose a threat to the Muslims. As such, the Holy Prophet (sa) sent Hazrat Abu Qatadah (ra) who had not entered the state of Ihram along with a contingent towards him. 

The Miracle of Increasing Water

His Holiness (aba) said that certain miracles also took place during this journey. There came a point during the journey when there was no water remaining except for that in the vessel of the Holy Prophet (sa). The companions gathered around the Holy Prophet (sa) and told them that the water he had was all that remained and they did not have any water. The Holy Prophet (sa) placed his hand in the vessel and it is said that it was as though streams of water flowed from the Holy Prophet’s (sa) fingers and they were all able to drink to their fill and perform ablution. 

Trouble En Route to the Ka’bah

His Holiness (aba) said that when the Quraish learned about the Muslims’ intentions to visit the Ka’bah, knowing they did not intend for battle, the Quraish intended to stop them from entering Makkah. They sent troops to block their path so that they would be unable to enter Makkah. One of the Holy Prophet’s (sa) informants told him about the Quraish’s intentions and movements. The Holy Prophet (sa) consulted with the companions as to whether the Muslims should blow a strike of defeat to those who were blocking their way. Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) suggested that as they had only set out to visit the Holy Ka’bah, they should maintain their course only for this purpose.

His Holiness (aba) said that upon learning that Khalid bin Walid and his army had set out to block the Muslims’ path, the Holy Prophet (sa) adopted another route which led the Muslims to Hudaibiyah. 

His Holiness (aba) quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad (ra) who writes:

‘After a journey of a few days, when the Holy Prophet (sa) neared a place called ‘Usfan, which is situated at approximately two day’s journey on the road to Makkah, the messenger of the Holy Prophet (sa) informed him that the Quraish were furious and firmly determined to stop him to the extent that in the expression of their rage and barbarity, they had put on cheetah skins and were fully bent on war, in order to stop the Muslims in all instances. It was also ascertained that the Quraish had sent forth a cavalry unit of a few daring riders under the command of Khalid bin Walid who had not yet become Muslim, and that this cavalry had reached near the Muslims and that ‘Ikrimah bin Abi Jahl was also a part of it. When the Holy Prophet (sa) heard this news, he instructed the companions to divert from the known route to Makkah and proceed from the right in order to prevent conflict. So, the Muslims began to move forward from a very difficult and burdensome route near the coast.’

(The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa), Vol. 3, pp. 120-121)

His Holiness (aba) said that when the Holy Prophet (sa) was making his way to Hudaibiyah, his camel stopped and would not move despite the Muslims trying to make it move. The Holy Prophet (sa) said that the camel had stopped according to Allah’s will. Then the Holy Prophet (sa) said that he would meet whatever demand the Quraish made so long as it did not contradict the honour of God .Then, the Holy Prophet (sa) urged the camel to stand and it did and continued on to Hudaibiyah.

His Holiness (aba) quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad (ra) who writes:

‘It also rained that very night or soon after. Consequently, when the Holy Prophet (sa) arrived for the morning prayer, the plain was full of water. The Holy Prophet (sa) smiled and said, “Do you know what your God has stated upon this occasion of rain?” As per their custom, the companions responded, “God and His messenger know best.” The Holy Prophet (sa) said, “God the Exalted states, ‘Among my servants there are some who have awakened this morning in a state of belief, while others have wavered in a state of disbelief. For those who said that this rain was given to us through the mercy and grace of God, they have remained firm upon the essence of faith. However, as for those who said that this rain has come to us due to such and such star, have undoubtedly believed in the star, but disbelieved in God.’” By this statement, full of the riches of (divine) unity, the Holy Prophet (sa) taught his companions that undoubtedly by the system of means and causes in order to run the universe, God has set up various kinds of means and regarding the issue of rain, etc., we do not deny the effect of heavenly bodies. However, true unity is that despite these middle means, the sights of man should not become negligent of that ever so Hidden Being, Who is the Creator of all these means and is the Cause of all Causes in this universe, without Whom these materialistic means are no more significant than a dead insect.’

(The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa), Vol. 3, pp. 122-123)

His Holiness (aba) said that while at Hudaibiyah, the Holy Prophet (sa) instructed for the camels to be slaughtered and distributed. The Holy Prophet (sa) was also gifted some goats which he also instructed to be distributed amongst the Muslims. 

His Holiness (aba) said that he would continue mentioning these details in the future. 

Funeral Prayers

His Holiness (aba) said that he would lead the funeral prayers of the following deceased members:

Shehryar Raking

Shehryar Raking of Bangladesh son of Muhammad Abdullah Wahab. After the Bangladesh government fell there was a great deal of chaos and the opponents of Ahmadiyyat took advantage and continuously attacked Ahmadis, burning their homes and waging attacks on various properties of the Community.  The infiltrated one of the properties and attacked the youth who were performing security duty. It was during this attack that Shehryar suffered a severe blow to the head. After three months of treatment he succumbed to his injuries and passed away, thus attaining the rank of martyrdom. 

He is survived by his parents, grandparents, a sister and two brothers. He was active in serving the Community. He was always regular in offering prayers and always gave precedence to serving the Community. He was also very helpful at home. He was a social person and would easily get to know new people. He had been preparing to enrol in Jamia Ahmadiyya Bangladesh just like his older brother. However, his mother had seen a dream which indicated the martyrdom of her son. He was always ready to serve for whatever duty was required. He would help wake others up for the pre-dawn voluntary prayers and morning prayers. He had once expressed upon hearing His Holiness (aba) mention a martyr in one of his sermons, that he too wished to one day be mentioned in this way. As such, his desire has been fulfilled. His Holiness (aba) prayed that may Allah elevate his station and grant patience to his family.

Abdullah Odeh

Abdullah Asad Odeh from Kababir who recently passed away. He was from a family who was very attached to missionaries of the Community. From the time of the Second Caliph (ra) till now, he was very attached to the Caliphs of the Community and would maintain correspondence. He had the honour of serving the Community in various capacities. After his retirement, he was nominated to represent Islam in the department of religious affairs. Due to his being an Ahmadi there was opposition to this nomination. He remained firm in his faith and removed himself from consideration. He had the opportunity of serving Hazrat Chaudhry Zafrulla Khan (ra) during his visit to Kababir. He assisted in the new development of Madrassa Ahmadiyya. He wrote many articles and also translated the commentary of Surah al-Kahf from English to Arabic. He also wrote articles and books in defence of Ahmadiyyat. He was a true servant of Ahmadiyyat. He was also approached to enter politics; however, he declined, saying that politicians have their own principles, while his principles are rooted in Ahmadiyyat. He is survived by three sons, three daughters and 14 grandchildren. His Holiness (aba) prayed that may Allah grant him forgiveness and mercy, elevate his station and enable his progeny to follow in his footsteps.

Summary prepared by The Review of Religions


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