The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa)

Friday Sermon Summary 17th January 2025: ‘The Expeditions of Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra) & Amr bin Umayyah Damri (ra)’

After reciting Tashahhud, Ta‘awwuz, and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) said that he would continue mentioning expeditions from the life of the Holy Prophet (sa).

Expedition of Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra)

His Holiness (aba) said that there was the Expedition of Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra) which took place in Shawwal 6 AH. When Abu Rafi’ was killed, the Jews appointed Usair bin Rizam as their leader. He announced that he would be different from previous Jewish leaders and that the Holy Prophet (sa) would not be victorious over the Jews on his watch. He started visiting different Jewish tribes to incite them to fight against the Holy Prophet (sa).

His Holiness (aba) quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad (ra) who writes:

‘When the Holy Prophet (sa) was informed of these circumstances, he immediately sent an Ansari companion named Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra) along with three other companions to Khaibar, and instructed them to travel stealthily, ascertain intelligence as to the state of affairs and return quickly. Therefore, Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra) and his companions secretly gathered intelligence as to all the circumstances and details and after having confirmed the reports were correct, they returned home. As a matter of fact, Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra) and his companions worked so vigilantly that they circled the nearby fortresses of Khaibar, and closely reached the meeting places of Usair bin Rizam, and personally heard from Usair and his companions their various plans against the Holy Prophet (sa). During those days, a non-Muslim named Kharijah bin Husail coincidentally came to Madinah from Khaibar and confirming Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra) said, “I have left Usair in such a state that he is mustering his armies to strike Madinah.”

After this verification, the Holy Prophet (sa) sent thirty companions under the leadership of Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra) to Khaibar. The exact guidance of the Holy Prophet (sa) given to this party whilst sending them off, cannot be ascertained. Nonetheless, from the discourse which took place between Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra) and Usair bin Rizam in Khaibar, it becomes apparent that the desire of the Holy Prophet (sa) was to call Usair to Madinah and to agree a mutual settlement, by which this course of mischief could be stopped and a state of peace and safety could prevail in the land. In this desire, the Holy Prophet (sa) was so keen, that even if it meant accepting Usair as the leader of the region of Khaibar, he was willing to do so, on the condition that he would refrain from further mischief-making against Islam.

When the party of Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra) reached Khaibar, first and foremost, they took an assurance of peace and security from Usair bin Rizam for the duration of their discourse. This illustrates that at the time, the threat had grown to such an extent that the Muslims believed that perhaps a state of treachery would develop from the party of Usair, during the very discussions. Usair declared that he would not act treacherously, but in order to keep his own dignity, he sought a similar assurance from Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra) as well. However, the fact that Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra) was first in this regard, clearly reveals who was the actual threat. In any case, after this agreement, Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra) began his discussion with Usair. The crux of this discussion was that the Holy Prophet (sa) wishes to settle an agreement of peace and security with them, so that the mutual war could be halted, and the best way for this would be for him to come to Madīnah and personally speak to the Holy Prophet (sa). If an agreement of this kind could be settled, he trusted that the Messenger of Allah would deal with them with goodness, and would possibly even accept him as the official chieftain of Khaibar. Usair, who desperately craved position or perhaps had ulterior motives, was pleased with this proposal, or so he expressed. However, at the same time, he gathered the Jewish ministers and sought their counsel in this matter; expressing that the following proposal has been presented by the Muslims and asking what should be done. The Jews, who were blind in their ignorant animosity, generally objected to this proposal. Furthermore, in order to hold Usair back from this course, they said, “We do not believe that Muhammad (sa) will accept you as the leader of Khaibar.” Usair, who was more informed of the state of affairs, remained firm on his intention and said, “You have no idea. Muhammad (sa) is fed up by this war, and in his heart he desires to bring this course of conflict to an end at any expense.

Therefore, Usair bin Rizam prepared to journey to Madinah with the party of Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra), and just like Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra), he too brought thirty Jews to accompany him. When these two parties left Khaibar and reached a place called Qarqarah, which was at a distance of 6 miles from Khaibar, the intention of Usair changed. Or possibly, if he had harboured evil intentions, the time for their expression had now come. So, during conversation, he very cleverly reached for the sword of a very honourable individual of the Muslim party named Abdullah bin Anis Ansari (ra). Abdullah immediately understood that the intentions of this wretched man were different. Therefore, he immediately urged his camel on by the heel and brought it ahead and then turned around to Usair and said, “O enemy of God! Do you wish to betray us?” Abdullah bin Anis (ra) repeated these words twice, but Usair did not respond, nor did he exonerate himself. Instead, he prepared for war. This was perhaps a predetermined indication among the Jews that if such a state presents itself, everyone should rush in upon the Muslims. Therefore, at that location upon the very route, fighting broke out between the Jews and Muslims. Although both parties were equal in number and the Jews were already mentally prepared, whilst the Muslims were completely without intention, the grace of Allah was such that although some Muslims were injured, there was no loss of life. Conversely, every single Jew felt the taste of his bitter treachery and was annihilated.

When this party returned to Madinah and the Holy Prophet (sa) was briefed on the state of affairs, he thanked God for the safe and peaceful return of the Muslims and said:

“Thank God for having saved you from this cruel nation.”

In relation to this occurrence, various Christian historians have alleged that the party of Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra) brought Usair, etc. out of Khaibar with the intention that whenever they found the opportunity en-route, they would kill them. However, this allegation is nothing more than an unpleasant exhibition of western obstinacy. As mentioned above, no evidence can be found in history that Muslims went there with this intention. As a matter of fact if one reflects, putting other evidence to one side, the words of Abdullah bin Anis, ‘O enemy of God, do you intend to betray us?’ and then the words of the Holy Prophet (sa), ‘Thank God for having saved you from a cruel nation,’ alone are enough to prove that the intention of the Muslims was completely pure and peaceful. Whatever occurred was merely a result of the treachery which the Jewish people wished to carry out against the Muslims, in accordance to their habit. By the grace of God, it backfired against them.

(The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa), Vol. 3, pp. 101-105)

The Expedition of Amr bin Umayyah Damri (ra)

His Holiness (aba) said that then there was the Expedition of Amr bin Umayyah Damri which was sent towards Abu Sufyan. His Holiness (aba) quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad (aba) who writes:

‘There is a disagreement amongst historians with regards to the date of this expedition. Ibni Hisham and Tabari have recorded it in 4 A.H., but Ibni Sa‘d has written it to be in 6 A.H. Allamah Qustalani and Zurqani have given precedence to the narration of Ibni Sa‘d, therefore, I have also mentioned it among the accounts of 6 A.H. Indeed, Allah knows best. Baihaqi has also supported the details of the account mentioned by Ibni Sa‘d, but from this account one cannot establish the period in which it took place.’

(The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa), Vol. 3, pp. 108)

His Holiness (aba) then quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad (ra) who details this expedition as follows:

‘The recollection of their disgraceful failure in the Ghazwah of Ahzab, inflamed the Quraish of Makkah. Naturally, this heartfelt rage had come mostly to the lot of Abu Sufyan, who was the chief of Makkah and had been especially humiliated during the expedition of Ahzab. For some time, Abu Sufyan continued to burn in this fire of rage, but at last, the matter became unbearable and the hidden flames of this fire began to flare up. Naturally, their greatest enmity, rather their actual enmity, was towards the person of the Holy Prophet (sa). For this reason, Abu Sufyan now thought that if no results had come about through outwardly strategies and schemes, then why not put an end to Muhammad (sa) by some hidden scheme? He knew that there was no official security around the Holy Prophet (sa). Quite the contrary, at times, the Holy Prophet (sa) would come and go, and walk the streets and alleys of the city completely unprotected. He would come to the mosque at least five times daily for the Salat and remained free and accessible whilst travelling. What better opportunity could there possibly have been for an assassin? As soon as this thought came to him, Abu Sufyan began to secretly consolidate his plan to assassinate the Holy Prophet (sa).

When he was fully determined to carry out his plan, one day, capitalising on an opportunity, he addressed a few young men of the Quraish with similar interests, saying, “Do you know that Muhammad [sa] freely roams the streets and alleys of Madinah?” These young men heard this news and quickly flew off. Not many days had passed when a young Bedouin man came to Abu Sufyan and began to say:

“I have heard your proposition and I am willing to do this. I am a strong hearted and mature individual, whose grip is severe and whose strike is sudden. If you appoint me to this task and assist me, I am ready to set out in order to kill Muhammad (sa). I have a dagger, which shall remain like the hidden wings of a wild vulture. I shall attack Muhammad (sa) and then run to join a caravan and the Muslims shall not be able to catch me. Furthermore, I am also very proficient in the streets of Madinah.”

Abu Sufyan said, “Enough, enough. You are the man we seek.” Then, Abu Sufyan gave him a swift camel and bid him adieu with some provisions, emphatically reminding him not to disclose this secret to anyone.

After having departed from Makkah, this man moved towards Madinah hiding by day and travelling by night. He reached Madinah on the sixth night. Ascertaining the whereabouts of the Holy Prophet (sa), he went straight to the mosque of the Bani Abdul-Ashhal, where the Holy Prophet (sa) was present. Those days, new people constantly visited Madinah, so no Muslim became suspicious of him. But as soon as the Holy Prophet (sa) noticed the man approaching him he said, “This man has come with an evil intention.” Upon hearing these words, he began to move towards the Holy Prophet (sa) even faster than before. However, Usaid bin Hudair (ra), a Chieftain among the Ansar, immediately sprung forward and clung to him and during this tussle his hand fell upon the man’s hidden dagger, whereupon the man screamed out in fear, “My death! My death!” When he was subdued, the Holy Prophet (sa) inquired of him, “Tell me truthfully, who are you and with which intention have you come?” He said, “If my life is spared, I will tell you.” The Holy Prophet (sa) said, “Yes, relate the entire account truthfully and you shall be forgiven.” Upon this he related the entire story to the Holy Prophet (sa) from beginning to end. He also told the Holy Prophet (sa) of the reward which had been promised to him by Abu Sufyan. Thereafter, this individual stayed in Madinah for a few days and then out of his own will became a Muslim, and thus, entered into the service of the Holy Prophet (sa).

This bloody conspiracy of Abu Sufyan made it even more incumbent than before to remain informed of the plots and intentions of the people of Makkah. As such, the Holy Prophet (sa) sent two of his companions, Amr bin Umayyah Damri (ra) and Salmah bin Aslam (ra), to Makkah. Considering the assassination attempt of Abu Sufyan and his past bloodthirsty schemes, the Holy Prophet (sa) permitted his companions to put an end to this war enemy of Islam, if the opportunity were to arise. However, when Umayyah (ra) and his companion reached Makkah, the Quraish were alerted, whereupon these two companions set back to Madinah fending for their lives. On their way back, they found two spies of the Quraish, whom the chieftains of the Quraish had sent to ascertain intelligence on the movements of the Muslims and to acquire information on the Holy Prophet (sa). It would not be surprising if this scheme was also a grounds for some other bloodthirsty conspiracy of the Quraish. However, it was by the grace of God, that Umayyah (ra) and Salmah (ra) learned of their espionage, upon which they desired to attack and imprison them, but they fought back. Consequently, in this battle, one spy was killed while the other was taken prisoner and brought back to Madinah.’

(The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa), Vol. 3, pp. 106-108)

His Holiness (aba) said that he would continue mentioning these incidents in the future. 

Appeal for Prayers in Light of Cruelties in Pakistan and Deceptive World Powers

His Holiness (aba) said that he constantly draws attention towards prayers for Pakistan, where conditions from time to time become very extreme. It seems that the government is in the hands of the extremists. Before it used to be that the minarets or domes of our mosques would be broken down. But just yesterday, under the guise of wanting to build a road, under the influence of clerics, an entire mosque of the Ahmadiyya Community, which was built even before the partition of India and Pakistan, was bulldozed and destroyed. These are the conditions today and it is only Allah the Almighty who can swiftly take such people to task and turn their actions back onto them. Hence, Ahmadis must focus a great deal on prayers. 

His Holiness (aba) said that in relation to Palestine, it is said that an agreement is in place, yet there are still incidents taking place. Some people are rejoicing over the agreement; however, the forces of the antichrist cannot be trusted at all. They say one thing and do another. Hence, there is no need to become so happy; rather, the focus should be on increased prayers. Muslims should use wisdom in attaining their rights; may Allah the Almighty enable them to do so. 

Funeral Prayers 

His Holiness (aba) said that he would mention a few deceased members of the Community whose funeral prayers he would lead in absentia.

Sheikh Mubarak Ahmad

Sheikh Mubarak Ahmad who was the Nazir Diwan in Rabwah. He served as a teacher at Talimul Islam High School for about 15 years and then taught in various other government schools. He served the Community for 40 years. He dedicated his life to the service of the faith during the time of the Fourth Caliph (rh). Thereafter he served in various capacities. He also served in different capacities in the auxiliary organisations of the Community. He would enjoin missionaries to develop a connection with God. He was regular in offering prayers. In all gatherings he would advise everyone to maintain a connection with Khilafat and would pray for his children to do the same. He fulfilled his pledge of devotion and His Holiness (aba) attested to this fact, as he also spent time working with him. He was an example of giving precedence to faith over the world. He would always strive to continue serving. Even when he was ill and his children would ask him to rest, he would say that his retirement would be at the time of his demise. He had a passion for studying and could always be found reading. He was quite proficient in the rules and regulations of the Community. He is survived by his wife, six daughters and a son. His Holiness (aba) prayed that may Allah grant him forgiveness and mercy.

Muhammad Munir Adelvi

Muhammad Munir Adelvi of Qatar. He is survived by three sons and a daughter. He was active in propagation, and was a good speaker. He participated in some programmes of the Fourth Caliph (rh) with Arabs on Muslim Television Ahmadiyya (MTA). He also penned 10 books. Though he had accepted Ahmadiyyat relatively recently he did a great deal of work. Due to his propagation efforts, he faced a great deal of opposition. He was also imprisoned in Syria for a period of time. Many people accepted Ahmadiyya through his efforts. He was devoted to Khilafat and had dedicated himself to Ahmadiyyat. He also translated various books from English into Arabic. He was very humble and would always watch all programmes relating to His Holiness (aba) on MTA. He ensured to offer his financial contributions before his demise. He would appear on television programmes where he would present the Ahmadiyya Muslim perspective, as a result of which he would even receive death threats. He would take any opportunity to speak about the Promised Messiah (as) and Ahmadiyyat. His Holiness (aba) prayed that may Allah grant him forgiveness and mercy and enable his children to carry on the legacy of his virtues. May Allah elevate his station.

Abdul Bari Tariq

Abdul Bari Tariq of Rabwah who was the in-charge of the Computer Section, Waqf-e-Jadid in Rabwah. He had cancer, and when he wrote to the Fourth Caliph (rh) he prescribed him some medicine and he was eventually able to beat the cancer. It was at the same time that Abdul Bari Tariq wrote to devote his life to the service of the faith. He rendered great service in computerising all the offices of the Community. He also computerised Ahmadiyya hospital systems in Nigeria and Benin. He is survived by his mother, wife, a son, and five siblings. He served the Community for 21 years completely selflessly, establishing an example for all other life-devotees. He vowed to serve until his last breath, which he did. His Holiness (aba) prayed that may Allah grant him forgiveness and mercy.

Summary prepared by The Review of Religions


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