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It is a sad fact of humanity that while we seek to blame others for any misfortune that befalls us, often it is our own actions that lead to catastrophic results. In this issue, we examine this trait from several directions. F i r s t l y, on the spiritual side, man has often used evil methods to force people to adopt a set of values. The Inquisition was such a tool used not only to quell unorthodox Christian beliefs, but also to force Muslims and Jews who maintained a view of their original faith even under pressure to convert. If we examine Mythology which is largely oral traditions from around the world, it is possible that we can find traces of original religions that were never recorded in written form. All religions teach peace, yet it is mankind that abuses religion to create disorder between diff e r e n t r e l i g i o n s . In the physical sphere, Science has both positive and negative elements. It depends upon how we use it. Who better than Professor Salam to remind us of the two extremes in the world created by either an excess or a paucity of Science? Religion teaches man to adopt a middle path, develop all faculties available to man, and at the same time, be conscious of our neighbours and nature around us. If we adopted this practice, we would be tolerant towards other belief systems and not force our views on others. Likewise we would ensure the benefits of technology are available to all. A balance in all spheres would lead to a more peaceful world. 2 The Review of Religions – March 2005 By Fazal Ahmad EDITORIAL

Tags: Peace

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