
Friday Sermon Summary February 23 2024: ‘Testimony of the World to the Fulfilment of the Prophecy of the Promised Reformer’

After reciting Tashahhud, Ta‘awwuz and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) said that he would mention certain aspects of the Prophecy of Musleh Maud (the Promised Reformer).

His Holiness (aba) said that this prophecy was made on 20 February 1886. In this prophecy, the Promised Messiah (as) was foretold of a son who would possess certain qualities. 

Why is the Promised Reformer Day Celebrated?

His Holiness (aba) first said that he would answer the question for children and others that if we do not celebrate birthdays, then why do we celebrate the birthday of Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra)? In this regard, it should be clear that we do not celebrate the birthday of Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (ra), rather, we celebrate the fulfilment of the prophecy made regarding the Promised Reformer. The Second Caliph (ra) (the Promised Reformer) was actually born on 12 January 1889. His Holiness (aba) said that at home, parents should explain to their children the greatness of this prophecy, which was vouchsafed to the Messiah who was foretold to come.

The Grand Prophecy

His Holiness (aba) read a portion of the prophecy which reads:

‘God, the Merciful and Noble, the Magnificent and High, Who has power to do all that He wills (glory be to Him and exalted be His name) addressed me in a revelation and said ‘I confer upon you a Sign of My mercy according to what you begged of me. So I have heard your entreaties and have honoured your prayers with My acceptance through My mercy and made your journey (i.e. the journey to Hoshiarpur and Ludhiana) a source of blessings for you. Therefore, a Sign of power, mercy, nearness is bestowed on you, a Sign of grace and beneficence is awarded to you and you are granted the key of success and victory. Peace on you, O victorious one. Thus did God speak so that those who desire life may be rescued from the grip of death and those who are buried in the graves may come out of them and so that the superiority of Islam and the dignity of God’s Word may become manifest unto the people and so that truth may arrive with all its blessings and falsehood may flee with all its ills, and so that people may understand that I am the Lord of Power – I do whatever I will – and so that they may believe that I am with you, and so that those who do not believe in God and deny and reject His religion and His Book and His Holy Messenger Muhammad (sa), the Chosen One may be confronted with a clear Sign and the way of the guilty ones may become manifest.

Rejoice, therefore, that a handsome and pure boy will be bestowed on you; you will receive an unblemished youth who will be of your seed and will be of your progeny…He will be extremely intelligent and perceptive…and will be filled with secular and spiritual knowledge…and will be the means of procuring the release of those held in bondage.’

His Holiness (aba) said this prophecy was fulfilled and a boy was born to the Promised Messiah (as) who fulfilled all of the 50 to 52 signs mentioned in the prophecy. Every day of his 52 Caliphate bears testament to the fulfilment of this prophecy. Some opponents say that of course Ahmadis will say that this prophecy was fulfilled, but they require other evidence.

A Man Vital to the Muslim World

His Holiness (aba) said that he would present the testimonies of such people who have no association with Ahmadiyyat and are renowned figures. For example, Maulana Ghulam Rasool Mehr is a known personality He was a writer, journalist and historian who worked with different newspapers. Once, someone went to him and Ghulam Rasool Mehr spoke with him about Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) and said that he had met with him and had an in-depth conversation with him. He found him to be vital to the Muslim world. He found him to have a great deal of pain in his heart for the Muslim world. He was extremely intelligent (a non-Ahmadi testified to a part of the prophecy). He never met anyone whose mind worked in terms of practical politics as did that of Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra). He was extremely saddened upon the demise of Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra). He regretted that the Muslim world did not honour Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) as he should have been, and despite heavy opposition, he never stopped.

A Man of Great Intellect and Philosophy

His Holiness (aba) also presented the example of Lala Kanwar Sein, former chief justice of Kashmir. After listening to a lecture delivered by Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) on the superiority of the Arabic language, he expressed his views and said that he was very happy upon hearing the lecture and said that, in fact, his father had learned Arabic from Hazrat Musleh Maud’s (ra) father, the Promised Messiah (as). He said that he had expected this lecture would be delivered in the old traditional style, however, the lecture was extremely intellectual and philosophical. He said that he listened to every word with great attention and greatly benefitted from it and said this lecture would have a profound effect on him for a long time to come. 

His Holiness (aba) said that in terms of education, Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) had not even passed his primary level education. However, God bestowed him with such knowledge that even others could not go without complimenting it. 

His Holiness (aba) said that a few months after Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) became the Caliph, a famous American priest came to meet him in Qadian. He presented some questions to Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra). These questions were quite intellectual and deep, and said that he had gone to various Muslim leaders in the country but did not find any satisfactory answers. Upon hearing the questions, some others around were afraid that perhaps Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) would not be able to answer the questions, but the priest insisted on asking him directly. Without any hesitation, Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) invited the guest in and then presented his questions. Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) calmly answered these questions in such a manner that the priest was left astonished. He said he had never heard such profound words from any other Muslims and that it certainly seemed that the Caliph was a great scholar and had a deep knowledge of world religions. He kissed Hazrat Musleh Maud’s (ra) hand and left. This is how the prophecy was fulfilled.

An Amazing Leader and Great Politician

His Holiness (aba) also presented the views of another non-Ahmadi who read Hazrat Museh Maud’s (ra) lecture on the Nehru report and said that he was anxious to have the opportunity to meet with him. He wished to convey to Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) that he was saving Muslims from the dangerous times Islam was passing through and not only does he impart religious knowledge, but he also imparts knowledge on political matters. He regarded him not only as an amazing religious leader but also a great politician. 

His Holiness (aba) presented the views of various other non-Ahmadi intellectuals, writers and scholars who lauded Hazrat Musleh Maud’s (ra) amazing knowledge, moral fortitude, high character, clear way of communication and his amazing work to help release those held in bondage. In fact, one editor of a newspaper said that it was not far when the ways of this organised Islamic sect would become established throughout the Islamic world. His Holiness (aba) said that these were the views of just and fair scholars. The scholars of today should look at themselves in the mirror and see whether it is these so-called clerics who have pain for Islam in their hearts or Ahmadis. 

His Holiness (aba) presented the views of the Secretary for India in the British Parliament, who said, “He has a good mind, and had carefully thought out his constitutional scheme.” This was said by a seasoned, well-educated politician, regarding someone who hardly had any education. How could this be? It was certainly in fulfilment of the prophecy regarding the Promised Reformer that God also filled him with secular knowledge.

His Role in World Affairs

His Holiness (aba) said that in light of the formation of the Israeli state and in order to educate Muslims from both a religious and secular perspective, Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) wrote a treatise titled Disbelief, United as One, which was also spread in the Arab world with the warning that they should take heed. This was also published in various Arabic newspapers. Many of the worries which Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) expressed at that time are what came to fruition then and now as well due to heedlessness. His Holiness (aba) encouraged all Ahmadis to read this treatise. 

His Holiness (aba) said that once Qaid-e-Azam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah sent a message to Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) requesting prayers for the establishment of Pakistan and all related matters. Upon receiving this message, Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) expressed that he had already been praying in this regard and said that Ahmadis would support him in his endeavours even if it meant doing so in the face of opposition. However, when Qaid-e-Azam approached others, such as Maulana Maududi, they expressed that they would not offer their support. Not only were Ahmadis prepared to make sacrifices in the face of opposition for the sake of Pakistan at that time, but they are prepared to do the same even today. Those who were against the formation of Pakistan are the ones leading the country now. His Holiness (aba) prayed that may Allah save the country from such people.

His Defence of Islam Against External Threats

His Holiness (aba) said that another great service rendered by Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) was to combat the Shuddi movement which sought to convert people to Hinduism. Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) commissioned missionaries at various stations to combat this movement. His efforts were lauded by newspapers which commended the fact that there are still those willing to stand up and defend the Islamic faith. If other Muslims did not like the efforts of the Ahmadiyya Community, then they should, at the very least, stand united. The salient features of the early Muslims are found now in the Ahmadi Muslims. This was being expressed by non-Muslims. This all stemmed from the pain which Hazrat Musleh Maud (as) had in his heart for the sake of Islam. 

His Holiness (aba) presented the views, comments and sentiments of various other scholars and writers who attested to the esteemed degree of knowledge and intellect possessed by Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) and the amazing work for the service of Islam, and all that he did to free the oppressed and grant them their rights, especially in the Indian subcontinent.  

Notable Works of the Promised Reformer

His Holiness (aba) said that there are numerous books which Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) has written on an array of topics in order to guide and educate Muslims, which span many volumes, and many are yet to be published as well. His speeches span about 35 to 36 volumes, his sermons span between 26 to 28 volumes. In any case, he has imparted great guidance. The greatest of all was the knowledge of the Holy Qur’an which he was bestowed by God, the like of which has not been seen anywhere else. There are so many of his notes on the Holy Qur’an which are perhaps double the amount of his ten-volume commentary titled The Grand Exegesis

His Holiness (aba) said that this prophecy was a sign for the truthfulness of the Promised Messiah (as) and a means of strengthening our faith. Many of Hazrat Musleh Maud’s (ra) books have also been published in English, and so those who do not know Urdu should benefit from this intellectual treasure as well. His Holiness (aba) prayed that may everyone have the ability to benefit from this intellectual treasure.

Appeal for Prayers Amidst Targeting of Ahmadis in Pakistan & Situation in the Middle East

His Holiness (aba) said that once again, opposition against the Community has increased in Pakistan. Politicians and clerics who lost in the recent election or did not get the results they wanted are targeting Ahmadis in order to spread disorder. This has always been their way, whenever they fail, they target Ahmadis to gain popularity, and this is what is happening now as well. They do whatever they can to achieve their own interests. Hence, not only should Ahmais remain vigilant they should also focus more on offering prayers and giving alms. May Allah the Almighty keep Ahmadis safe. 

His Holiness (aba) also urged continued prayers for the Ahmadis in Yemen. May Allah the Almighty create ease for them. Many of them are imprisoned, may Allah create the means for their release.

His Holiness (aba) also urged prayers for Palestinians; may Allah the Almighty have mercy on them and save them from the oppression of the big powers. 

Annual Convention in Ghana

His Holiness (aba) said that the Jalsa Salana (Annual Convention) of Ghana started yesterday and will continue until Saturday. His Holiness (aba) said to pray for its success; this Jalsa also marks the centenary of the Community in Ghana. His Holiness (aba) said that he would address the convention live from the UK tomorrow. His Holiness (aba) prayed for it to be blessed in every way.

Summary prepared by The Review of Religions 


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