Under the directive of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba), The Existence Project is collecting the inspiring incidents and spiritual experiences of Ahmadi Muslims on the acceptance of prayer.
Do you have an experience or know someone who does? Simply email us at:
Please send us a word document with the following:
- Full name
- Member code
- Auxiliary (Lajna/Khuddam/Ansar/Atfal)
- Jama`at (country)
- Active email address
- Your submission
- A short author bio not exceeding 50 words
- The Existence Project team humbly requests that the submissions not exceed 500 words. If the length is unavoidable, please do not exceed 1000 words.
- In the subject bar, please include “Submission: (Title of Your Incident)”.
- We are open to submissions from other languages and will try to facilitate the translations of submissions made.
We look forward to reading and sharing your beautiful experiences with the world.
Have any questions? Feel free to reach out to our team using the email above!
Jazakumullah Ahsanal Jaza!
The Review of Religions
Note: The Review of Religions will review all submissions. Those selected will then undergo the editorial process and will be published, Insha’Allah. Some entries may be selected for other projects; members will be contacted with further details in that case.