©Shutterstock Arif Khan, London, UK It’s that time of year again. The time when twinkling lights and shiny tinsel seek to outshine the long hours of darkness and wintry weather. The familiar festive excitement is almost tangible: plays, songs, warm fires, glinting trees, special...
Catholic Terrorist or Freedom Fighter? Who was this man? Why do British people burn effigies of him every year on 5th November?
© Shutterstock Fazal Ahmad, London, UK Location: Lourdes, FranceBelief: ChristianityEra: 1876 CE In 1858, a 14-year-old girl named Bernadette Soubirous claimed...
As the world holds their breath at the brink of World War 3, there is also growing speculation anticipating the return of Christ
Why was the fish used as a secret symbol amongst heavily persecuted early Christians? What significance does it have in the Bible?
A look through the significance of Lent in Christianity - how long it lasts, what it entails, and what Jesus (as) did during Lent.
@shutterstock In the previous article (refer to the September 2021 edition), a monotheistic interpretation of the term ‘son of God’ was laid out according to...
@shutterstock Azhar Goraya, Mexico One of the arguments put forward by Christians in trying to prove the divinity of Jesus (as) is the claim that he was...
Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus (as). But was he actually born on 25 December?
God was not the literal father of Jesus (as), rather Jesus (as) was created through a special act of creation.
The belief that the virgin birth of Jesus in some way demonstrated his purity from original sin, or divinity is not sustained by the biblical texts
The virgin birth is an important tenet of Christian doctrine. Nevertheless, it is not well attested in the Gospel narrations.
Christianity claims that the virgin birth proves the divinity of Jesus Christ. However, a closer examination of Biblical texts casts doubt on this claim and...
Khalida Jamilah shares her deeply personal account of what Thanksgiving means to her as an immigrant living in America.
Neopagans and Conservative Christians don't have much in common. But when it comes to Halloween, there's something they do.