Islam teaches that everyone is free to change his faith and Muslims are instructed to defend places of worship of all religions – thus Islam does not violate the rights of anyone.
Why interest and hoarding money are forbidden in Islam?
In this study of why poverty is so widespread in Pakistan, the author offers solutions based on Qur’anic teachings.
Explaining the religious system in Islam and how it provides the most rational and practical methods to eradicate the obstacles to world peace.
Historic speech at the British Parliament on the current world economic crisis, how the Holy Qur’an provides hope and warning of spiritual neglect.
Offering a profound insight into world affairs and their impact on peace.
Despite the ease with which we can obtain debt and assume that it will be written-off if we do not repay, we must not forget our moral obligations as...
An analysis of the factors behind developing world debt and the need for a partnership in any solution to this injustice.
The author reflects on verses of the Qur’an and the hadith relating to economic values. Economic values go hand in hand with social values. Recognising that...
Bringing together all the arguments from various religions, traditions and institutions as to why lending on interest should be considered wrong with special...
If Islam prohibits lending at interest, how does Islam encourage investment and ensure that capital is not hoarded? Why, in fact, has Islam forbidden the use...
Review of Religions: Oct/Nov 2001 49 Why an example of any present Muslim Country cannot be a model Many Muslim countries today, u n f o r t u n […]
It is very important in Islam not to hoard money but to keep it working. How does Islam view placing money on the capitalist stock market system?
41 Economic Values (Sir Zafrulla Khan) In the economic sphere the basic concept in Islam is that absolute ownership of everything belongs to God alone (2:108;...
Muhammadans and Usury