‘‘Then the Promised Messiah(as) has given a very important advice and if people of all religions and all nations begin to act, peace can be established in the world. He has said do not intend to cause any harm or loss to any man belonging to any religion, nation or group. If all religions pledge amongst themselves that they will not cause any harm to any believer of another faith, then peace can be restored in the world. Religion is the choice of every person’s heart…if tribes and nations understand it well that they should not cause harm to each other, conflicts between nations would cease. Tribal wars would come to a halt. If every tribe acts within the law of the land, then such wars that cause so much loss to the nation, can never take place. The nation would begin to march forward on the path of progress.’
October 2005 – Concluding Address at the 20th Annual Convention, Uganda
7th October 2024
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