Guest Comments & Reflections on Gillingham Mosque Opening



“I thought it was an absolutely fantastic speech. Very, very, well thought out. It was a great address to the public and a real inspiration for those of us from the different parts of the community.”
Paul Monck
Councillor Cuxton Parish Council


“You’ve just got to look around; there are Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims, Christians, atheists, everyone’s here. If you can get all those groups together in one room and get everyone speaking in one voice then you’ll have achieved something.”
Councillor Andrew Mackness
Medway Council


“I’ve been overwhelmed by the warmth, the cultural diversity and the positive message. On the whole, it was a very unexpected and pleasant experience.”
Lieutenant Colonel Chris Warhurst
1st Commanding officer Royal school military engineers regiment


“I was very pleased to hear a very strong message about justice and how it’s the responsibility of all of us and I do feel that for me tonight, I felt that compassion, which is the heart of all true religions and it was good to be a part of that.”
Reverend Richard England


“I think it was very, very, encouraging. A lot of good common sense in there. Something to please everyone and to make everyone think about life in general and being a good community member.”
Mr. David Goddard
Medway African Caribbean Association


“I get a real sense of excitement actually that the mosque can be that catalyst for better community relations.  So, I think that because of the mosque, our community will get only stronger. I am very excited about the prospect.”
Mr Rob Price
Assistant Chief Constable Kent Police


“I think it’s an absolutely fantastic idea; really, really, true what His Holiness was saying about different types of environments, different types of religions, different types of people all coming together as one. A real, real, great inspiration and certainly a fantastic achievement to have this mosque built here in Gillingham.”
Paul Monck
Councillor Cuxton Parish council

“I think like all centres of any faith, it’s about outreaching to the community, it’s about community spirit, it’s about service not self and it’s about commitment to others.  And I think I saw that embodied in His Holiness’ words tonight and in all the comments made and it’s a great part of outreach; building a community and supporting it.”
Brigadier D W Southall
Commandant Royal School Military Engineers regiment


“It’s going to signal the regeneration of the area but it’s going to be very important because the community can make use of the facilities there and we can work together over the years and people can look back to tonight as a start of a new chapter in terms of our community relations.”
Mr. Adam Price
Councillor Gillingham North Ward


“He touched every aspect of religion. Even as a Roman Catholic myself, most of the things he said are the things we always preach about. It reminds me of our own 10 Commandments; love thy neighbour; do harm to nobody… All those things we take for granted, they make you lead a proper life.”
Dr. Albert Barnes

 To read more about the main event:


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  • Alhamdolillah, may Almighty Allah open their hearts and make them accept the true teachings of Islam.