High Moral Qualities of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa

He was always very patient in adversity. He was never discouraged by adverse circumstances nor did he permit any personal desire to get a hold over him. It has been related that his father had died before his birth and his mother died while he was still a little child. Up to the age of eight, he was in the guardianship of his grandfather and after his grandfather’s death, he was taken care of by his uncle, Abu Talib. Both on account of natural affection and also because he had been specially admonished in that behalf by his father. Abu Talib always watched over his nephew with care and indulgence but his wife was not affected by these considerations to the same degree. It often happened that she would distribute something among her own children, leaving out their little cousin. If Abu Talib chanced to come into the house on such an occasion he would find his little nephew sitting apart, a perfect picture of dignity and without a trace of sulkiness or grievance on his face. The uncle, yielding to the claims of affection and recognising his responsibility, would run to the nephew, clasp him to his bosom and cry out, “Do pay attention to this child of mine also! Do pay attention to this child of mine also!” Such incidents were not uncommon and those who were witnesses to them were unanimous in their testimony that the young Muhammadsa never gave any indication that he was in any way affected by them or that he was in any sense jealous of his cousins. Later in life when he was in a position to do so, he took upon himself the care and upbringing of two of his uncle’s sons, ‘Alira and Ja‘farra, and discharged this responsibility in the most excellent manner.

© Masood T
© Masood T

Throughout his life, the Holy Prophetsa had to encounter a succession of bitter experiences. He was born an orphan, his mother died while he was still a small child and he lost his grandfather at the age of 8 years. After marriage he had to bear the loss of several children, one after the other, and then his beloved and devoted wife Khadijara died. Some of the wives he married after Khadija’sra death also died during his lifetime and towards the close of his life he had to bear the loss of his son Ibrahim. He bore all these losses and calamities cheerfully, and none of them affected in the least degree either his high resolve or the urbanity of his disposition. His private sorrows never found vent in public and he always met everybody with a benign countenance and treated all alike with uniform benevolence. On one occasion, he observed a woman who had lost a child occupied in loud mourning over her child’s grave. He admonished her to be patient and to accept God’s will as supreme. The woman did not know that she was being addressed by the Holy Prophetsa and replied, “If you had ever suffered the loss of a child as I have, you would have realised how difficult it is to be patient under such an affliction.” The Prophetsa observed: “I have suffered the loss not of one but of seven children,” and passed on. Except when he referred to his own losses or misfortunes in this indirect manner, he never cared to dwell upon them, nor did he permit them in any manner to interfere with his unceasing service to mankind and his cheerful sharing of their burdens.[1]



  1. Hazrat Mirza Bashir-Ud-Din Mahmud Ahmadra, Life of Muhammadsa (Tilford, Surrey: Islam International Publications Ltd., 2013), 215-217.



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