The Rise of Materialism

The Promised Messiahas & Imam Mahdi (Guided One)
PM-211x300Founder of
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas

Countless prophets and messengers appeared in the world, and tirelessly toiled and strove to establish the Oneness of Allah, but today a dark veil has been drawn over it. Further, the people have fallen victim to various forms of polytheism. The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, enjoined that one ought not to love the world, but today, the love of the world dominates every heart and everyone seems immersed in this very love. When asked, some are averse to undertaking even an iota of work for the sake of religion; reluctance holds them back and they begin to invent thousands of excuses. Every form of misconduct and immorality is considered permissible and every possible transgression is brazenly committed. Religion has become fatally weak and stands helpless like an orphan.

In this state, if Islam had not been helped and supported, when else was it to confront such circumstances as would lend reason for its support? Islam remains only in name. If even now it were not afforded protection, it would undoubtedly perish. I truthfully say that only a lack of understanding prompts the question as to whether there is any difference between our community and other Muslims. If only one such matter existed, what need was there for such effort and why establish an entire community?

I am aware that Allah Almighty has repeatedly disclosed that darkness has fallen and nothing can be seen. The Oneness of God which was once our crown and the pride of Islam has now been reduced to mere lip service. Otherwise, there are perhaps very few who really profess the Oneness of God in terms of practice and belief. The Holy Prophetsa advised that one ought not to love the world, but now every heart is engrossed therein. Religion has become helpless as though it were an orphan. The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, clearly said: ‘Love of the world is the root cause of all vice.’1


1. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, The Advent of The Promised Messiah (Tilford, Surrey: Islam International Publications, 2016), 23-24.

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