After reciting Tashahhud, Ta‘awwuz and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) said that all praise belongs to Allah, as He enabled the Jalsa Salana (Annual Convention) UK to be held last year, as well as this year, and many blessings were witnessed over the three days.

Overcoming the Hurdle of Covid in Preparation for Jalsa Salana
His Holiness (aba) said that initially it was thought that perhaps the Jalsa would have to be held at a limited scale due to the Covid pandemic. However, a month before, it was decided to allow all members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in the UK. The administration was initially concerned as to how this could be held, however it was successfully held with many blessings.
His Holiness (aba) said that Jalsa is very eagerly anticipated, and when it finally arrives, it passes by so quickly that one does not even realise. There were various people who held reservations about attending the Jalsa due to Covid and other reasons. However, members of the Community were praying, and His Holiness (aba) said that he had been praying as well, and by the grace of Allah, the Jalsa went well.
Tireless Efforts of Volunteers in Fulfilling their Duties
His Holiness (aba) thanked all of the volunteers who worked selflessly from beginning to end. Young or old, man or woman, everyone worked with great effort and diligently. There are various shortcomings that come to light, however these are all things which can be improved for the future. Overall, everyone did due justice to their duty and His Holiness (aba) thanked everyone.
His Holines (aba) said that MTA did an excellent job with their coverage. This year, they built the entire studio themselves which helped save thousands of pounds. They were able to connect different countries around the world who could see each other, as everyone watched the Jalsa. His Holiness (aba) thanked MTA for showing the world the unity of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and silencing the opponents.
The Profound Impact of Jalsa Salana on People around the World
His Holiness (aba) presented various incidents from around the world of those who were impacted by watching the Jalsa Salana. A non-Ahmadi from Niger expressed their amazement at the level of obedience and unity under Khilafat (Caliphate), and how everyone sat silently listening to His Holiness.
His Holiness (aba) said that a non-Ahmadi Muslim from Burkina Faso watched the proceedings of Jalsa Salana and was moved to say that this is certainly the true Islam. Another non-Ahmadi Muslim from Syria said that have watched the Jalsa and the efforts made to spread the true message of Islam throughout the world, he would further study about Ahmadiyyat.
His Holiness (aba) said that a person originally from Guinea-Conakry was seeing all the various countries being displayed on the screen as they watched the Jalsa, however he did not see Guinea-Conakry. As soon as he thought of this, scenes from Guinea-Conakry were shown on screen. He also expressed his appreciation for the speech delivered by His Holiness (aba) on human rights.
His Holiness (aba) presented sentiments of a pastor from Zambia, who said that he initially thought that Islam usurped the rights of women. However, after listening to His Holiness’ (aba) address on human rights, he realised that rather than Christianity, it is Islam which establishes and upholds women’s rights in the truest sense.
His Holiness (aba) said that a person from the immigration office in Congo-Kinshasa joined the Community as he watched the proceedings of Jalsa Salana. After listening to the address by His Holiness, he started wondering why he wasn’t already an Ahmadi, and vowed to come more often and do more research.
His Holiness (aba) stated that an Albanian woman said that after watching the Jalsa she will sincerely consider the truthfulness of Ahmadiyyat and said that after listening to the addresses of His Holiness (aba), she found that she is in agreement with the things he said.
His Holiness (aba) said that a lady originally from Afghanistan said that she found great peace after hearing His Holiness (aba) and learning the manner in which Islam protects human rights. She said this was especially comforting, as in Afghanistan, under the rule of the Taliban, women hold no value. Yet, she learned the manner in which Islam establises and upholds women’s rights.
His Holiness (aba) said that there were two friends from French Guyana who said that two days before the Jalsa, they had been conversing about whether Islam has any teachings about human rights. They then joined the gathering to watch His Hoiness’ (aba) address to the ladies, and were astonished to learn hwo Islam upholds women’s rights.
His Holiness (aba) presented the sentiments of a new convert lady from Africa who said that after listening to His Holiness’ (aba) addresses, it is clear that we must not become Ahmadi only to convert others to Ahmadiyyat, rather we must reform ourselves so that people in society may see the true image of Islam through our conduct, and we must focusing on aligning our words and actions. His Holiness (aba) said that generally people perceive the African people to be uneducated, yet this lady from Africa has realised something which the learned of Europe have not been able to realise. Hence, this is a cause for reflection.
His Holiness (aba) said that a new convert from Kazakhstan said that words of His Holiness (aba) had a profound effect on him and his wife who sat together and watched all the Jalsa proceedings. He also prayed for all of the volunteers who helped put the entire Jalsa together.
His Holiness (aba) said that an 80-year old man from Zambia could not hold back his tears during the address of His Holiness (aba) and even had to step away as he was very emotional. Later, he explained that this was the first time he had ever heard the voice of the Caliph, which made him very emotional. Later, he expressed to the members of the Community, that filling the mosque with Ahmadis should not only be left to the missionaries, rather everyone must strive in this endeavour.
His Holiness (aba) said that a history teacher from Albania said that although he attended virtually, he felt as if he was actually present at the Jalsa. He said that this Jalsa was a resounding proof that the Ahmadiyya Community is united and ready to listen to the Caliph and implement his words. He said that the addresses of the Caliph were easy to understand for all people and his words should be acted upon.
His Holiness (aba) said that there is a 8.5 hour time difference between London and Adelaide, Australia. The Imam in Adelaide said that he had been worried as to whether people would come to watch the Jalsa, as it would be late at night for them. However, members of the Community exhibited great sincerity and came at night to watch the Jalsa proceedings and even stayed until 3 AM to watch the concluding address delivered by His Holiness (aba).
His Holiness (aba) said that an Arab lady wrote that she was extremely grateful to learn that she follows a religion which protects and safeguards the rights of women to such a degree. She said that she feels pride in conveying these teachings of Islam to her friends. She said that His Holiness (aba) also drew attention towards how women should uphold the rights of men, and she has been analysing how she can better do so for her father, brothers and husband.
His Holiness (aba) said that a new convert from Malaysia did not have enough money to pay for the internet to watch the proceedings of the Jalsa. Hence, he took some mangoes from a tree outside his house, sold them, and then with that money, he purchased enough internet data to be able to watch the Jalsa proceedings.
His Holiness (aba) said that a lady from Guinea-Bissau said that she had various reservations about Islam, however all of these reservations were removed when she heard the concluding address by His Holiness (aba) and then announced her acceptance of Islam Ahmadiyyat. She said that in today’s day and age, it is Khilafat that holds the answers to the world’s issues.
His Holiness (aba) said that a man from Albania listened to the addresses by His Holiness (aba) at Jalsa and said that they were full of references from the Holy Qur’an and incidents from the life of the Holy Prophet (sa). Later, after going home, he called and said that he had ready the ten conditions of bai’at (initiation) and decided to join the fold of Ahmadiyyat.
How the Coverage of Jalsa Salana Reached Millions around the World
His Holiness (aba) that 126 messages were received from officials of different parts of the world. 53 countries joined the Jalsa via video from around the world. BBC, ITV, Metro and other news outlets covered the Jalsa Salana, while eight websites with a total reach of 20 million also published articles about the Jalsa. In the print media, 14 articles about Jalsa were published, with readerships totalling 1.2 million. Jalsa Salana was covered in 32 TV programmes with viewerships of more than 12 million. Jalsa Salana was mentioned in 33 different radio programmes with more than 1 million listeners. Various people posted on social media about the Jalsa with a reach of more than 12 million people.
His Holiness (aba) said that MTA posts videos and images reached more than 4 million people. MTA Africa reports that the Jalsa Salana was shown on 20 TV channels in Africa, reaching 35 million people.
His Holiness (aba) said that The Review of Religions also covered the Jalsa through social media and YouTube. 40 articles were published, 12 videos were made and more than 110 social media posts were made reaching 300,000 people.
His Holiness (aba) said that these were only a few examples which he presented. His Holiness (aba) prayed that the effects of Jalsa may remain everlasting.

Funeral Prayers
His Holiness (aba) said that he would lead the funeral prayers of the following deceased members:
Nusrat Sultana Qudrat Sahiba
Nusrat Sultana Qudrat Sahiba of Canada, wife of Qudratullah Adnan Sahib. She was regular in offering prayers and was an angelic personality. Whilst in the hospital, there was no doctor to whom she did not propagate the message of Islam. There was a Muslim doctor who come to see her and listen to her recite the Holy Qur’an. She had profound love for Khilafat. She is survived by her husband and three sons, including Raziullah Noman, a student of Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada. Her husband says that she lived her life like a life-devotee. She had a special inclination towards propagation which she instilled in her children who possess an extraordinary passion for propagation, especially her son Raziullah Noman. His Holiness (aba) prayed that may Allah enable him and his siblings to always continue this legacy of their mother. His Holiness (aba) prayed that may Allah elevate her station in Paradise.
Chaudhary Latif Ahmad Sahib
Chaudhary Latif Ahmad Sahib who recently passed away. He was a life-devotee and served as Naib Wakilul Mal Tani and Naib Wakilul Mal Thalith. He also served in Africa. His years of service total more than half of his life. He was very simple and caring and treated all those who worked with him with kindness. His Holiness (aba) said that he has one son and one daughter, and prayed that may Allah grant him forgiveness and mercy and elevate his station in Paradise.
Mushtaq Ahmad Alam Sahib
Mushtaq Ahmad Alam Sahib of Kashmir. He is survived by his wife, six sons and two daughters. Three of his sons are missionaries, one of whom is serving in Senegal and could not attend his father’s funeral. His Holiness (aba) prayed that Allah grants them patience and prayed for the elevated station of the deceased.
Summary prepared by The Review of Religions.
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