After reciting Tashahhud, Ta‘awwuz and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) said that he would continue mentioning the Expedition of Banu Mustaliq.

Reconciling Varying Accounts of the Expedition of Banu Mustaliq
His Holiness (aba) said that according to Sahih al-Bukhari, when the Holy Prophet (sa) attacked the Banu Mustaliq their animals were being given water to drink. The Muslims fought against those who fought against them and imprisoned the rest.
His Holiness (aba) said that according to historians, there is some discrepancy as to whether the Banu Mustaliq were prepared or unprepared during the time of the attack. Some say that initially the Banu Mustaliq were not prepared but then upon realising the attack of the Muslims they began arranging their ranks.
His Holiness (aba) quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad (ra) who writes:
‘There is a narration regarding this Ghazwah in Sahih Bukhari, where it is related that the Holy Prophet (sa) attacked the Banu Mustaliq at a time when they were unaware and giving water to their animals. However, if one contemplates, this narration is not in contradiction to the account related by historians. Rather, both these narrations relate to two different times. That is to say, when the Muslim army reached close to the Banu Mustaliq, at the time, since they were unaware that the Muslims had reached so close (even though they were definitely aware that the Muslim army was about to arrive), they were still at ease in an unorganised state. It is this very state to which Bukhari has made mention. However, when they received news that the Muslims had arrived according to their previous preparation, they immediately aligned in battle array and prepared to fight. The historians have alluded to this second state. ‘Allamah Ibni Hajar and other research scholars have reconciled these two varying narrations in this very manner, and it is this elucidation which seems to be correct.
(The Life & Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa), p. 428)
Martyrdom of Hazrat Hisham bin Subabah (ra)
His Holiness (aba) said that a companion, Hazrat Hisham bin Subabah (ra) was martyred during this expedition, and that too by mistake, at the hands of the Muslims. Another Muslim, Hazrat Aus (ra) mistakenly took Hazrat Hisham (ra) to be a disbeliever. Hazrat Hisham (ra) had gone ahead looking for disbelievers; as he returned there was a storm and when he came close to Hazrat Aus (ra), he was mistaken for a disbeliever and killed him. Later, Hazrat Hisham’s (ra) brother demanded blood money for his brother, and thus the Holy Prophet (sa) instructed Hazrat Aus (ra) to pay the blood money. However, later on, Hazrat Hisham’s (ra) brother became apostate and killed Hazrat Aus (ra) to avenge his brother. It was against even the disbelieving Arab’s customs to kill someone to avenge a death after having received blood money from them. As such, a companion named Hazrat Numailah (ra) killed Hazrat Hisham’s (ra) brother, Mikyas, at the time of the Conquest of Makkah.
His Holiness (aba) said that with reference to this expedition, there is mention of angels helping the Muslims. It is recorded that when the Holy Prophet (sa) reached the Banu Mustaliq at Muraisi, the Banu Mustaliq saw such a large army and a large number of horses. Later, when Hazrat Juwairiyah (ra) became a Muslim and was married to the Holy Prophet (sa), she realised that the Muslims were not in as large number as described at the time of the battle. Hence, the only explanation was that it was God Almighty who inspired awe of the Muslims in the hearts of the Banu Mustaliq.
His Holiness (aba) said that 2,000 camels were received in spoils, 5,000 sheep, and people from 200 households were taken prisoner. Some historians have recorded the number of prisoners as being more than 700. Hazrat Buraidah (ra) was appointed to oversee the prisoners. Khumus – ⅕ of spoils reserved for Allah and His Messenger (sa) – was also given to the Holy Prophet (sa).
Marriage to Hazrat Juwairiah bint Harith (ra)
His Holiness (aba) said that among the prisoners was the daughter of the chieftain named Barrah, whose husband was killed in battle. When the prisoners were distributed she came under the custodianship of Hazrat Thabit bin Qais (ra). She came into an agreement of Mukatabat – an agreement to be freed after paying an agreed upon among – with him in order to secure her freedom. After making this agreement, she went to the Holy Prophet (sa) and told him her story and asked for help in paying her ransom to be freed. The Holy Prophet (sa) was impressed by her and the story she told him. It occurred to the Holy Prophet (sa) that seeing as she was the daughter of the chieftain, it may be that through her the paths of propagating the message of Islam to her people could become easier. Hence, the Holy Prophet (sa) intended to free her and then marry her. The Holy Prophet (sa) sent her a proposal for marriage and upon her agreement, he rendered the amount required for her to be freed and thereafter married her. The Holy Prophet (sa) gave her the name Juwairiah. When the companions saw that the Holy Prophet (sa) had married someone from the Banu Mustaliq, they did not like that they should keep the Holy Prophet’s (sa) wife imprisoned. As such, after the Holy Prophet’s (sa) marriage to Hazrat Juwairiah (ra), the companions freed the Banu Mustaliq of their own volition. As such, hundreds of the Banu Mustaliq were freed without any ransom.
His Holiness (aba) said that it is recorded that Hazrat Juwairiah’s (ra) father, Harith, had been coming to Madinah with some wealth in order to have his daughter freed. When he reached the Valley of Aqiq, he hid two of the camels he had with him in order to keep for himself. Then when he reached Madinah he presented the camels to the Holy Prophet (sa) as ransom. The Holy Prophet (sa) asked him, ‘Where are the two camels which you hid in a valley at Aqiq?’ Harith was greatly moved by the fact that the Holy Prophet (sa) knew this and accepted Islam. He said that it could only have been Allah who informed the Holy Prophet (sa) of this, because there was no one else with him in the Valley of Aqiq. Hence he along with two of his sons and others from his tribe also accepted Islam. A similar incident is also recorded pertaining to Hazrat Juwariah’s (ra) brother.
His Holiness (aba) quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad (ra) who writes:
‘Another narration which is related with regards to the marriage of Hazrat Juwairiyah (ra) is that when her father presented himself before the Holy Prophet (sa) to seek her release, he became a Muslim due to the Grace of the company of the Holy Prophet (sa). Then, upon receiving a proposal from the Holy Prophet (sa), he gladly and happily married his daughter off to the Holy Prophet (sa) himself.’
(The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa), Vol. 2, pp. 444-445)
Altercation Between Two Companions
His Holiness (aba) said after the battle with Banu Mustaliq, two companions got into a dispute whilst trying to draw water from a well in Muraisi. The Holy Prophet (sa) advised that such disputes should not arise and that everyone should treat each other as brothers. One of the companions involved in the dispute was Hazrat Sinan (ra). A group of Ansar explained what the Holy Prophet (sa) had said to the Holy Prophet (sa) and Hazrat Sinan (ra) agreed to concede. Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Sulool was within an earshot of this as was Hazrat Zaid bin Arqam (ra) who was still young. When Abdullah bin Ubayy saw all of this he expressed that he had never agreed with the faith of Islam, however the Holy Prophet (sa) arrived in Madinah and the Muslims became larger in number. Otherwise the Quraish can be likened to fattening one’s dog only for it to eat you. He then said that upon returning to Madinah, the most honourable person would drive out the most dishonourable. He turned to those who were with him and said that they had brought all this upon themselves by allowing the Muslims to live in Madinah. He tried to incite people, by saying that their people lost their lives for the sake of the Holy Prophet (sa) and that their children were left orphaned. When Hazrat Zaid (ra) heard this, he said to Abdullah bin Ubayy he said that the Holy Prophet (sa) was most honourable while Abdullah bin Ubayy was dishonourable. Later, Hazrat Zaid (ra) went and related all of these things to the Holy Prophet (sa). Initially, the Holy Prophet (sa) said that perhaps Hazrat Zaid (ra) was mistaken in what he had heard or perhaps he had some malice towards Abdullah bin Ubayy. However, initially, even the elder companions did not believe in what Zaid was reporting. There were some who went to Abdullah bin Ubayy and advised him to speak with the Holy Prophet (sa) and either seek forgiveness if he had said this lest a revelation was revealed to the Holy Prophet (sa) about him, or at least clarify the matter. However, when the Holy Prophet (sa) asked him, Abdullah bin Ubayy swore by God that he had not said what Zaid (ra) reported. However, there were some who believed that despite his young age, Zaid (ra) was telling the truth. It also seems that the Holy Prophet (sa) was inclined to believe Hazrat Zaid (ra) as well.
His Holiness (aba) said that as it was reported that Ibn Ubayy had said that upon returning to Madinah the honourable would drive our the dishonourable, the Holy Prophet (sa) instructed the Muslims to start their journey back to Madinah. However, the Holy Prophet (sa) instructed this at a time of day when the Holy Prophet (sa) would not usually travel. Ultimately, it would be proven that Abdullah bin Ubayy did in fact say what Hazrat Zaid (ra) reported and that the Holy Prophet (sa) did believe him but out of wisdom initially remained silent on the matter.
His Holiness (aba) said that he would continue narrating these incidents in the future.

Appeal for Prayers for Upcoming Jalsa Salana
His Holiness (aba) said that the Jalsa Salana (Annual Convention) of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK will be commencing next Friday. His Holiness (aba) urged prayers for its success and that Allah may enable the volunteers and workers to serve in the best manner. May all those who are travelling for this convention remain safe.
Funeral Prayers
His Holiness (aba) said that he would lead the funeral prayer in absentia of the following deceased members:
Saleema Bano
Saleema Bano wife of Hameed Kauser Nazir Da’wat Ilallah India. She was very hospitable and she would remain content on whatever she had even as the wife of a life devotee. When her husband was posted in Kababir she learned conversational Arabic and became very proficient. She also served as the President of the Women’s Auxiliary Organisation in Kababir. She rendered great service in organising the women in Kababir and her efforts were also appreciated by the Fourth Caliph (rh). She is survived by a daughter and two sons. Both of her sons are serving as life devotees, one in MTA al-Arabiyya in the UK and the other is a missionary in Qadian.
Noorul Haq Mazhar
Noorul Haq Mazhar of Lahore, father of Raghib Ziaul Haq, a missionary serving in Tanzania. He endured great difficulties on account of his faith, and his house was even burned down, however he never complained and always remained steadfast. Later he was also attacked in the mosque and suffered injuries. He was regular in offering fervent prayers. He would advise those in his home to offer prayers and recite the Qur’an. He was very well respected in his area. He is survived by a son and three daughters. His Holiness (aba) prayed that may Allah grant him forgiveness and mercy and elevate his station and grant his children patience.
Amatul Hafeez Nigat
Amatul Hafeez Nigat, wife of Muhammad Shafi of Rabwah. She was the mother-in-law of Mubarak Tanvir, missionary in Germany. She possessed many great and virtuous qualities. She was given to prayer and had a strong bond with Khilafat. She practically exemplified service to faith. She served in various capacities. She took care of the poor and all those around her. She never turned anyone away empty handed. She helped many girls obtain an education and also helped them get married. She is survived by two sons and two daughters. His Holiness (aba) prayed that may Allah grant her forgiveness and mercy and enable her progeny to carry on the legacy of her virtues.
Summary prepared by The Review of Religions
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