Important Announcement for our Readers

Vintage engraved illustration, Holy city and burial place of the Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw), Founder of Islam (Trousset Encyclopedia (1886-1891)

Since January 2010, The Review of Religions has been serialising the English rendering of Volume I of Hadhrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra)’s epic Seerat Khatamun Nabiyyin (The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets). As this book has now been published, we will be discontinuing the serialisation of Volume I.

Starting in our next Edition, we will begin the first ever serialisation of the recently translated, English Rendering of Volume 2 of Seerat Khatamun Nabiyyin, prior to its publication and release in book form.

To read the brand new translation of Volume 2, read our next Edition of The Review of Religions.

The English Rendering of Volume I of Seerat Khatamun Nabiyyin (The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets) is available to read online at



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  • Are these the people who can say any single word against Hadhrat Muhammad(pbuh)? No they are deeply engraved in the love of the Holy Prophet(pbuh). May Allah enable Jama’at Ahmadiyya to live long. Ameen.