Guests Reflect on the Houses of Parliament Event

House of ParliamentWhile unable to attend the event, UK Prime Minister, The Rt. Hon. David Cameron, sent the following message of support:


“I congratulate the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK on its remarkable centenary. Your presence in this country is a living example of how Britain has become a true home to people from all corners of the world. Your achievements are many, from building London’s first mosque in Southfields in 1924, to the phenomenal work you have done in promoting peace right across the country.  Just last year you celebrated with the rest of us the joyous Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty The Queen as well as the amazing success of Britain at the Olympics.  Indeed it is events such as those and communities such as yours that show the world the best of Britain. Your tremendous charitable services that you have delivered to old and young alike, your care for the environment by planting thousands of trees each year, your feed the homeless project and blood donation drives are just a few of the many reasons that Britain can be proud of you. This is true faith in action. I know that your community has suffered terrible persecution but I also know that your worldwide leader, His Holiness Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad[aba], who is based right here in London, is a man of peace. These are difficult times but the manner in which you persevere is exemplary. I hope that your good works, your message of peace and your philosophy of Love For All Hatred For None continue to flourish in Britain and throughout the world. Many congratulations to all Ahmadi Muslims in the United Kingdom on their centennial year!”
The Rt. Hon. David Cameron MP,
The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom


The following dignitaries all took part in the event. Their comments after listening to the address of His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba, have been included below:


“Well the message from the Khalifah and from the Community, “Love for All, Hatred for None” is a message, I hope, that the communities around the world, countries around the world, leaders around the world could actually follow. And…in my meeting with him we were talking actually also about the situation in Syria and the real worry that we are seeing huge bloodshed and huge instability and the need for us to as leaders to do whatever we can to bring peace. And he and his critical role is a real strong voice in the world for peace.”

Rt. Hon. Edward Davey MP,
Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change


“His message of peace, of reconciliation, of love, of commitments to community, of respect for the elderly, care for the young is an incredibly powerful message for all times but I think it’s particularly resonant at a time when there are heightened fears in some communities that communities will be set one against each other. So I am hugely privileged to be able to welcome him here to the Palace of Westminster and strongly support and join in with him in seeking to promote a message of peace. Well, I think in any society where there are incidents of violence, of extremism, of prejudice, of hatred a message of love, a message of peace and a message not just of words but of action also showing what those values mean in practice: doing good works, making commitments to our community both here and other in parts of the world—His excellency was telling me about the exceptional work of the Ahmadiyya community of creating model villages in Ghana, for instance, where he himself worked many years ago—is I think a very powerful antidote to the forces of hatred, division and violence.”

Rt. Hon. Nick Clegg
Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom


I am very happy to have been here, I am very happy to have joined my friends in the Ahmadiyya community and I am particularly moved in the power and strength of this occasion’s message from His Holiness. The need for reconciliation, the need for brotherhood, the need for love, the need to stop hating, the need to stop the feeling of revenge, this human quality based on specific words in the Qur’an delivered with great strength is a source of inspiration. And I believe everyone should hear and should heed his words. I think the world would be much better if many more people heeded his message, his interpretation, his take. It’s so basically grounded on the words of the Quran, on the beliefs of the Prophet[sa].”

His Excellency Mr. Miguel A. Solano-Lopez C.
Paraguayan Ambassador to the UK


“I think the Community has contributed a very great deal to the wider life of community here in the United Kingdom and in so many different ways—not just individuals going about their daily lives, and about their business, their contribution to the economy of the United Kingdom—but also a contribution to society and particularly the work that is done with charities, the work that is done to raise funds for local charities and the work that is done reaching out in local communities. I was struck by the remarks he made about the importance of peace in the community and the importance of being part of the wider community and the work that is done within the wider community and a very clear message, I think, for all of us as to the part that we should be playing.”

Rt. Hon. Theresa May MP
Home Secretary for the United Kingdom


“Well I have seen it in my own constituency where the Ahmadi Community are very welcome residents and I think what they have really done is helped a lot of us to know people of Islam in a very personal way and I think we have seen the values of peace which, frankly, are not always the images you get across the media. And we have seen those from the Ahmadi people that we have all met in our own constituencies and I really would commend the community for their close engagement with politicians of all parties and for what they have done to spread a very different message about Islam, which I think has been very inspirational. I just think that they are extremely friendly and they take great effort to develop good personal relationships. And I think that has really impressed everyone they have come across.”

Rt. Hon. Jeremy Hunt MP


“The Community has done more than most in ensuring that they are part of our country. And not only has the mosque been the center of community activity providing religion of course, but also education but also they have always been willing to participate in mainstream activity as can be demonstrated by the large amount of members of the Community that are here. I think it’s a great credit to the community leaders, the President, and others for what they have done.”

Rt. Hon. Keith Vaz MP
Chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee


“Clearly, above all, many in the Ahmadiyya community here in Britain are British, and  I think that we’ve got a common set of values, that ethos, “Love for All, Hatred for None” that the community has is precisely the ethos that is the broader one we have here in the U.K.  I think that the valuing of our heritage and that culture is a really really important part of what makes Britain tick. But I think it’s wonderful that the Ahmadiyya community value that alongside all of the values they’ve brought to the U.K.

Rt. Hon. Justine Greening MP


It’s a community that’s made a huge contribution to British life over the last century, but it’s also a community that has been steadfast in its advocacy of tolerance, of love and understanding and of peace. And I believe that that message of reconciliation, understanding and that commitment to peace is one of the reasons that they’re held in such high regard by so many people here in Britain. In the course of his remarks today His Holiness made clear his commitment to peace and to reconciliation. And I think in circumstances like we will confront in the years ahead, that message of reconciliation has never been more needed.  It’s one that can bring people together across boundaries of faith and geography, across a whole range of different divisions, within and beyond society. So I welcome his very clear statement of support for a view of reconciliation and peace. It’s a message that I think many people will admire, recognize and want to see articulated in the years ahead.

Rt. Hon. Douglas Alexander MP,
Shadow Foreign Secretary


“I would like to thank you most warmly for my excellent lunch in the House of Commons yesterday.  I enjoyed meeting your fellow Chairman from Ghana and it also gave me a rare chance to talk to my colleague, Baroness Cox. I am also most grateful for the various presents that you gave us, including the books.  I have already managed to read the letters which His Holiness sent to various Prime Ministers and Presidents last year.  I wonder whether he received replies, and if so, whether they were positive, in particular with regard to preventing a possible world war, and to nuclear disarmament.  I would appreciate it very much if you could, at your leisure, throw any light on this. With renewed thanks and warmest good wishes to you and the whole Association.”

Lord Hylton


“Congratulations on your centenary and with great appreciation of all you’ve given to this country.”
Baroness Cox


“Keep upholding love for all hatred for none in a world where there is too much hate.”
Lord David Alton


“Great event—inspiring speech from his Holiness.”
Siobhain Mcdonagh MP


“Congratulations on centenary and inspiring speech.”
Lord Graham Tope

“Very sound speech by his Holiness- agreed with everything he said.”
Lord Sheikh



“Thank you for the message of peace and tolerance.”
HE Asta Skaisgirytė
Ambassador of Lithuania


“Thank you very much. Peace and good to be here.”
HE Enrique A. Manalo
Ambassador of Philippines


“A vital event.”
Lord Bew


“The number of MPs you have managed to bring to this event is truly amazing.”
Rt Hon Justine Greening MP
Secretary of State for Int. Development


In addition, several dignitaries published strong messages of support before the event:

“On behalf of the Labour Party, I congratulate the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK. I know that this is a special year for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in the UK as 2013 is your centenary year. In particular I would like to extend my congratulations to His Holiness Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad[aba], the worldwide leader of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. This centenary year is a tremendous milestone for the community and your contribution to national life over the past century can be gauged from your on-going commitment to the values of loyalty, freedom and peace. Your motto of ‘Love For All Hatred For None’ is one that we welcome and support. At the heart of One Nation Labour is the idea that everybody must play their part, and that leaders have a duty not to divide, but to unite. You have always brought people of all faiths and backgrounds together, and may you continue to do so for another hundred years.”

The Rt. Hon Ed Miliband MP
Leader of the Labour Party


“The All Party Parliamentary Group for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is honoured to co-host this special centenary reception. I am particularly delighted that His Holiness Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad[aba] will be gracing the event as our special guest. Under his leadership the community is playing a much needed role in social cohesion – your charitable works and nationwide peace campaign speak volumes about your genuine commitment to peace. Over the past hundred years the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community can be proud of its contribution to UK national life and this is amply reflected in the very many friends and well-wishers you have in parliament, across all parties. We will continue to support your good works and wish you the very best on your centenary.”

Siobhain McDonagh MP
Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community


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