The Promised Messiahas & Imam Mahdi (Guided One) Founder of THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas I have stated before that in order to ascertain the real truth […]
The Bible
We examine the incongruities between the Gospels relating to the Sermon on the Mount.
An analysis of how textual alterations in the Bible were made largely for doctrinal reasons and the effect these modifications have on the overall authenticity...
Historical Facts – The mutual discrepancies and contradictions in the Gospels – Acknowledgments of Biblical scholars. A research article investigating the...
80 YEARS AGO DIVINE ORIGIN OF THE HOLY QURAN (The following is an extractfrom the August’issue of the Review of Religions, 1910) If we return to the...
7 REPLY TO THE REVEREND BARAKATULLAH (The following appeared in the 1988 May issue of the Ansarullah Magazine and is a translation from the original Urdu). The...
An Analytical Study (H. M. Sajid MD) Every major religion of the world has its Sacred Book and each one claims its own has been revealed or inspired and is...
Holy Scriptures Examined (K. Mahmud) In his most illuminating and informative article “Islam and Science: concordance or conflict” published in the...
THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS 46 THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS By Dr. Aziz Ahmad Chaudhri The Essene Sect At the time of Jesus there were three main sects of Judaism;...