Does Jihad require killing people who do not accept Islamic beliefs and law?
Terrorism and Extremism
Current events have seen no shortage of religiously affiliated headlines: “Muslim headscarves banned in France,” “China attempts to annihilate Buddhism,” and...
The responsibility for spreading the concept of a barbaric Jihad rests with Muslim scholars and certain Christian intellectuals.
Explaining what Islam actually stands for and dispelling some commonly held myths about Muslims.
The whole Muslim world is floundering in dissension. Equity, justice, tolerance and amity are practices rarely visible in the Muslim World today – the solution...
Internal conflicts must be avoided.
A Blot on Swat
A study of the Holy Qur’an reveals that Islamic teachings promote peace with profound clarity and wisdom.
Statement issued by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association UK in the wake of continued atttacks in Gaza.
The appalling attack in Mumbai and why the various communities in India must stand firm and united.
The speech at the opening of the first Ahmadiyya mosque in the former East Germany on the Islamic beliefs.
Islam – the religion that preaches peace, tolerance, and love for all mankind.
How implementing absolute justice can rejuvenate the Muslim world.
The Islamic prescription for absolute justice and the preservation of world peace – a keynote address.
It is important to understand the difference between the teachings of a religion and the conduct of individual adherents.