Both the universe and everything within it have been created with flawless harmony and perfect equilibrium. Attempts to break this balance, whether by making...
Terrorism and Extremism
Human Rights, a Foam Pie and Justice in the 21st century
A passionate and heated debate currently surrounds the issue of Islam’s role in Germany, and whether it belongs in the country. Are these fears about Islam...
True Islam
Religious Freedom in Indonesia Under Siege
Musaylimah’s claim to Prophethood.
The Worldwide Web of Extremism
Attacking our Values – Dividing a divided World
Fighting and Fatwas
An account of the destruction met by peoples of the past who rejected Messengers sent to them and arguing that only Ahmadiyyat provides the means of protection...
An in-depth exposition in which the author argues that the true and peaceful teachings of Islam must be drawn from the Qur’an and Muslim scriptures rather than...
In response to the terrorist attacks that took place at two Ahmadi Muslim mosques in Lahore on 28 May 2010.
Vice-Chair of the Parliamentary Human Rights Group, UK, on the violence against Ahmadiyya Muslim worshippers and their mosques in Lahore, Pakistan.
‘Religion Drips With Blood’ – the bloodstained history of ‘religion’ is at odds with the true essence of God’s message.
The anti-Ahmadiyya ordinances must be repealed, the rights due to minorities granted and the hate slogans displayed on the streets and magistrate courts...