Catholic Terrorist or Freedom Fighter? Who was this man? Why do British people burn effigies of him every year on 5th November?
Tag - ChrG – Catholicism
A look into one of Gaudi's famous architecture pieces - The Sagrada Familia, originally a Roman Catholic Church and now a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Fasting in the Catholic Faith. The Review of Religions is pleased to publish a series of interviews about fasting with authentic voices from different faiths.
French President Macron said Islam is in 'crisis,' but the state of the Catholic Church in France tells a different story.
Although traditionally a strong Catholic country, many are moving away from the Church.
If the Catholic Church decides to remove limbo from its teachings what will be the implications for Christian Holy Qur'an.
36 CELIBACY IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH (Haven Bradford Gow) The recent scandals in the Catholic Church regarding pedophilic and homosexual priests, Father Bruce...
22 THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS MAY 1985 REVIEW OF SOME CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS By Bashir Ahmad Orchard ROMAN CATHOLICS The largest Christian denomination is...