When you think about New Years you usually think about celebrations. But when it comes to the Islamic New Year, things are a bit different.
Tag - NPI – Muawiyah
A look at the events of Karbala, their significance, and how Muharram, the Islamic new year should be commemorated
The Islamic Holy month of Muharram is celebrated in diverse ways by Muslims. This article portrays the manner in which the Promised Messiah(as) and his...
The merciless massacre of the grandson of the Holy Prophet(saw), Imam Hussain(ra), his family and companions in the fields of Karbala that led to the Shiite...
The close bond between Hadhrat 'Ali (ra) and the Holy Prophet (saw) and how this contributed to his unique knowledge of the Qur'an and Hadith. Also an analysis...
Our curtain raiser review of the concept of Khilafat as presented in Islam. A Khalifa is a Vicegerent and is appointed by God. Can Khilafat be perpetuated by a...
A look at some of the qualities of the Successors to the Holy Prophet(sa) who could not be corrupted despite the absolute religion and temporal powers they...
A brief history of Islam from the Caliphats, through the medieval era, the Mongols and Ottoman Empires to today (well, 1947), including a background to the...
Review of Religions: September 2001 35 The third Caliph of Islam was the pious Uthman ibn Aflan(ra) who was elected by a select committee of Companions of the...