
Listen to the Voice from the Heavens

‘Listen to the Voice

of the Heavens,

“The Messiah has come,

        The Messiah has come!”’ *

  The Tiny Hamlet of Qadian in India hosts Historic Live Program!

A three-day program called ‘Listen to the voice of the heavens, “The Messiah has come, The Messiah has come!”’ was broadcasted live from Qadian, India, from 21 March to 23 March 2014, to celebrate the ‘Promised Messiahas day.’ Arab members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community hosted the program in Arabic – addressing the Arab world in particular.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Kababir, from the Holy Land, played an integral role in publicising this event to the Arab world. As a result, more than 2 million people witnessed this occasion, which was also advertised heavily on social media websites. The following distinguished members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community were part of the panel of this programme:

  • Mr. Muhammad Shareef Odeh
    President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Kababir, the Holy Land.
  • Mr. Falahuddin Odeh
    Kababir, the Holy Land.
  • Mr. Amen Maliki
    Kababir, the Holy Land.
  • Mr. Maulana Muhammad Hameed Kausar
    Qadian, India.
Baitul Al-Riyadhat: The place where the Promised Messiahas fasted for almost 9 months during his early years before the demise of his father.
Baitul Al-Riyadhat: The place where the Promised Messiahas fasted for almost 9 months during his early years before the demise of his father.

The programme covered the religious and economic circumstances during the time of the Promised Messiahas. Various incidents from his birth, childhood, the early period of his life, and his relationship with Allah were also discussed. Views relating to the life of the Promised Messiahas were exchanged, for example; his services for Islam, his achievements as an author, and his miraculous signs including the great sign of his knowledge of the Arabic language.

Various short documentaries were played throughout this three-day program. The purpose of these documentaries was to introduce a selection of revered sites, both inside and outside of Qadian, to the audience. These documentaries included the following places:


Masjid Mubarak: Masjid (Mosque) Mubarak was built by the Promised Messiahas in 1883 AC under divine instruction.
Masjid Mubarak: Masjid (Mosque) Mubarak was built by the Promised Messiahas in 1883 AC under divine instruction.
Masjid Mubarak: Masjid (Mosque) Mubarak was built by the Promised Messiahas in 1883 AC under divine instruction.
Masjid Mubarak: Masjid (Mosque) Mubarak was built by the Promised Messiahas in 1883 AC under divine instruction.
Bait Al-Du’a: This room was built by the Promised Messiahason 13 March 1903, so that he could pray there most intensively and devotedly.
Bait Al-Du’a: This room was built by the Promised Messiahason 13 March 1903, so that he could pray there most intensively and devotedly.

The room where the Promised Messiahas was born.

Baitul Al-Riyadhat: The place where the Promised Messiahas fasted for almost 9 months during his early years before the demise of his father.

Al-Daar: House of the Promised Messiahas about which he also received a revelation, ‘I will protect all those who are within the periphery of your house.’ (Kashtee Nooh, page 4, 5 October 1902).

Khutba Ilhamiyyah (The Revealed Sermon): The Promised Messiahas delivered this famous Eid Sermon on 11 April 1900, in Masjid Aqsa. This sermon was eloquently delivered in Arabic with the utmost fluency and was a great miracle of the truthfulness of the Promised Messiahas.

Hoshiarpur: The Promised Messiahas travelled to Hoshiarpur and prayed in seclusion for 40 days in response to a challenge posed by his opponents. As a result, while he was still in Hoshiarpur, God the Almighty gave him glad tidings of a boy from his own progeny with many superior qualities and distinctive attributes.

The room where the Promised Messiahas penned Haqiqatul Wahi and Chashma-e-Ma’rifat. He also spent his last days in this room.

Fazl-e-Umar printing press. This historic printing press was also covered in this program.’

Darul Ba’it Ludhiana: On 23 March 1889, the Promised Messiahas laid the foundation of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. A total of 40 companions took the oath of allegiance at the hand of the Promised Messiahas that day. This was done in the house of Hazrat Sufi Ahmad Jaanra in the city of Ludhiana, also known as Darul Ba’it.

Masjid Aqsa: This mosque was built by Mirza Ghulam Murtaza, father of the Promised Messiahas, who was determined to construct a mosque there and paid an enormous amount of money to purchase this land.
Masjid Aqsa: This mosque was built by Mirza Ghulam Murtaza, father of the Promised Messiahas, who was determined to construct a mosque there and paid an enormous amount of money to purchase this land.
Minartul Masih: In accordance with divine instructions and in order to fulfill a prophecy of the Holy Prophetsa, the Promised Messiahas laid the foundation stone of this minaret on Friday 13 March 1903.
Minartul Masih: In accordance with divine instructions and in order to fulfill a prophecy of the Holy Prophetsa, the Promised Messiahas laid the foundation stone of
this minaret on Friday 13 March 1903.
Bahishti Maqbrah: The Promised Messiahas established this cemetery under Divine commandment, for the burial of the virtuous people of the community. The conditions for the burial in this special area required a person to offer at least one tenth of his income annually, one tenth of his fixed assets and prepare to offer great sacrifices for the cause and service of Islam.
Bahishti Maqbrah: The Promised Messiahas established this cemetery under Divine commandment, for the burial of the virtuous people of the community. The conditions for the burial in this special area required
a person to offer at least one tenth of his income annually, one tenth of his fixed assets and prepare to offer great sacrifices for the cause and service of Islam.
The Round Room: After the construction of Masjid Mubarak, this was the second room that was built in 1893. This room was used as a guest room.
The Round Room: After the construction of Masjid Mubarak, this was the second room that was built in 1893. This room was used as a guest room.

Throughout this three-day program, a recorded version of Qaseedah, which was recited very beautifully, was played during intermissions. This Arabic poem was first published by its’ author, the Promised Messiahas, in his book ‘A’ina Kamalat-e-Islam in 1893. Hazrat Pir Sirajul Haqra narrates that:

‘When the Promised Messiahas completed writing this poem, his face lit up with joy and he said: “Allah has told me that this poem has found acceptance by Allah. He will bestow His love and the love of the Prophetsa and will grant His nearness to anyone who commits this poem to memory and recites it constantly.”’

Hazrat Dr. Khalifa Rashiduddinra narrates that: ‘The Promised Messiahas used to advise regarding the Qaseedah that whosoever memorised this Qaseedah, his memory would be blessed (enhanced) by Allah.’

On 23 March 2014, the final day of this programme, a pre-recorded special message in Arabic, by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaba, was broadcasted from Qadian. This address was indeed, very faith inspiring and replete with enlightenment. This was a very blessed moment in the history of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community as it was the first time that Khalifatul Masih Vaba addressed Arab members of the Community in Arabic via MTA (Muslim Television Ahmadiyya).

 Darul Ziafat (Guest House): This service was initiated from the house of the Promised Messiahas. The Promised Messiahas laid its foundation and, in the beginning, served guests with his own blessed hands. Sometimes, if there was a shortage of food, the Promised Messiahas sent his own food for guests. This service continues to this day for the guests of the Promised Messiahas.
Darul Ziafat (Guest House): This service was initiated from the house of the Promised Messiahas. The Promised Messiahas laid its foundation and, in the beginning, served guests with his own blessed hands. Sometimes, if there was a shortage of food, the Promised Messiahas sent his own food for guests. This service continues to this day for the guests of the Promised Messiahas.

* This article is based on reports provided by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community India.


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