In 1967, Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh (1909-1982), the Third Spiritual Successor (Khalifah) of the Promised Messiahas, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, delivered a series of Friday Sermons which elucidated the 23 objectives for building the House of Allah when He commanded Prophet Abrahamas to rebuild the Holy Ka’bah. Below are presented the salient points of these fascinating and insightful sermons.
It was due to the prayers and sacrifices of Prophet Abrahamas and his progeny that these 23 objectives of the House of God were fulfilled. This firstly occurred through the advent of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa and the perfect Islamic teachings he introduced. The objectives or Divine Promises made to Prophet Abrahamas came from the following verses of Chapters Aal-E-‘Imran and Al-Baqarah in the Holy Qur’an:
“Surely, the first House founded for mankind is that at Becca, abounding in blessings and a guidance for all peoples. In it are manifest Signs; it is the place of Abraham; and whoso enters it, enters peace. And pilgrimage to the House is a duty which men – those who can find a way thither – owe to Allah. And whoever disbelieves, let him remember that Allah is surely independent of all creatures.”[1]
“And remember the time whenWe made the House a resort for mankind and a place of security; and take ye the station of Abraham as a place of Prayer. And We commanded Abraham and Ishmael, saying, ‘Purify My House for those who perform the circuit and those who remain therein for devotion and those who bow down and fall prostrate in Prayer.’
And remember when Abraham said, ‘My Lord, make this a town of peace and provide with fruits such of its dwellers as believe in Allah and the Last Day,’ He said, ‘And on him too who believes not will I bestow benefits for a little while; then will I drive him to the punishment of the Fire, and an evil destination it is.’
And remember the time when Abraham and Ishmael raised the foundations of the House, praying, ‘Our Lord, accept this from us; for Thou art All-Hearing, All-Knowing.’
‘Our Lord, make us submissive to Thee and make of our offspring a people submissive to Thee. And show us our ways of worship, and turn to us with mercy; for Thou art Oft-Returning with compassion and Merciful.’
‘And, our Lord, raise up among them a Messenger from among themselves, who may recite to them
Thy Signs and teach them the Book and Wisdom and may purify them; surely, Thou art the Mighty, the Wise.’”[2]
The first objective can be found in the beginning of the above verse of Chapter Aal-E-‘Imran in the words “the first house founded for mankind.”[3] This means that the first House of Allah contains temporal and spiritual benefits for all of mankind. The House of Allah could only benefit humanity if the best of mankind was raised and the best of mankind could only be raised through the blessings of a perfect and complete religious teaching.[4]This perfect teaching was brought to the world by the final law-bearing Prophet, Muhammadsa. This was one of the fundamental objectives for rebuilding the Ka’bah and all other objectives closely related to this Divine Plan.
Before the advent of the Holy Prophetsa, people were not gifted with the faculties of understanding such a developed religious teaching. Therefore, the commandments and teachings of previous Holy Scriptures had been limited to certain periods, nations and peoples. However, by the advent of the Holy Prophetsa, God Almighty was aware that mankind was now ready for the Holy Qur’an and its teaching, which was perfect and complete.
The Holy Qur’an not only included previous religious teachings, rather, added many new and detailed teachings for its followers, culminating it in over seven hundred commandments. This Holy Book was for all nations and peoples of all times. Through this perfect teaching, the best of mankind could be raised.
The Holy Qur’an itself claims that it is “a perfect Book, there is no doubt in it.”[5] There are four interpretations of how there is no “doubt” in it, that prove the Holy Qur’an’s perfection:
- The Qur’an is the only book ever brought to mankind that details all of humanity’s needs and has unparalleled teachings.
- The Qur’an is preserved by Allah and therefore will always possess the means to bring any person from a wilderness to the highest altitudes of faith and conviction in God.
- The Qur’an combines the teachings of all previous Holy Scriptures and includes many new teachings that mankind can now comprehend.
- A person who truly follows the Qur’an will never be lost and will always be under Divine Protection.
The Ka’bah could not benefit mankind if any prejudices remained amongst peoples. Therefore, Islam eradicated all forms of discrimination and clearly stated that all men are created equal in the sight of Allah. The Holy Prophetsa, in his Farewell Address, stressed this concept. In it, he stated that no black individual has preference over a white person and neither does a white person have preference over a black person. Consequently, there is a great responsibility on Muslims to serve mankind with equality, as Allah Almighty has declared them as the best of mankind.
The second objective is found in the words “abounding in blessings”[6] in the same verse of Chapter Aal-E-‘Imran. The welfare and success of mankind in both spiritual and worldly matters closely ties in with the foundation of the Ka’bah. The Ka’bah is an abode for all nations. Representatives of all nations and all people would gather there and it would be the “mother of all towns.” This objective was also fulfilled through the advent of the Holy Prophetsa and the Holy Qur’an.
When the Adamas of our race was sent to the world, humanity was small in number and therefore they were centred around the Ka’bah. However, humanity grew and dispersed over time. After Abrahamas rebuilt the Ka’bah, people lost their connection with the House of Allah and forgot its importance. Only when the Holy Prophetsa came to the world, were people once again drawn to the Ka’bah and migrated there to acquire knowledge and wisdom. The true blessings for mankind came from the Islamic Law that was revealed there.
There are two great benefits from following Islamic Law; it promises believers Divine Protection and Divine Mercy – meaning they shall be blessed and shall journey toward the path of spiritual prosperity.[7]
The Holy Prophetsa was commanded by God to warn the world that the perfect Islamic Law had arrived and those that turned their backs on it after knowing it would be punished. This religious law is a direct result of the prayers of Prophet Abrahamas.
Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh summarises this second objective in the following words:
“Thus, both the meanings suggest that this House of Allah became (abounding in blessings) only when the Holy Prophetsa was raised. People in the world had started feeling love for Mecca and the Islamic shariah was revealed in Mecca to meet the needs of the world.”[8]
The third objective is that the Ka’bah will be “a guidance for all peoples.”[9] The Ka’bah would be the home of the perfect religious teaching and the ultimate guidance for mankind, and the Holy Qur’an would open the doors for mankind’s infinite advancement and acquisition of knowledge.
Allah wanted the Ka’bah to be a place of blessing and this was fulfilled with the advent of the Holy Prophetsa and the Holy Qur’an. God Almighty wanted to send a form of guidance that would be perfect and for all peoples. By following this perfect guidance, millions of virtuous people in Islam are witness to the fact that they have attained Divine Blessings from this guidance.
There is no law or teaching that has claimed to be a universal teaching for all mankind until the end of time and there is no prophet that has claimed to be for all mankind besides the Holy Prophetsa. Therefore, religion was perfected in doctrinal terms with the introduction of the Islamic teaching, which has the capabilities of defeating any religion before or after it.
The fourth objective relates to the words “manifest signs.”[10] True Muslim followers will continue to show the world Allah’s manifest Signs until the end of time and the Ka’bah will be associated with such manifest signs. The Ka’bah will be the centre of great heavenly signs and favours. Through prayer and sacrifice, Muslims will prove to the world that there is a living God.
Manifest signs are blessings that are exclusive to Muslims. Allah made a promise to Abrahamas that the Ka’bah would always be a source of everlasting signs. Hence, the Ka’bah would raise a following by whose virtue Divine Signs would be manifested until the end of time.
However, this will only occur if Muslims truly understand and comply with the teachings of the Holy Qur’an and the Holy Prophetsa, and have a love and fear of Allah the Almighty within their hearts. It is evident that in order to prove the truth of His Holy Book and His Holy Prophetsa, Allah the Almighty has filled the world with endless manifestations, both in the Heavens and the Earth. Many writings of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, the Promised Messiah explain how a true religion is a living religion with a living God, the truth of which is proved through manifest signs.
Allah the Exalted has shown hundreds of thousands of manifest signs at the hands of the Promised Messiahas. His very person and every moment of his life was a living proof of the truthfulness of Islam. Fresh heavenly signs poured down like rain; and only a prejudicially blindfold eye remained unable to see them. Even a slow-witted person, who was unbiased, could not have denied these signs.[11]
The Holy Qur’an, the examples set by the holy personages amongst the followers and recorded in history, and the way God Almighty treated those who were devoted to the Holy Prophetsa, and who made sacrifices to earn God’s Pleasure, prove beyond doubt that manifest signs are shown to all peoples and in all times; and these manifest signs are exclusively related to the Muslims. Other faiths can neither make such a claim nor is it within their power to prove it.[12]
The fifth objective is in the words “the place of Abraham.”[13] This objective states that the Ka’bah will produce such people that will attain to the spiritual station of Abrahamas. Prophet Abrahamas was second to the Holy Prophetsa in terms of spiritual status. His station is a reflection of Prophet Muhammadsa. No human being can attain to the spiritual station of Muhammadsa, but many can and have attained the spiritual station of Abrahamas.
There are two kinds of worship – the worship of love and sacrifice and the worship of humility and meekness. The worship of Abrahamas is the worship of love and sacrifice. The circuit of the Ka’bah is the outward form of the worship of love.
Allah the Almighty says that a people will be raised from this place who will always be making a circuit of their Beloved and paying homage to His abode. On the one hand they will keep the memory of Abrahamas alive, while on the other hand they will manifest the holy influence of the Holy Prophetsa with exquisite glory.[14]
God Almighty promised Abrahamas that he would always produce a group of followers that would be ever-willing to sacrifice for the cause of Allah and become lost in Allah. This would lead them to attain Abraham’sas high spiritual status.
The sixth objective can be found in “whoso enters it,”[15] meaning whoso observes the worship that is related to this House will always be under God’s Protection and will find Heaven in this world and the next. His sins will be forgiven and he will receive glad tidings on the Day of Judgment. In essence, a person who sincerely performs the rituals of Hajj will be cleansed internally and externally and protected from the punishment of hellfire.
The seventh objective of building the Ka’bah is “and pilgrimage to the House is a duty.”[16] Hajj would not only become mandatory on the progeny of Abrahamas, but God would raise a prophet who would make Hajj obligatory upon all of mankind. However, the act of Hajj cannot only be a mere ritual. True believers need to forsake everything for the love of God. Only once they become truly lost in God and perform the circuit of Allah’s House in Heaven, will the circuit of God’s House on earth be accepted. [17]
The eighth promise is derived from the word “resort.”[18] The word implies that the nations of the world are divided, but the Holy Prophetsa and his teaching would one day unite all humanity into one under one religious law. This group would be united by Tauhid (Unity of God) and purity.
However, this global unification could not take place during the time of the Holy Prophetsa because the Holy Prophetsa was sent for all of mankind until the end of time. Therefore, the unification of all mankind would occur in the latter days during the age of the Promised Messiahas. There were also certain conditions necessary for this objective to be fulfilled. Among these conditions was the need for inter-religious debate on a global scale, the means of interacting with different nations, freedom of movement and the proof that a true religion manifests heavenly signs. All these conditions were fulfilled during the time of the Promised Messiahas.
Thus, the eighth objective is to unify all the nations in the world, and Allah the Almighty has given His word that He would fulfil this task through the Holy Prophetsa. As the Promised Messiahas expounds on this topic saying that the achievement of this objective is related to the Ahmadiyya Jama‘at, and as a result very heavy responsibilities are laid upon the members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama‘at.[19]
The ninth objective can be found in the words “Security for mankind.”[20] The Ka’bah is the only House that guarantees world peace. This means that world peace can only be achieved once there is adherence to the teachings of the Holy Qur’an.
The religious teaching of the Holy Prophetsa gives detailed guidance of how to attain global peace. In his books Ahmadiyyat, the True Islam and Nizam-e-Nau, Hazrat Mirza Bashir-Ud-Din Mahmud Ahmadra (Second Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community) explained that the Holy Qur’an lays down five fundamental points needed to establish and maintain global peace:
- Maintaining the same laws for all nations. Organisations such as the League of Nations and currently the United Nations fail to attain peace because they create international treaties, then allow certain countries to sign hidden treaties.
- Solving disputes as soon as they occur. In the world today, many disputes are not resolved until it is in the direct interest of a powerful nation to do so.
- Equality among all nations no matter how powerful or rich they may be.
- Condemnation of punishing a nation out of sheer prejudice. Often when conflicts occur, nations chose to punish those countries that are not favoured instead of finding a just solution. Examples were given of Germany, Korea and Vietnam.
- Sacrifice needed from nations and countries to maintain global peace. Only once the world pays attention to these points from the Holy Qur’an can world peace be maintained.
Therefore, there is a great need for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community to propagate the words of the Holy Qur’an so that the world can move in the direction of peace. The world is ignorant of these methods and on the Day of Judgement we do not want to incur the Wrath of Allah for not guiding the world toward the true path of peace.
The tenth objective once again centres around the station of Abrahamas as indicated in the words “and take ye the station of Abraham as a place of prayer.”[21] The true foundation of worship will be laid and the world will recognise the station of man’s obedience due to the advent of the Holy Prophetsa and the Ka’bah.
Through the Ka’bah, a Muslim following will be raised who will offer prayers and will be firmly established in their obedience to Allah. The essence of worship found in Islam is lowliness and meekness, which is illustrated by the five obligatory daily prayers. The Promised Messiahas has explained this:
“Different postures of prayers are a manifestation of respect, humbleness and humility. In Qiyam [standing posture] a worshipper stands with his hands folded like a slave standing respectfully before his master or king. In Ruku’ [bowing posture] he bows down with humility and the greatest humility is shown in Sajdah [prostration] which exhibits the extreme state of humility.”[22]
True worship is a combination of love and sacrifice and humility and meekness. Out of His Grace, Allah has promised to raise followers who are obedient and meek and by this, peace can be established throughout the world.
The words “Purify my house,”[23] indicate the eleventh objective of God Almighty in building the Ka’bah. Through this objective, the Ka’bah would become an educational hub for teaching the world both external and internal purification and cleanliness.
The Holy Prophetsa brought a religious law that teaches its followers how to attain intrinsic and external moral purification. If Muslims follow the example of the Holy Prophetsa, who gave us guidelines and made our faith simple and practical for us, then we can attain the kind of purification required from the followers of Islam.
The Holy Qur’an lays great importance upon external cleanliness, because moral purification is not possible without it. That is why Muslims are commanded to keep clean before praying and to ensure that their places of worship are clean. No other faith apart from Islam stresses this extent of cleanliness.
These objectives, including the objective of cleanliness, are all so that Allah may perfect His Favour upon us.[24] Allah does not desire to unduly try his servants. However, if He had not given us instructions for physical cleanliness alongside spiritual cleanliness, His favour upon us would have been incomplete.
The twelfth promise is found in the words “for those who perform the circuit.”[25] These words signify that people of all nations would assemble at the Ka’bah. During the time of the Prophetsa, the Ka’bah and Madinah were a gathering point for people of all nations, so that they could learn and memorise the Holy Qur’an and consequently teach it to their peoples. These people would sacrifice their time to learn and teach others.
However, it would not be possible for all Muslims to go to the centre. Therefore, a party from every nation would need to gather there to learn of the threats against Islam and to warn their brethren. Just as the people of the time of the Holy Prophetsa gathered, people of the Community need to gather in the centre to learn and disseminate information about the true Islam.
The thirteenth objective lies in the words “and those who remain therein for devotion.”[26] Allah commanded Abrahamas to rebuild the Ka’bah so that a people could be raised who would dedicate their lives to Allah and in doing so would fulfil the objectives of this house. This objective was once again fulfilled by the advent of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa.
Throughout the world, Muslims must build houses for devotion and stay there as true devotees or this object cannot be achieved. These mosques are of utmost importance because Allah Almighty desires his true servants to momentarily sever ties with the world for a few days and to revive their spirit of devotion.
The fourteenth objective can be found in the words “and those who bow down and fall prostrate in prayer.”[27] By building the Ka’bah, Allah would raise a people who understood the unity of God and submitted to him fully. They would realise the true attributes and qualities of Allah. This knowledge would produce such love, obedience and worship like no other religion and the world would be in awe of this following.
The fifteenth promise is that the Ka’bah will be “a town of peace.”[28] Allah has promised to protect and preserve the Ka’bah from all enemies. This in turn proves that Allah would protect the Prophetsa raised here and his law.
Allah has promised that He would ruin those who try to bring harm to the Ka’bah. The Muslims could never have succeeded if it were not for this promise as is evident in the early battles of Islam, such as Badr and the aggression of Caesar and Chosroes (the Emperor of Persia).
No matter how violent the enemies of Islam would be, they would never be successful in wiping out the Muslim followers. It is only by the Miracle of God that the anti-Christ has not eradicated the Muslims, although they have the power to do so. This is only because of Allah’s promise.
The same can be said about the Holy Qur’an. There was a time when it was not possible to write the scriptures on paper, so God Almighty created minds that could memorise the Holy Qur’an with perfection. Even if one Hafiz[29] faltered, the rest could correct him. Therefore, Allah had planned the preservation of the Holy Qur’an in such a way that no sane person could think it was the product of human effort.
Those who sacrifice for God and do good deeds fulfil the sixteenth objective which is “provide its dwellers with fruits.”[30] After witnessing the bounties and blessings of the House of Allah, the world would come to realise that the good deeds of those who sacrifice themselves for the sake of Allah are never wasted.
Establishing ties with the House of Allah will lead to Divine protection and allow humanity to carry out all kinds of good deeds. Anyone with a sincere intention can achieve this. Righteous good deeds will be transformed into rewards both in this world and the next. But it is vital to remember that no good deed can be carried out without the Grace of Allah and His forgiveness.
On account of your faith you will perform good deeds bearing with every tribulation with zeal and pleasure. Then the good deeds will be transformed into water canals, which will irrigate the orchards. Thereafter the Divine Sciences and Secrets will be disclosed to him, which will take the form of milk. Owing to the disclosure of the Divine Secrets his heart will feel a very deep love for his Lord; and that love will take the form of (rivers of wine, a delight to those who drink). Then as the outcome of that he will be safeguarded against every spiritual disease, that is, he would be endowed with (rivers of clarified honey).
The seventeenth objective comes from the words “Our Lord accept this from us.”[31] God Almighty would raise a prophet who would raise a following that knew that deeds and sacrifices are fruitless without the Grace of Allah. There is no value in good deeds unless they are accepted by Allah Almighty through sincere prayers. No religion, other than Islam, has shed light on the acceptance of prayers. These prayers are of utmost importance if a man wants to sit in the Merciful embrace of God and become among those servants that He cares for.
Thus, the point of discussion here is that you may perform good deeds in as many a number as you want, but you will not receive any reward unless the bounties of Rahmaniyyat are added to Rahimiyyat.[32]
Through the blessings of the Ka’bah a perfect religious teaching will come to be that will bring the world to the realisation that there is an All-Hearing Allah.
The eighteenth objective of the Ka’bah is that a following will be raised who supplicate with humility to Allah Almighty and introduce to the world the All-Hearing quality of Allah.
“And when My servants ask thee about Me, say: ‘I am near. I answer the prayer of the supplicant when he prays to Me. So they should hearken to Me and believe in Me, that they may follow the right way.”[33]
However, along with an All-Hearing God, the world will also come to realise the All-Knowing God.
The nineteenth objective is to familiarise humanity with the omniscient God. Some of man’s prayers often go unanswered or come to light in a different manner. This is because Allah has knowledge of the unseen. If a person’s prayer goes against His Divine Scheme or are not in the best interest of the person, Allah will not accept them. Of course, there are also certain qualifications needed for prayers to be heard at all, including love for Allah and purity of heart.
God Almighty has told his servants three vital points relating to prayer in the Holy Qur’an:
We cannot be happy with our good deeds alone and must absorb the Grace of Allah through our supplications.
If we comply with the teachings He has given us, we can expect Allah will be merciful and listen to our prayers.
One’s heart needs to be free from mischief and evil.
The twentieth objective is drawn from the words “make of our offspring a people submissive to thee.”[34] Abrahamas persistently prayed that the prophet who would fulfil the objectives of the Ka’bah may be from his progeny. The Ka’bah was built so that one day a people would be raised with the desired characteristics that Abrahamas had prayed for. By the time the Holy Prophetsa was sent to the world, people were capable of becoming that blessed group of followers. Through his blessings, many noble souls appeared amongst the Muslims and the entire world came under his shade.
The twenty-first promise made to Abrahamas when he rebuilt the Ka’bah was to “show us our ways of worship.”[35] Abrahamas prayed that a law would be brought to the world that satisfied every aspect of human nature and applied to humanity through all their changing needs.
Through this law, mankind would be taught the perfect ways of worship that were suitable for him.
Allah the Almighty does not want His servants to try to attain His Pleasure through cruel, inhumane means. That is why Islam lays great importance on complying with the law in the best manner. It is only Qur’anic shariah that provides flexibility in accordance with the occasion, situation and an individual’s capacity to understand.
The Promised Messiahas says that some people strive greater than their capacity in their worships; they fast for a very long time; or reduce their sleep a great deal whereas their bodies cannot bear with this burden. Their striving does not result in nearness to Allah the Exalted. On the contrary, they go out of their senses, or they are afflicted with certain other maladies.[36]
This promise is in fact a prayer to Allah that he may show us through His perfect Law, a means of worship that will allow us to carry out our obligations to Allah in the best manner.
The twenty-second objective centres around the words “turn to us with mercy.”[37] The religious teaching given to the Holy Prophetsa is closely linked with the Forgiving God. Therefore, a following would be raised that realises that their efforts and deeds are not without errors and they need to seek forgiveness. The Holy Qur’an stresses that man cannot carry out good deeds without seeking forgiveness. The Holy Book also stresses that Allah is a Forgiving God who will accept the repentance of a sincere person. Seeking forgiveness (Istighfar) and repentance (Taubah) are closely related and the latter is not possible without the former.
In the Holy Qur’an there are four connotations of the word ‘Taubah’:
- The abstinence from sin all together.
- The need for regret after committing a particular sin.
- The determination not to return to that evil deed.
- That some sins are such that need not only forgiveness but can be recompensed.
To persevere in all four of these aspects, mankind needs the Help of Allah.
Along with the first objective, the twenty-third objective is one of the fundamental objectives of the building of the Ka’bah. This final promise is found in the last part of the Chapter 2, Surah Al-Baqarah:
“And, our Lord, raise up among them a Messenger from among themselves, who may recite to them Thy Signs and teach them the Book and Wisdom and may purify them; surely, Thou art the Mighty, the Wise.”[38]
In this verse it was said that a prophet would be raised here who would remain alive till the end of the days, that is, he would remain alive on account of his blessings and owing to the Divine Bounty; an everlasting life would be bestowed on him, and he would be given an everlasting shariah, which would never be abrogated, for that would be (a perfect and immaculate shariah). And such an ummah would be raised that would be based on true understanding. This ummah would be taught wisdom and given cogent arguments in its favour, and would be associated with a Living God, a living prophet and a living shariah.[39]
It is evident that this objective was fulfilled with the advent of the Holy Prophetsa, which was a direct result of the prayers of Prophet Abrahamas as recorded in this verse. This final objective is of vital importance because the other objectives could not have been fulfilled without it. Muslims cannot be the best of people if these objectives are not fulfilled. When a person follows in the footsteps of the Holy Prophetsa, complies with Islamic Law wholeheartedly and understands the true philosophy behind it, he becomes one of those people that Allah has regarded as “… the best people, raised for the good of mankind.”[40]
Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadra concluded his series of sermons with a sincere warning. He urged that the young and old and both men and women of the Community, should gain knowledge and propagate Islam. Only then may they fulfil the responsibilities laid upon them by the twenty-three great objectives of the establishment of the First House of Allah, the Ka’bah.
1. Holy Qur’an, Surah Aal-E-‘Imran, Verse 97-98.
2. Holy Qur’an, Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 126-130.
3. Holy Qur’an, Surah Aal-E-‘Imran , Verse 97.
4. Holy Qur’an, Surah Aal-E-‘Imran ,Verse111.
5. Holy Qur’an, Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 3.
6. Holy Qur’an, Surah Aal-E-‘Imran , Verse 97.
7. Holy Qur’an, Surah Al-An’am, Verse 156.
8. Sermon, May 5, 1967.
9. Holy Qur’an, Surah Aal-E-‘Imran , Verse 97.
10. Holy Qur’an, Surah Aal-E-‘Imran , Verse 98.
11. Sermon, May 12, 1967.
12. Sermon, May 12, 1967.
13. Holy Qur’an, Surah Aal-E-‘Imran , Verse 98.
14. Sermon, March 31, 1967.
15. Holy Qur’an, Surah Aal-E-‘Imran , Verse 98.
16. Holy Qur’an, Surah Aal-E-‘Imran , Verse 98.
17. Mir’atul Haqa’iq, Vol. 3, Collection of Fatawa Ahmadiyya, published in 1325 A.H, compiled by Maulawi Muhammad Fadl Changwai, p. 26.
18. Holy Qur’an, Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 126
19. Sermon, May 19, 1967.
20. Holy Qur’an, Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 126.
21. Holy Qur’an, Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 126.
22. Mir’atul Haqa’iq, Vol. 3, Collection of Fatawa Ahmadiyya, published in 1325 A.H, compiled by Maulawi Muhammad Fadl Changwai, p. 15.
23. Holy Qur’an, Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 126.
24. Holy Qur’an, Surah Al-Ma’idah, Verse 4.
25. Holy Qur’an, Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 126.
26. Holy Qur’an, Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 126.
27. Holy Qur’an, Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 126.
28. Holy Qur’an, Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 127.
29. A person who has memorised the Holy Qur’an in its entirety.
30. Holy Qur’an, Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 127.
31. Holy Qur’an, Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 128.
32. Sermon, June 2, 1967.
33. Holy Qur’an, Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 187.
34. Holy Qur’an, Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 129.
35. Holy Qur’an, Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 129.
36. Sermon, June 9, 1967.
37. Holy Qur’an, Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 129.
38. Holy Qur’an, Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 130.
39. Sermon, June 1967.
40. Holy Qur’an, Surah Aal-E-‘Imran, Verse 111.
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