The Treatment of Neighbours
He always treated his neighbours with extreme kindness and consideration. He used to say that the angel Gabriel had emphasized consideration towards one’s neighbours so often that he sometimes began to think that a neighbour would perhaps be included among the prescribed heirs. Abu Dharrra relates that the Holy Prophetsa said to him: “Abu Dharrra, while broth is being cooked for your family, add a little more water to it so that your neighbour might also share in it.” This does not mean that the neighbour should not be invited to share in other things but, as the Arabs were mostly a migratory people and their favourite dish was broth, the Holy Prophetsa referred to this dish as a typical one and taught that one should not think so much of the taste of the food as of the obligation to share it with one’s neighbour. Abu Hurairara relates: “On one occasion the Holy Prophetsa exclaimed: ‘I call God to witness that he is not a believer! I call God to witness that he is not a believer! I call God to witness that he is not a believer!’ The Companions inquired: ‘Who is not a believer, O Messenger of Allahsa?’ and he replied: ‘He whose neighbour is not secure against injury and ill-treatment at his hands.’ On one occasion when he was addressing women, he said: ‘If anybody finds only the foot of a goat to cook, that person should share it with his or her neighbour.’ He asked people not to object to their neighbours driving pegs into their walls or putting them to any other use which occasioned no injury.” Abu Hurairara relates: “The Prophetsa said: ‘He who believes in God and in the Day of Judgement should occasion no inconvenience to his neighbour: he who believes in God and in the Day of Judgement should occasion no inconvenience to his guest, and he who believes in God and in the Day of Judgement should utter only words of virtue or should keep quiet’ “ (Muslim).
1. Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-din Mahmud Ahmadra, Life of Muhammad (Tilford, Surrey, U.K.: Islam International Publications Limited, 2013), 232-233.
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