Freedom of Religions The Holy Qur'an

There is No Compulsion in Religion – Part 3

A Qur’anic refutation of the traditionalist belief of use of force
Translated into English by Mrs Hamdah Sanori Farooqi
This is the final part of his chapter-by-chapter exposition of the peaceful and tolerant teachings of Islam

Chapter 23 Surah Al-Mu’minun

With reference to the followers of previous Prophets, Allah the Almighty says in Verses 54 and 55 of Surah Al-Mu’minun:

They split their affairs among themselves, fragment by fragment, each party exulting over what they have. (Ch.23:V.54)

The traditionalists (those who hold Traditions of the Holy Prophet(saw) and the Holy Qur’an as the only source of Law – and in this context radicals who do not permit a simple, straightforward, accurate and true interpretation – Ed) would say that these people should be dealt with by the sword, but the Holy Qur’an says:

So leave them in their confusion for a time.(Ch.23:V.55)

What will happen after the passage of time? Allah the Almighty says:

Until, when we seize those of them, who indulge in luxury with punishment, behold, they cry for help. (They will then be told) Cry not for help this day, surely you shall not be helped by Us. (Ch.23:V.65-66)

The traditionalists would declare it necessary to put these people to the sword but the injunction of the Holy Qur’an is to leave them alone until Allah the Almighty Himself sends His punishment. This Surah also contains the injunction to respond even to ill treatment with goodness, as it is said:

Repel evil with that which is best. We are well acquainted with the things that they allege. (Ch.23:V.97)

Chapters 24, 25: Surah Al-Nur and Surah Al-Furqan

Verse 55 of Surah Al-Nur embodies the directive to openly and clearly convey the message of Islam. There is no mention of any responsibility of further action if the recipient chooses not to believe. Allah the Almighty says:

Say, ‘Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger.’ And if they turn away then remember, (tell them: O disbelievers, remember that) whoever does so will be held responsible for that reposed in him, as also you will be held responsible for that which is reposed in you. And if you obey him, you will be rightly guided. And (remember, however) the Messenger is not responsible but for the plain delivery of the Message (To pick up the sword and compel you is not his task)(Ch.24:V.55)

To wage the Jihad of the Sword against those who reject faith has become an integral part of the belief of the traditionalists, while the Holy Qur’an says again and again that permission to fight is given only for defence against those who have initiated hostilities. The real Jihad (striving) is through the Holy Qur’an. In verse 53 of Surah Al-Furqan, Allah the Almighty says:

So, obey not the disbelievers and strive against them with it (The Qur’an) a great striving. (Ch.25:V.53)

Chapter 26 Surah Al-Shu’ara

Allah the Almighty is very patient and slow to give way to wrath. He continues to grant time to people despite the fulfilment of all the requisites of Divine punishment. This is the practice of Allah the Almighty, which has been oft mentioned in the Holy Qur’an.

The Qur’anic concept of righteousness holds that human beings are a manifestation of the attributes of Allah the Almighty and man should therefore strive to inculcate and display these attributes of Allah in himself. Alas, the traditionalists are loath to adopt Allah’s attributes of patience and mercy and declare it unlawful to allow time to disbelievers. If they accept the message, well and good, otherwise they should be ready to have their heads severed from their necks!

Verses 205 to 208 of Surah Al-Shu’ara, speak of long years given as respite. Allah the Almighty says:

What! Do they seek to hasten our punishment? What thinkest thou? If we let them enjoy the good things of this world for years, then there comes to them that with which they are threatened (i.e. the punishment, then), of no avail shall be to them that which they were allowed to enjoy. (Ch.26:V.205-208)

Verses 217-218 of this Surah have also clearly described the response that should be made to rejection by the disbelievers. Allah the Almighty says:

Then if they disobey thee, (then there is no need to pick up the sword and attack them) say, ‘I repudiate all connection with what you do.’ And (if you fear their mischief) put thy trust in The Mighty, The Merciful. (Ch.26:V.217-218)

Chapter 27 Surah Al-Naml

If the non-believers refuse to see our point of view, the traditionalists direct the use of force. Allah the Almighty instructs the Holy Prophet(saw) to say to the disbelievers that they should travel the earth and see for themselves the consequences of evil deeds, as Allah the Almighty says in verses 68-71 of this Surah:

And those who disbelieve say, ‘What! when we and our fathers have become dust, shall we indeed be brought forth again? We were surely promised this before— we and our fathers; this is nothing but the tales of the ancients.’ Say, ‘Travel in the earth and see how evil was the end of the sinful!’ And grieve thou not for them, nor be thou in distress at what they plot. And they say, ‘When will this promise be fulfilled, if you are truthful?’ Say,‘It may be some of that promised punishment, which you arrogantly demand to befall you forthwith, is already at your heels.’ (Ch.27:V.68-73)

It is strange that the edicts issued by the traditionalists order the necks of the disbelievers to be severed without delay while the Prophet of Allah(saw) is directed to tell disbelievers to travel the earth and consider for themselves the fate that befell those who disbelieved before. Despite all their rejection and mockery and plotting against him, the Holy Prophet(saw) is told only to advise them and admonish them and not to grieve or worry excessively over them.

In verses 92-93, the Holy Prophet(saw) is advised that he is only a Warner. Allah the Almighty says:

Say,’ I am commanded only to serve the Lord of this city which He has made sacred, and to Him belong all things; and I am commanded to be of those who submit to God; and to recite the Qur’an, so whoever follows guidance, follows it only for the good of his own soul; and as to him who goes astray, say, ‘I am only a Warner.’ (Ch.27:V.92-93)

Chapter 29 Surah Al-‘Ankabut

According to our traditionalists if the non-believers undertake a Jihad (striving) to convert a believer back to disbelief, then it would be incumbent upon the Muslims to put to death such non-believers. But Allah the Almighty says in Verse 9 of Surah Al-‘Ankabut:

And We have enjoined on man kindness to his parents; but if they contend with you so that you too may associate partners with Me: of which you have no knowledge whatsoever, then obey them not (Here no mention is made of putting them to death); unto Me is your return, and I shall inform you of what you did. (Ch.29:V.9)

Chapter 31 Surah Luqman

The subjects discussed in Surah Al-‘Ankabut find further clarification in Surah Luqman.

According to the traditionally held views, a person who indulges in “Jihad” (striving) to convert a Muslim back to disbelief is punishable by death. But Allah the Almighty says in verses 15-16 of Surah Luqman:

And we have enjoined on man concerning his parents, his mother bears him in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning takes two years, ‘Give thanks to Me and thy parents. Unto Me is the final return. And if they contend with thee to make thee set up equals with Me concerning which thou hast no knowledge, obey them not, but be a kind companion to them in all worldly affairs… (Ch.31:V.15-16)

The Holy Qur’an directs in the above verses that in spite of these persons striving to convert the Muslims back to disbelief, all worldly cooperation should be extended to them, while the traditionalists would issue the edict of death.

Chapter 32 Surah Al-Sajdah

When considering the activities and allegations of the opponents of Islam, the traditionalists are quick to issue the edict of death but the edict of the Holy Qur’an is entirely opposite. In the last verse of this Surah, Allah the Almighty says:

So turn away from them, and wait. They too are waiting. (Ch.32:V.31)

The traditionalists do not allow any patience or forbearance or to leave the enemy alone to consider, neither do they wish to burden themselves with the suffering of waiting. Instead, they order the lopping off of heads.

Chapter 33 Surah Al-Ahzab

In verses 46 and 47 of Surah Al-Ahzab, Allah the Almighty proclaims the noble and glorious status granted to the Holy Prophet(saw) and his responsibilities. After this, a clarification has been made about the position to be maintained towards the disbelievers and hypocrites. Allah the Almighty says:

O Prophet, truly We have sent thee as a Witness, and Bearer of glad tidings and a warner, and as a Summoner unto Allah by His command, and as a radiant Lamp; and announce to the believers the glad tiding that they will have great bounty from Allah. And follow not the disbelievers and hypocrites, and ignore their nuisances, and put your trust in Allah (i.e. overlook the nuisance caused by the opponents)…(Ch.33:Vs.46-49)

Chapters 35, 36 Surah Al-Fatir and Surah Yasin

In Surah Fatir, the Holy Prophet(saw) is consoled for the grief he suffered as a result of the rejection of the misguided people. Allah the Almighty says, in the ninth verse:

…Surely, Allah adjudges astray whom He will and guides whom He will. So let not thy soul waste away in sighing for them. Surely Allah knows what they do. (Ch.35:V.9)

The heart of the Holy Prophet(saw) was in agony over the grief he felt, even for those who were his blood-thirsty, sworn enemies. But the world of the traditionalists is entirely different. They have created a climate wherein all human compassion and sympathy is thrown aside and replaced with prejudice and rancour against non-Muslims and even against other Muslims whose views differ from theirs.

The concept of respite allowed by Allah the Almighty to the enemies has been explained full well in verse 46 of Surah Al-Fatir. Allah the Almighty says:

And if Allah were to punish people for what they do, He would not leave a living creature on the surface of the Earth; but He grants them respite until an appointed term, and when their appointed time comes, beware that Allah is fully aware of His servants – mankind. (Ch.35:V.46)

It is quite clear that it is the practice of Allah to grant a period of respite to the wrongdoers and the decision as to when this period will end is entirely in His hands. In Surah Yasin it is stated again that it is not the business of the Messengers to convert people by force.

In the words of the Prophets, it is recorded that they say (verses 17-18):

‘Our Lord knows that we are indeed His Messengers to you; And on us lies only the plain delivery of the Message.’ (Ch.36:V.17-18)

Chapters 39, 41 Surah Al-Zumar and Surah Ha-Meem Al-Sajdah

Allah the Almighty has said in verses 40-41 of Surah Al-Zumar:

Say,’ O my people, act as best you can; I too am acting; soon shall you know, who it is unto whom comes a punishment that will disgrace him, and on whom there descends an abiding punishment.’ (Ch.39:V.40-41)

In the above verses, the Holy Prophet(saw) is directed to say to his people – you may continue behaving the way you deem fit and I shall continue to fulfil my duty. We will soon find out who becomes the recipient of punishment. Alas, the traditionalists instruct the followers of the Holy Prophet(saw) not to permit those with whom there is disagreement to continue in any way unharassed. On the contrary, they advise the Muslims to pick up weapons and go after the opponents and prevent them from carrying out any activities.

Such behaviour is absolutely contradictory to the concept presented in Surah Ha-Meem Al-Sajdah, which directs that there should be no question of aggression. Rather, our attitude should be to do good and to respond with goodness, even when faced with evil.

In verses 35-36 Allah the Almighty admonishes:

And good and evil are not alike. Repel evil with that which is best. And lo, he between whom and thyself was enmity, will become as though he were a warm friend. But none is granted that save those who are steadfast; (and not those who raise their sword and initiate hostilities) and none is granted that except the one who possesses a large share of excellence. (Ch.41:Vs.35-36)

In verse 41 of the same Surah, speaking of those who seek to pervert and distort His signs, Allah the Almighty declares:

…Do what you will. Surely He sees all that you do. (Ch.41:V.41)

In this verse, even those who distort the signs of Allah are granted the freedom to hold their own opinions and practise whatever beliefs they may hold. The traditionalists would deprive them of this basic right.

Chapter 42 Surah Al-Shura

Clear-cut guidance regarding the issue of use of force against religious opponents is found in Surah al-Shura which sheds light on the subject from various angles. In verse 7, Allah the Almighty says:

And as for those who take for themselves protectors beside Him, Allah watches over them; and thou art not a guardian over them. (Ch.42:V.7)

This verse amply demonstrates that there is no responsibility on the Holy Prophet(saw) or his followers to make the opponents believe. The responsibility is only to convey the message. This is against the traditionally held views, which dictate that the job of the believers is to relay the message of faith to the opponents and then to use force and aggression without any delay or respite if they refuse to convert.

Verse 16 of Surah Al-Shura, presents an entirely different picture:

…But say, ‘I believe in whatever Book Allah has sent down, and I am commanded to judge justly between you. (The traditionalist would advise fighting! The Holy Qur’an admonishes justice). Allah is our Lord and your Lord. For us is the reward of our works, and for you the reward of your works. There is no quarrel between us and you. Allah will gather us together, and to Him is the return. (Ch.42:V.16)

This is the ideology presented by the Holy Qur’an, but the traditionalists hold that the actions of the opponents cannot be left to their free conscience and fall under our responsibility. If the opponents do not accept our opinions they say, this is a conflict which must be resolved by the use of force to compel them to believe.

There are clear directives in verses 40-44 of Surah Al-Shura forbidding aggression and aggressive behaviour. Speaking of those who believe and the excellent qualities of those who place their trust in Allah, Allah the Almighty says:

And those who, when a wrong is done to them, defend themselves. (They respond when violated but they do not initiate hostilities; even when they retaliate, the way they act is:) And the recompense of an injury is an injury the like thereof; but whoso forgives and his act brings about reformation, his reward is with Allah. Surely, He loves not the wrongdoers. (Ch.42:V.40-41)

This verse states that the believers only retaliate when attacked and even then their reaction is proportionate to the injury they received and no more. Moreover, if the situation dictates that forgiveness would be a more appropriate means of bringing about an improvement, they forgive. Surely, Allah loves not the wrongdoers.

But there is no blame on those who defend themselves after they have been wronged. The blame is only on those who wrong men and transgress in the earth without justification. Such will have a grievous punishment. And he who is patient and forgives – (and does not take revenge), that surely is a matter of strong determination (i.e. there is permission to take revenge when faced with atrocity and injustice but to be patient and to forgive is amongst acts of great nobility and grace). (Ch.42:V.42-44)

This position is reiterated in verse 49 of Surah Al-Shura:

But if they turn away (if the opponents refuse to believe), We have not sent thee as a guardian over them. Thy duty is only to convey the Message (To compel to believe or to use force to achieve this is not your job). (Ch.42:V.49)

Chapter 43 Surah Al-Zukhruf

The traditionalists do not hold it permissible for the opponents to be left in peace and demand that they be attacked. In verse 84 of Surah Al-Zukhruf, Allah the Almighty says:

So leave them alone to indulge in vain discourse, (let them) amuse themselves; until they meet that day which they have been promised (i.e. the day of judgment, when everyone will be rewarded or punished for their actions) (Ch.43:V.84)

In the last verse of this Surah, the admonishment is not only that these obdurate disbelievers be left alone but also that they be treated with forbearance. Allah the Almighty says:

We call to witness the prophet’s repeated cry: O my Lord, These are a people who will not believe. And Our reply was: So turn aside from them, and say, ‘Peace’, and soon shall they know.(Ch.43:V.90)

In stark contradiction to the Holy Qur’an, the position popularly maintained is far from treating the opponents with forbearance. Rather it is demanded that no message of peace should be given them, the sword should be raised fervently for bloodshed and murder.

Chapters 45, 46, 50 Surah Al-Jathiyah, Surah Al-Ahqaf and Surah Qaf

The edicts issued by some authorities insist that disbelievers must not be forgiven, whereas Allah the Almighty says in verse 15 of Surah Al-Jathiyah:

Say to those who believe, that they exercise forgiveness towards those who do not expect the promised days of Allah to come to pass, that He may requite a people for what they earn. (Ch.45:V.15)

In the above verse, the Holy Qur’an directs the believers to forgive their enemies, trusting that Allah the Almighty Himself will give them their dues. But the Muslims who hold fast to their old jaundiced views have decided that there is no question of forgiveness and have taken the matter into their own hands for the sake of revenge. Such attitudes have utterly eroded the original Qur’anic teachings of patience and forbearance.

It is to be noted that in the last verse of the next chapter, Surah Al-Ahqaf, Allah the Almighty admonishes forcefully:

Have patience then, as had the Messengers, of strong determination; and be in no haste about them (i.e their punishment). (Note how far removed is this admonishment of patience, from the attitudes displayed by the traditionalists). On the day when they see that which they are threatened, it will appear to them as though they had not tarried save for an hour of a day. This warning has been conveyed; and none but the disobedient people shall be destroyed. (Ch.46:V.36)

The remedy for the ills of criticism and abuse is not the sword. In this regard, Allah the Almighty says in verse 40-41 of Surah Qaf.

So, bear with patience what they say, (the response for allegations suggested here is not the sword, on the contrary what is admonished is:) and glorify thy Lord with His Praise before the rising of the sun and before it’s setting; and in a part of the night also do thou glorify Him, and after prescribed prostrations. (Ch.50:V.40-41)

There is further mention of the criticisms made by the enemies in verse 46 of this Surah:

We know best what they say; and thou hast not been appointed to compel them in any way (our traditionalists advise that force is not only allowed but necessary to compel people to join the fold of Islam; while Allah the Almighty says there is no need at all to resort to force, as is admonished). So admonish by means of the Qur’an, him, who fears My warning. (Ch.50:V.46)

Chapters 51, 52 Surah Al-Dhariyat and Surah Al-Tur

In Surah Al-Dhariyat, Allah the Almighty says that opponents have always criticised the Prophets and used foul and abusive language against them. Allah the Almighty says in verses 53-54:

Even so there came no Messenger to those before them, but they said, ‘A sorcerer, or a madman!’ (Ch.51:V.53)

Have they made it (this attitude) a legacy to one another? Nay, they are all a rebellious people. So turn away from them; and there will be no blame on thee. And keep on exhorting; certainly exhortation benefits the believers. (Ch.51:Vs.54-56)

The directive regarding those who allege that the Messenger of Allah is a sorcerer or a madman is only to let them alone and to continue with wide exhortation. There is no directive to uproot them with the sword, as the [traditionalists’] edicts would have us believe.

This subject is also mentioned in verses 31-32 in the following words:

Do they say, ‘He is a poet; we are waiting for some calamity which time will bring upon him? Say, ‘Await ye then! I too am with you among those who are waiting.’ (Ch.52:V.31-32)

Those with extreme views do not like to entertain this kind of patient waiting. They would rather we give no chance to the other party to wait and neither wait ourselves but decide the matter immediately with the sword. There is no question of leaving the opponents alone in peace.

Allah the Almighty says in verse 46 of this Surah:

So leave them alone until they confront their promised day on which they will be thunderstruck. (Ch.52:V.46)

Chapters 58, 60 Surah Al-Mujadilah and Surah Al-Mumtahanah

The concocted stance commonly held among the Muslim masses holds that a person who accepts Islam and then reverts to disbelief should be punished immediately by death.

The Holy Qur’an again and again speaks of people who made a proclamation of faith and then reverted to disbelief and even came into the company of the Holy Prophet(saw) at Madinah, addressing him in an unbecoming manner. It is clearly stated that the Holy Prophet(saw) was informed of their character by Divine revelation but it is nowhere stated that such people should be put to death, neither is there any historical record in the Holy Qur’an or the Ahadith of any incident where any of them were put to death. On the contrary, it is recorded that the Holy Prophet(saw) was exceedingly magnanimous to them.

In verse 9 of Surah Al-Mujadilah, Allah the Almighty says:

Hast thou not seen those who were forbidden to hold secret counsels (The words ‘Hast thou not seen’ show that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) knew those people) and again return to what they were forbidden, and confer secretly for sin and transgression and disobedience to the Messenger? And when they come to thee, they greet thee with a greeting with which Allah has not greeted thee; but among themselves they say, ‘Why does not Allah punish us for what we say? Sufficient for them is Hell, wherein they will burn and a most evil destination it is! (Ch.58:V.9)

Though the traditionally held views would here demand death to those who became apostates and addressed the Holy Prophet(saw) mockingly, this verse of the Holy Qur’an informs us that far from the believers punishing them, even the punishment of Allah did not immediately overtake them. Instead, they were warned of punishment in Hell.

Over the last two or three centuries, the idea that it was the Muslims who initiated wars and that it is obligatory to fight those who refuse to accept Islam, has become firmly rooted amongst the Muslims. Verses 9 and 10 of Surah Al-Mumtahanah, totally uproot this false idea. Allah the Almighty says:

Allah forbids you not, respecting those who have not fought against you on account of your religion, and who have not driven you forth from your homes, that you be kind to them and act equitably towards them; surely Allah loves those who are equitable. Allah only forbids you respecting those who have fought against you on account of your religion and have driven you out of your homes, and have helped others in driving you out, that you make friends with them – it is these that are the transgressors. (Ch.60:Vs.9-10)

Are the traditionally held views not totally uprooted by these two verses of the Holy Qur’an?

Chapter 63 Surah Al-Munafiqun

Surah Al-Munafiqun, rejects the traditional belief of death for apostasy with great force. This Surah mentions those who (as it is said in verse 4):

They first believed and then disbelieved. (Ch.63:V.4)

According to traditional belief, if these people accepted Islam and then reverted to disbelief, they should have been put to death immediately.

Not only were they not put to death, they are on record as visiting the Holy Prophet(saw) in public audience. There is also a record of their social inter-mingling and dialogues and discourses with the Muslims. It is also stated in some accounts that they moved around with the Muslim army and tried to spread discord.

In spite of such activities, there is no record in the Holy Qur’an or the Ahadith that any of them was put to death. On the contrary, verse 9 of this Surah records the comment by the leader of the hypocrites ‘Abdullah bin Abi Salul:

Insulting the Holy Prophet (saw) the leader of the hypocrites said:‘If we return to Medina, the one most honourable will surely drive out therefrom the one most mean.’ (Ch.63:V.9)

After such extreme hypocrisy and satanic disbelief, the Holy Prophet(saw) did not punish him, nor did he permit ‘Abdullah bin Abi Salul’s son to take action against him. The Ahadith inform us that when this man died a natural death, the Holy Prophet(saw) graciously sent his own shirt to be used as a shroud for him and then led his funeral prayer. The Holy Qur’an gives testimony that this man was amongst those who made an admission of faith and then became apostates.

Verses 3-9 of Surah Al-Munafiqun are here quoted for reference:

They have made their oaths a shield; thus they turn men away from the way of Allah. Evil surely is that which they have been doing. That is because they first believed then they disbelieved. So a seal was set upon their hearts and consequently they understand not. And when you see them their figures please you; and if they speak, you listen to their speech, whereas they are like dry twigs propped up. They fear every calamity to befall them. They are the enemy, so beware of them. Allah’s curse be upon them! How are they being turned away! And when it is said to them, ‘Come, that the Messenger of Allah may ask forgiveness for you,’ they turn their heads aside, and thou seest them keeping back while they are full of pride. It is equal to them whether thou ask forgiveness for them or ask not forgiveness for them, Allah will never forgive them. Surely, Allah guides not the rebellious people. They it is who say, ‘Spend not on those who are with the Messenger of Allah that they may disperse and leave him;’ while to Allah belong the treasures of the heavens and the earth; but the hypocrites understand not. They say, ‘If we return to Medina, the one most honourable will surely drive out therefrom the one most mean; while the true honour belongs to Allah and to His Messenger and the believers; but the hypocrites know not. (Ch.63:V.3-9)

In this Surah, which was revealed in Madinah, where the government was in the hands of the Holy Prophet(saw), the discourse is about a group of people who had reverted to disbelief after having believed in the first instance. People from this group came and sat in the presence of the Holy Prophet(saw) and also carried on in their activities of hypocrisy and treachery, plotting and creating disorder. In spite of all that, no injunction was issued to cleanse society of them by killing them. There is no such report to be found in the Ahadith either.

Chapters 64, 73 Surah Al-Taghabun and Surah Al-Muzzammil

In our society, the sword is infrequently used against the enemy, however the concept has taken root in traditional opinion and as such also becomes a source of psychological conflict.

Verse 15 of Surah Al-Taghabun explains the Islamic teaching on behaviour against the adversary, whatever shape or form it may take. Allah the Almighty says:

O ye who believe! surely among your wives and your children are some, that are really your enemies, so beware of them. And if you overlook and forgive and pardon them, then surely Allah is Most forgiving, Merciful. (Ch.64:V.15)

Some scholars maintain that a deadly blow should be dealt to whoever or whatever is the enemy but Allah the Almighty admonishes that if you overlook and forgive and pardon them then Allah the Almighty will also treat you with forgiveness and mercy.

Some edicts issued by the scholars, are based on the point that the opponents of Islam are “fitnah” – mischief or trial – and that all fitnah should be crushed with force. Can this edict be applied to every mischief or trying situation? If this were true then let us look at verse 16 of Surah Al-Taghabun where Allah the Almighty says:

Verily your wealth and your children are a trial… (Ch.64:V.16)

Here the Arabic word fitnah, trial, has been used – does it signify that your wealth and children should be crushed with force? This is not what the Holy Qur’an intends and this is not what the Holy Qur’an instructs.

According to the Holy Qur’an, fighting is allowed only in retaliation against the aggression of the enemy. There is no permission to initiate hostilities, rather Allah the Almighty directs in Surah Al-Muzzammil verses 11-12:

And bear patiently all that they say; and part with them in a decent manner. And leave Me alone with those who reject the truth, possessors of ease and plenty (i.e. Allah the Almighty declares that it is up to Him, whether He decides to reward or punish, it is entirely in His Hand), and give them a little respite. (Ch.73:V.11-12)

Thus we leave the matter in the Hand of Allah the Almighty, the Most Gracious, Ever Merciful.

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  • Assalamo Alaikum

    No doubt an extra ordinary approach to the subject. I salute my beloved teacher Syed Mir Mehmood Ahmad Nasir Sahib. May Allah give him sound health and healthy life and accept all his efforts that he makes to serve the cause of Islam/Ahmadiyyat. Amen
    I would be most grateful if the editorial board could kindly give me the reference of the Urdu source from where this scholarly exposition was taken.

    Aleem (Mubaligh in Ghana)