The responsibilities that come with constructing a mosque and why it should not be exclusive to any faith.
Tag - Rights – Freedom of Religion
Which religions are practised by the people of Ghana? How well do members of these various faith coexist? Can unity be found in diversity?
An insight into how such a prominent and high profile event was organised and the impact it has on an international scale.
Special video message by His Holiness, the 5th Caliph, to the International Ministerial Conference on Freedom of Religion or Belief 2022.
The 5th Caliph's message about creating a peaceful and harmonious society, and promoting true religious freedom in all parts of the world.
In conferences attended by prominent leaders and delegates from around the world, the 5th Caliph's voice stands as a guiding beacon of light
Find out who had always been at the forefront of championing religious freedom.
Several verses of the Holy Qur'an defend the right of an individual to choose their religious beliefs and change them if desired.
Mahrukh Arif-Tayyeb, a French Mulsim woman, talks about the difficulties she and other Muslims face in France, particularly in recent days.
An Imam from Sweden responds to the hateful act of burning the Holy Qur'an in Sweden by presenting Islamic teachings of respect, freedom of religion and...
Introducing a new feature in which we highlight the writings of the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas an various topics. This month, we feature his...
Atheists allege that religious parents who bring up their children in the same faith are “brainwashing” their
offspring. But is this really the case?
Presenting the second part of a Harvard lecture in which advocate Mujeeb ur Rahman discusses the erosion of the rights of Ahmadis in Pakistan.
Khilafat (or Caliphate) is a word that instils great fear amongst many non-Muslims. Are these fears justified? Or is there a Caliphate that exists today that...
Should American Muslims be loyal to America?
An in-depth exposition in which the author argues that the true and peaceful teachings of Islam must be drawn from the Qur’an and Muslim scriptures rather than...
‘Religion Drips With Blood’ – the bloodstained history of ‘religion’ is at odds with the true essence of God’s message.
To what extent does Islam permit freedom of expression and freedom of speech?
A philosophical discourse on the essence of religion.
As a practising Catholic with a Degree in Religious Studies I would like to draw your attention to the morally obnoxious belief held by Conservative...
Explaining what Islam actually stands for and dispelling some commonly held myths about Muslims.
The multi-faceted personality and character of the Holy Founder of Islam sets an excellent example for all of us.
Liberty and Freedom in Europe.
There seems to have been a considerable amount of adverse reaction to the wearing or display of religious symbols in recent years including ministerial...
Who owns the Copyright?
Reflecting on the ‘Muslim World’ Barack Obama addressed in his speech in Cairo.
Explaining the religious system in Islam and how it provides the most rational and practical methods to eradicate the obstacles to world peace.
A study of the Holy Qur’an reveals that Islamic teachings promote peace with profound clarity and wisdom.
Examining the true interpretations of Qur'anic verses.
Qur’anic Teachings on Freedom of Religion.