The Companions of the Holy Prophet (sa)

Friday Sermon Summary 16th October 2020: ‘Men of Excellence – Hazrat Mu‘awwidh bin Harith (ra) & Hazrat Ubayy bin Ka’b (ra)’

After reciting Tashahhud, Ta`awwuz, and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) said that the first companion whose life he would be highlighting was Hazrat Mu‘awwidh bin Harith (ra).

Hazrat Mu'awwidh bin Harith

Hazrat Mu’awwidh bin Harith (ra)

His Holiness (aba) said that Hazrat Mu‘awwidh was from the Khazraj tribe. His father’s name was Harith bin Rifa‘ah and his mother’s name was Afra bint Ubaid. Hazrat Mu‘adh and Hazrat Auf were both his brothers, who were also known by their mother’s name, and thus known as Banu Afra.

His Holiness (aba) said that there is one narration which related that Hazrat Mu’awwidh (ra) took part in the Second Pledge at Aqabah. He was blessed to take part in the Battle of Badr along with his two brothers. It is narrated that the three brothers had one camel between them which they would take turns riding. Hazrat Mu‘awwidh (ra) and Hazrat Mu‘adh were the two young companions who attacked Abu Jahl during the Battle of Badr, and it was after this attack that Abdullah bin Mas‘ud (ra) found Abu Jahl in a near-death state in the battle ground and finally ended his life. His Holiness (aba) highlighted some of the events surrounding this incident.

Hazrat Mu‘awwidh (ra) was martyred in the field of battle at Badr.

Hazrat Ubayy bin Ka’b

Hazrat Ubayy bin Ka’b (ra)

His Holiness (aba) said that the second companion whose life he would be highlighting is Hazrat Ubayy bin Ka’b (ra). He belonged to the Banu Mu‘awiyah branch of the Khazraj tribe. His father’s name was Ka’b bin Qais and his mother’s name was Suhailah bint Aswad. Hazrat Ubayy was known by two names; the first was Abu Mundhir, a name given to him by the Holy Prophet (sa), and the second name was Abu Tufail, which Hazrat Umar (ra) called him because of his son Tufail. 

His Holiness (aba) related that Hazrat Ubayy (ra) of average height and had white hair. It is narrated that he took part in the Second Pledge at Aqabah. He knew how to read and write; thus, he was blessed to be a scribe who would write the Qur’anic revelations when they were revealed to the Holy Prophet (sa). 

His Holiness (aba) related that Hazrat Ubayy (ra) was of those four individuals from whom the Holy Prophet (sa) advised people to learn the Holy Qur’an. He was also among fifteen companions blessed to be scribes of the Holy Qur’an. Whenever the Holy Prophet (sa) received a Qur’anic revelation, he would call any one of these fifteen scribes to write it down.  

Divine Command to Teach the Holy Qur’an

His Holiness (aba) related a narration in which the Holy Prophet (sa) said to Hazrat Ubayy (ra) the God had commanded him to teach Hazrat Ubayy (ra) the Qur’an. Hazrat Ubayy asked the Holy Prophet (sa) whether God specifically mentioned his name, to which the Holy Prophet (sa) replied ‘yes.’ Upon hearing this, Hazrat Ubayy (ra) was overwhelmed and his eyes filled with tears. 

His Holiness (aba) said that Hazrat Umar (ra) often recounted this incident. Once while delivering a sermon, Hazrat Umar (ra) said that whoever had an interest in the Holy Qur’an should go to Ubayy (ra). 

His Holiness (aba) said that once the Holy Prophet (sa) said the person with the most knowledge of the Holy Qur’an and its recitation was Hazrat Ubayy (ra).

His Holiness (aba) related that Hazrat Ubayy (ra) was the first scribe to write down a revelation of the Holy Prophet (sa) after his migration to Madinah. 

Knowledge of the Holy Qur’an

His Holiness (aba) said that Hazrat Ubayy (ra) spent a great deal of time with the Holy Prophet (sa), and thus, whilst remaining within the confines of respect and honour, he would frankly ask questions from the Holy Prophet (sa). Once, the Holy Prophet (sa) was leading prayer, and whilst during his recitation, forgot to recite a verse. After completing the prayer, the Holy Prophet (sa) asked the congregation whether they had paid attention to his recitation. Upon this, Hazray Ubayy (ra) informed the Holy Prophet (sa) that he had missed a verse in his recitation, and asked whether the verse had been abrogated or if he had simply forgotten. The Holy Prophet (sa) replied that he had forgotten, and he knew that Hazrat Ubayy (ra) would be the one to point this out. 

His Holiness (aba) said that the esteemed knowledge of Hazrat Ubayy (ra) in the recitation of the Holy Qur’an is displayed by the fact that the Holy Prophet (sa) would go over the entire Holy Qur’an along with Hazrat Ubayy (ra). 

His Holiness (aba) related an incident, that once, the Holy Prophet (sa) was delivering the Friday sermon, during which he recited a portion of the Holy Qur’an which some companions had not yet learned. During the sermon, two companions indicated to Hazrat Ubayy (ra) asking him when these verses had been revealed. However Hazrat Ubayy (ra) signalled to them to remain silent. After the Friday prayer was over, the companions went to Hazrat Ubayy (ra) and asked why he had not answered their question. Hazrat Ubayyy (ra) replied by saying that on that day, their prayer had been wasted. When these companions related this to the Holy Prophet (sa), he said that Ubayy (ra) was correct, for they should not have been speaking during the Friday sermon. 

His Holiness (aba) said that Hazrat Ubayy (ra) took part in all battles alongside the Holy Prophet (sa). During the Battle of Uhud, an arrow struck his median vein. After the Battle of Uhud, the Holy Prophet (sa) instructed Hazrat Ubayy (ra) to tend to the wounded. He found Hazrat Sa’d bin Rabi’ in his final moments. He asked Hazrat Sa’d (ra) if he wished to send any message. He said to convey his Salam [greetings] to all his Muslim brothers, and to tell his family that he had given his life to protect the Holy Prophet (sa), and that now, they should continue to protect the Holy Prophet (sa) with their lives. 


Role in Compilation of the Holy Qur’an

His Holiness (aba) said that during the Caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra), the entire Holy Qur’an was compiled as one, and Hazrat Ubayy (ra) was the head of the group of companions commissioned for this task. 

His Holiness (aba) said that during the Caliphate of Hazrat Umar (ra), a consultative body was established, in which Hazrat Ubayy (ra) was a representative of the Khazraj. 

One night during Ramadan, Hazrat Umar (ra) went out and saw that people were offering voluntary prayers on their own or some were offering them together. Hazrat Umar (ra) said that it would be better if they all offered these voluntary prayers together, and thus, appointed Hazrat Ubayy (ra) to lead them all in the voluntary prayer. 

HIs Holiness (aba) said that as a result of remaining close with the Holy Prophet (sa), Hazrat Ubayy (ra) was blessed to narrate many Ahadith [sayings of the Holy Prophet (sa)]. 

His Holiness (aba) said that at the time of the Caliphate of Hazrat Uthman (ra), there were still seven Qir’at [readings] in which the Holy Qur’an was recited. Hazrat Uthman (ra) desired to compile the Holy Qur’an into a single reading. For this purpose, he commissioned Hazrat Ubayy (ra) among others, due to his esteemed knowledge of the Holy Qur’an. 

HIs Holiness (aba) related that Hazrat Ubayy (ra) used to say that he could complete reciting the entire Holy Qur’an in eight nights. He also loved the Holy Prophet (sa) a great deal. His Holiness (aba) related that Hazrat Ubayy (ra) kept a branch in his home which the Holy Prophet (sa) used to lean on whilst delivering his sermons. It was only out of his love for the Holy Prophet (sa) that he kept this branch, until it rotted and decomposed.

His Holiness (aba) said that though there are some conflicting reports regarding the time of his demise, the most accurate account is that he passed away during the Caliphate of Hazrat Uthman (ra). 

Summary prepared by The Review of Religions.