After reciting Tashahhud, Ta’awwuz and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) said that he would highlight incidents from the lives of Companions of the Holy Prophet (sa) who took part in the battle of Badr.
A Clarification
Before doing so, His Holiness (aba) made a clarification with regards to a narration mentioned in a previous sermon with regards to Hazrat Mu‘adh bin Jabal (ra) regarding the plague. His Holiness (aba) said that there was a mistake in the translation given was not entirely accurate, and thus he would present the accurate translation. Thus, he presented the narration again, in which the Holy Prophet (sa) informed Hazrat Mu‘adh (ra) that he would conquer Syria, and it was there that there would be an outbreak of an epidemic.
Continued Accounts of Hazrat ‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr (ra)
After presenting this clarification, His Holiness (aba) said that he would continue highlighting incidents from the life of Hazrat ‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr (ra).
Shaded Under the Wings of Angels
His Holiness (aba) presented a narration in which it was stated that after the Battle of Uhud, the body of Hazrat ‘Abdullah (ra) was brought before the Holy Prophet (sa). His state was such that his ears and nose had been severed. Upon this, a woman from Hazrat ‘Abdullah’s (ra) family began crying. The Holy Prophet (sa) said that there was no need to cry, for Hazrat ‘Abdullah (ra) was being shaded under the wings of Angels.
Etiquettes of Offering Funeral Prayers for Martyrs
His Holiness (aba) said that there are many varying accounts as to the manner in which the funeral prayers for the martyrs in the Battle of Uhud were offered. His Holiness presented various narrations with regards to this. In one narration, it is stated the Holy Prophet (sa) would inquire which of the martyrs memorised more of the Holy Qur’an, and those people would be lowered into the grave first. Then the Holy Prophet (sa) said that he would bear witness for these people on the Day of Judgement. According to another narration, the Holy Prophet (sa) offered the funeral prayers for the martyrs of Uhud eight years later. Another narration states that as the deceased would be brought to the Holy Prophet (sa) and he would offer the funeral prayers of ten martyrs at a time. It is also narrated that the bodies of the martyrs would not be washed and would be buried in the same clothes they had been wearing at the time of their martyrdom. His Holiness (aba) continued presenting many more narrations on this subject. His Holiness (aba) also cited The Life & Character of the Seal of the Prophets.
His Holiness (aba) presented a narration from Hazrat ‘Abdullah’s (ra) son Jabir (ra). One day, the Holy Prophet (sa) saw that Hazrat Jabir (ra) seemed sad, and inquired as to what was wrong. Hazrat Jabir (ra) replied that he was sad because his father had been martyred and he left behind progeny and debts. The Holy Prophet (sa) said that God speaks to people from behind a veil, however he brought Hazrat ‘Abdullah (ra) before him and spoke to him directly and told him to request anything so that it may be granted to him. Hazrat ‘Abdullah (ra) replied that he wished to be brought back to life, so that he may fight in the way of Allah and be martyred once more. To this, God replied that He has already decreed that no one shall be brought back to life after death. Upon this, God Almighty revealed the following Qur’anic verse to the Holy Prophet (sa):
‘Think not of those, who have been slain in the cause of Allah, as dead. Nay, they are living, in the presence of their Lord, and are granted gifts from Him’
[Holy Qur’an 3:170]
Hazrat Abu Dujanah (ra)
His Holiness (aba) said that the next Companions whose life he would be highlighting is Hazrat Simak bin Kharashah, also known as Abu Dujanah (ra). He was from the Banu Sa‘idah branch of the Khazraj tribe. His fathers name was Kharashah and his mother’s name was Hazmah bint Harmalah. He was better known by his title Abu Dujanah.
His Holiness (aba) said that Hazrat Abu Dujanah (ra) took part in all battles alongside the Holy Prophet (sa). He was amongst the elder companions of the Ansar [natives to Madinah]. It is recorded that he was extremely brave and skilled in war; he was also a very skilled horse rider. He was often recognised in battle by the red turban he would wear.
Bearer of the Sword of the Holy Prophet (sa)
His Holiness (aba) related a narration in which it is stated that on the day of Uhud, the Holy Prophet (sa) took a sword as asked who would take it. Upon this all the companions presented themselves to take the sword from the Holy Prophet (sa). Then the Holy Prophet (sa) asked who would take the sword and do it justice? Upon this, everyone remained silent, and only Hazrat Abu Dujanah (ra) presented himself to take the sword. Upon this, the Holy Prophet (sa) granted him the sword, and it was with this very sword that Hazrat Abu Dujanah (ra) caused great devastation to the enemy.
His Holiness (aba) presented another narration that during the Battle of Uhud, whilst battling the enemy, Hazrat Abu Dujanah (ra) came across a woman who was also fighting named Hind who was also fighting against the Muslims and inciting her soldiers to kill the Muslims. Hazrat Abu Dujanah (ra) approached her and raised his sword in order to attack her. Seeing this, she called out to her soldiers to come and protect her, however no one came to her aid. Hazrat Abu Dujanah (ra) had his sword raised ready to attack, however he lowered it and went away. Later, someone asked him why he had done this, despite the fact that she was also fighting and inciting soldiers to kill Muslims. Hazrat Abu Dujanah (ra) replied that it was not right for the sword of the Holy Prophet (sa) to be used against a woman, especially when there was no one around to protect her. It was then that it became clear that it truly was Hazrat Abu Dujanah (ra) who could have done justice to this sword.
After the demise of the Holy Prophet (sa), there was a false claimant to prophethood. Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) sent an envoy to combat him. It was during this expedition that Hazrat Abu Dujanah (ra) was martyred in the Battle of Yamamah.
Funeral Prayers
His Holiness (aba) said that he would offer the funeral prayers [in-absentia] of the following people:
Mahboob Khan Sahib from Peshawar, Pakistan who was martyred on November 8 by opponents of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. He had been visiting his family, and when he was standing at the bus stop to leave, opponents fired at him, thus martyring him. He possessed many great qualities. He was kind, hospitable and had a great passion for propagating the message of Islam. His wife’s father and uncle were both previously martyred. Now she has the honour of being the daughter, niece and wife of martyrs. He is survived by his wife, two sons and two daughters and his grandchildren. He was always prepared to help those who were less fortunate and always kept some amount of money with him in order to help them. His Holiness (aba) prayed that Allah Almighty may elevate his station in heaven and enable his progeny to keep his virtuous deeds alive.
Fakhar Ahmad Farrukh Sahib who was a missionary in Pakistan. He passed away on November 1 as a result of a road accident. His son also died in the accident. He served as a missionary at various places in Pakistan, and also served as a missionary in Ivory Coast. He is survived by his wife, four daughters, his mother and his siblings. He gave precedence to his faith in all matters and was always ready to present sacrifices. He was very kind and hospitable. He would advise his wife and children that they too had to consider themselves as being life-devotees and be ready to present whatever sacrifices may be required. He was a devoted missionary and wished to spread the message of Ahmadiyyat to every village. His Holiness (aba) prayed that Allah Almighty may elevate his station in heaven and keep his wife and daughters in his protection.
Ihtisham Ahmad Abdullah Sahib who was the son of Fakhar Ahmad Farrukh. He was part of the Waqfe Nau scheme and was studying in first-year. He was a very active member of the Community. His Holiness (aba) prayed for that Allah Almighty may treat him with forgiveness and elevate his station in heaven.
Dr. Abdul Karim Sahib from Rabwah. He was a retired economic advisor of the State Bank of Pakistan. He studied in the first batch of the Ta‘limul Islam College. He would later travel to the USA to obtain a PhD in economics. He also worked with the IMF and other organisations. He served the Community in various financial matters. Upon his retirement, he stayed in Rabwah in order to serve the Community. He gave sound advice, and His Holiness (aba) commented that he too would take advice from him on certain matters. He was an excellent writer and penned various books. He was the member of a committee commissioned by the Fourth Caliph (rh) with regards to interest. His Holiness (aba) mentioned that he too served on a sub-committee alongside him and found him to be very proficient in the recommendations he gave. His Holiness (aba) prayed that Allah Almighty may elevate his station in heaven.
Summary prepared by The Review of Religions
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