After reciting Tashahhud, Ta`awwuz and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) said that he would continue highlighting incidents from the life of Hazrat Ali (ra).
Continuing on from the previous week’s sermon in which His Holiness (aba) mentioned the incidents following the martyrdom of Hazrat Uthman (ra) and the disorders which were arising, His Holiness (aba) quoted a passage from the Second Caliph, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (ra), who said that in order to avoid such disorder, Muslims must be well-educated, and must always remain attached with the Community and Khilafat.
His Holiness (aba) said that in today’s day and age, we are blessed to have MTA on which sermons and various other programmes of His Holiness (aba) are relayed all over the world. Thus, aside from studying the books of the Promised Messiah (as), it is necessary to watch and learn from MTA, specifically by regularly watching the Friday Sermons.
Jang-e-Jamal – Battle of the Camel
His Holiness (aba) related incidents regarding the Battle of the Camel, which took place between Hazrat Ali (ra) and Hazrat Aishah (ra). It is narrated that Hazrat Aishah (ra) was riding a camel during this battle which is why it is called the Battle of the Camel. After this martyrdom, the rebels spread out and went into different directions. There were some who went towards Hazrat Aishah (ra) and united her to take revenge, while another group of these rebels went and joined Hazrat Ali (ra). Upon hearing about the martyrdom of Hazrat Uthman (ra), Hazrat Aishah (ra) encouraged people to avenge the martyrdom of Hazrat Uthman (ra). Thus, she travelled to Basra along with an army which she had gathered. Upon seeing this, Hazrat Ali (ra) also went to Basra along with his army. It was there then, that a battle between the two armies took place.
Agreement Upon Reconciliation
His Holiness (aba) said that once both armies had reached Basra, Hazrat Ali (ra) sent someone to Hazrat Aishah (ra) as well as Hazrat Zubair (ra) and Hazrat Talhah (ra) who had also joined her, because they felt that Hazrat Ali (ra) was not swift enough in taking retribution. This representative asked them what their intentions were, to which they replied that they would fight for the purpose of reformation. However this representative advised them that fighting would only increase disorder and dissention. Later Hazrat Ali (ra) himself went and met with them, and all agreed that there was no need for fighting.
Mischief of the Rebels
His Holiness (aba) said that upon seeing the fact that this agreement had been made, the rebels became worried, for they knew that it would not be good for their own motives if the Muslims became united. Thus they devised a plan, and those of the rebels posing to be supporters of Hazrat Ali (ra) and those rebels who were posing to be supporters of Hazrat Aishah (ra) attacked one another. Ths raised a commotion, and made it seem as if a battle between the two sides had begun. When this took place, Hazrat Ali (ra) sent for Hazrat Aishah (ra), so that he may be able to speak to her and avoid battle. When her camel approached, the rebels saw that their plan may be foiled, so they started directing their arrows towards her camel. She called out saying that battle and fighting must be avoided, however this group of devinats continued to fire arrows in the direction of her camel. Upon seeing her attacked in such a manner, he supporters could not bear to see the wife of the Holy Prophet (sa) being attacked in such a manner, thus they attacked, and the camel of Hazrat Aishah (ra) became the centre of the battle ground. The battle only ended, once someone hamstrung the camel of Hazrat Aishah (ra).
Hazrat Zubair (ra) and Hazrat Talhah (ra) Profess Allegiance to Hazrat Ali (ra)
His Holiness (aba) said that seeing this state of affairs, Hazrat Ali (ra) was deeply saddened. Hazrat Zubair (ra) and Hazrat Talhah (ra) had both left the battleground for they realised the fault in what was happening, however both were martyred in the course of battle. However at the time of their martyrdom, they had both professed their allegiance to Hazrat Ali (ra). Later, Hazrat Ali (ra) made all arrangements for Hazrat Aishah’s (ra) return and went himself to see her off. At the time of her departure, both Hazrat Aishah (ra) and Hazrat Ali (ra) expressed and agreed with one another that their dispute had been upon trivial matters that usually take place between families and which grew out of hand.
Battle of Siffin
His Holiness (aba) then narrated incidents regarding the Battle of Siffin, which took place between Hazrat Ali (ra) and Hazrat Mu‘awiyah. Siffin is a place located between Syria and Iraq. When both sides had reached Siffin, Hazrat Ali (ra) clearly expressed that he had only come in order to form a truce with Hazrat Mu‘awiyah, however Hazrat Mu‘awiyah refused and insisted that the killers of Hazrat Uthman (ra) should be handed over to him. Every possible effort to avoid fighting was made, but to no avail. One such effort was that both sides decided to appoint a representative who would decide, according to the Holy Qur’an, as to what should be done with those who martyred Hazrat Uthman (ra). Thus, Hazrat ‘Amr bin ‘Aas (ra) was appointed from the side of Hazrat Mu‘awiyah while Hazrat Abu Musa Ash‘ari (ra) was appointed from the side of Hazrat Ali (ra). When both conferred, they decided that first both Hazrat Mu‘awiyah and Hazrat Ali (ra) should be removed from their posts of leadership. His Holiness (aba) said that this was not the purpose for which they were appointed to confer upon, thus this decision was wrong in every sense.
His Holiness (aba) said that when the two representatives were to announce their decision, Hazrat ‘Amr bin ‘Aas (ra) announced that their decision was that Hazrat Ali (ra) should no longer be the Khalifa, but then he also said that Hazrat Mu‘awiyah should remain as the Amir. For whatever reason, perhaps due to being influenced by others, he made this wrong decision and announcement. Hazrat Ali (ra) refused, and said that this was not the purpose for which these two had been appointed. A group of rebels went to Hazrat Ali (ra) and said that he had been wrong to appoint a representative in the first place, even though he had agreed to do so upon their urging. Hazrat Ali (ra) said that there was no wrong in appointing representatives to decide in the matter of the killers of Hazrat Uthman (ra), however he had made it clear that their decision would only be accepted if it was according to the Holy Qur’an, and their decision was not. These people did not accept this and left the allegiance of Hazrat Ali (ra) and became known as the Khawarij, and said that there was no need for leadership.
Battle of Nahrawan
His Holiness (aba) then related incidents regarding the Battle of Nahrawan, which was between Hazrat Ali (ra) and the Khawarij. The Khawarij had started raising trouble and committing senseless murders including those of women. When Hazrat Ali (ra) heard of this, he sent someone as a representative to see as to what was going on, however the Khawarij killed this representative as well. Then, Hazrat Ali (ra) himself went to Nahrawan and invited the Khawarij to a truce. Upon this, one hundred out of the four thousand Khawarij joined Hazrat Ali (ra) while a large number retreated. The rest remained to fight, as a result of which all of the remaining Khawarij were killed in battle.
His Holiness (aba) said that he would continue highlighting incidents from the life of Hazrat Ali (ra) in the future.
A Request for Prayer for Ahmadis in Algeria and Pakistan
His Holiness (aba) again made an appeal for prayers, for the Ahmadis residing in Pakistan and Algeria. His Holiness (aba) said that in recent days, there was some good news from Algeria, that two courts freed many Ahmadis who were being charged with false cases. His Holiness (aba) prayed for the judges who took this step that may Allah reward them for acting with justice, and enable others to do the same. His Holiness (aba) said that those in positions of power in Pakistan who act unjustly, may Allah enable them to rid themselves of rancour and see reason. However for those who Allah does not deem to be reformed, may they be punished swiftly, and may Allah create means of ease for the Ahmadis in Pakistan. His Holiness (aba) further said that the Ahmadis in Pakistan should focus on offering their prayers, especially the voluntary prayers. His Holiness (aba) outlined certain prayers which should specifically be offered.

Funeral Prayers
His Holiness (aba) said that he would offer the funeral prayers in-absentia of the following deceased members:
Humda Abbas Sahiba who was the wife of Abbas bin Abdul Qadir Shaheen of Khairpur. She passed away on December 29, 2020. Upon the martyrdom of her husband, she displayed exemplary patience. Upon her husband’s martyrdom, one of her brothers who was non-Ahmadi said that if only he had been martyred whilst on the right path, However she replied saying that she was honoured that in fact her husband was martyred whilst he was following the true and right path. His Holiness (aba) said that one of her closest friends from school went on to be the wife of General Zia-ul-Haq. However she never went to meet her, saying she had no interest in maintaining a relationship with the wife of someone who opposed and abused the Promised Messiah (as). She was very pious, regular in offering her prayers, and was at the forefront of offering financial sacrifices. She instilled the same habits in her children. She loved Khilafat a great deal. Everyone loved her a great deal. She is survived by three daughters and two sons. His Holiness (aba) prayed that her progeny may be able to continue the legacy of her virtues, and may Allah elevate her station in paradise.
Rizwan Syed Naeemi Sahib who passed away on October 13, 2020. He once saw Syed Abdul Qadir Jilani (rh) in a dream in which he pointed towards a person and the fact that he should join his community. Thus he realised that this was the community of the Promised Messiah (as) and his Khalifa, thus he accepted Ahmadiyyat in 2012. He was a virtuous person and loved to propagate the message of Islam. His son, wife and brother-in-law have accepted Ahmadiyyat as well. His Holiness (aba) prayed that may Allah grant them steadfastness and enable them to continue the legacy of his virtues, and may Allah elevate his station in paradise.
Mali Ali Muhammad Sahib who passed away on August 20, 2020. He was honored to be a prisoner in the way of Allah in Pakistan. He was regular in offering prayers and fasting, he was hospitable, looked after the poor, recited the Holy Qur’an regularly and taught many to recite it as well. He is survived by three sons and eleven grandchildren. One of his sons is serving as a missionary in Kenya and could not attend the funeral. May Allah grant him patience, and elevate his father’s station in paradise.
Ehsan Ahmad Sahib who passed away on October 27, 2020 as a result of complications from the coronavirus. He served the Community in various capacities. He loved to spread the message of Islam and was able to help eight people accept Ahmadiyyat. He is survived by his wife, two sons, a daughter, his parents, three brothers and two parents. His Holiness (aba) prayed that may Allah grant them patience and elevate the deceased in paradise.
Riazuddin Shams Sahib who was the youngest son of Jalaluddin Shams Sahib. He had a great deal of love for Khilafat. He worried not for himself but for his daughters in his time of illness especially. Everyone says that he would always be smiling no matter what. He is survived by two daughters and a son. His Holiness (aba) prayed that may Allah grant them patience and treat the deceased with mercy and forgiveness and elevate his station in paradise.
Summary prepared by The Review of Religions
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