After reciting Tashahhud, Ta‘awuuz and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) said that he would continue mentioning details regarding the Treaty of Hudaibiyah.

His Holiness (aba) said that the Holy Prophet (sa) had appointed a group of companions to stand guard. The Quraish had sent a contingent to circle the Muslims and strike at any time they found an opening to cause harm to the Holy Prophet (sa) and the Muslims. This group was led by Mikraz, and when some of those people from the Quraish were apprehended by the Muslims, Mikraz fled and warned the others, proving true the statement of the Holy Prophet (sa) that Mikraz was a deceiver.
His Holiness (aba) said that with the permission of the Holy Prophet (sa), there was a group of Muslims who entered Makkah. When the Quraish learned of this, they apprehended the Muslims. In the meantime, the Quraish had learned that their contingent had been captured, so they sent another armed group to attack the Muslims. They shot arrows and threw stones, causing the martyrdom of Hazrat Ibn Sulaim (ra). The Muslims were able to apprehend 12 people from this group.
His Holiness (aba) said that the Quraish sent an envoy towards the Holy Prophet (sa), which included Suhail bin Amr. Upon arriving, he said that he was very disappointed about the matter of Hazrat Uthman (ra) and the other companions being held captive, as well as the contingents of the Quraish being sent to attack the Muslims was an unfortunate matter that he had no knowledge about and was under the instructions of only a certain few. They asked for their captives to be returned, to which the Holy Prophet (sa) said he would only do so when the Muslim captives were released. Hence, the Quraish released Hazrat Uthman (ra) and the other companions, and in return, the Holy Prophet (sa) released the Quraish captives.
Conditions of the Treaty
His Holiness (aba) said that when Hazrat Uthman (ra) had been captured, the Holy Prophet (sa) had taken a pledge from all the companions known as the Bai’at-e-Ridwan. When the Quraish learned of this pledge, they became fearful and so some of them advised that a treaty should be formed stating that the Muslims would return that year and return the next year to stay in Makkah for three days with certain conditions about weaponry and provisions. Hence, they sent this proposition with Suhail bin Amr. Upon seeing him approach, the Holy Prophet (sa) said that it seemed the Quraish were sending a proposition for peace.
His Holiness (aba) quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad (ra) who writes:
‘When Suhail bin ‘Amr came before the Holy Prophet (sa), upon seeing him the Holy Prophet (sa) immediately said, “Suhail is coming. Now the matter shall be made easy.” In any case, Suhail came and upon arriving he said, “Come, forget this lengthy dispute, we are prepared to make an agreement.” The Holy Prophet (sa) said, “So are we.” Upon this, the Holy Prophet (sa) summoned his secretary, Hazrat Ali (ra), and since a general discussion had already taken place as to the conditions of this treaty, and the details were to be agreed upon along the way, as soon as the scribe arrived, the Holy Prophet (sa) said, “Write – ‘In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.’” remain vigilant in protecting the rights of the Quraish and their honour. He immediately said, “What is this word Rahman, we do not know this. Write as the Arabs have always written, “With Thine name, O Allah.” On the other hand, it was a question of national pride and religious indignation for the Muslims, who immediately alerted, began to say, “We shall indeed write “In the name of Allah…” but the Holy Prophet (sa) silenced the Muslims saying, “No matter, there is no problem in this, write as Suhail says.” So, the words “With Thine name, O Allah” were written. Then the Holy Prophet (sa) said, “Write – This is the treaty that Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah has concluded.” Suhail interjected once again saying, “We shall not allow you to write the words, ‘Messenger of Allah.’ For if we are to accept that you are the Messenger of Allah, then this entire dispute would be put to rest and we would have no right to hinder you and fight you. So as is our custom, only write the words, ‘Muhammad bin ‘Abdullah has settled this treaty.’” The Holy Prophet (sa) said, “Whether you accept it or not, I am the Messenger of Allah. However, since I am also Muhammad bin Abdullah, alright then, as you wish. Write – Muhammad bin Abdullah has concluded this treaty.” However, during this time, Hazrat Ali (ra), the scribe of the Holy Prophet (sa) had already written the words, ‘Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah.’ The Holy Prophet (sa) asked Hazrat Ali (ra) to erase the words ‘Muhammad the Messenger of Allah’ and write, ‘Muhammad bin Abdullah’ in their stead. However, this was a cause of immense emotion and in his indignation Hazrat Ali (ra) said, “O Messenger of Allah, I shall never erase the words ‘The Messenger of Allah’ from your name.” Upon seeing the uncontrollable state of Hazrat ‘Ali (ra), the Holy Prophet (sa) said, “Alright, If you shall not erase it, give it here, I shall erase it myself.” Then the Holy Prophet (sa) took the parchment (or whatever it was) of the treaty in his own hands and inquiring as to the whereabouts of the words ‘Messenger of Allah’, erased them with his own hands and wrote the words “Ibn Abdullah” instead.
After this, the Holy Prophet (sa) had written, “The agreement is that the people of Makkah shall not stop us from circumambulating the Baitullah.” Suhail immediately said, “By God, this shall not be possible this year, or we shall be disgraced before the Arabs. Nonetheless, you may come next year to circumambulate the Ka‘bah.” The Holy Prophet (sa) said, “Alright, write this.” Then, Suhail also had a condition written from himself that, “None from among the people of Makkah shall be permitted to join the Muslims even if he be a Muslim, and if such a person comes to the Muslims, he shall be returned.” Upon this, the companions protested, “Glory be to Allah! How is it possible that a man comes to us embracing Islam and we send him back!” While they were in this state of altercation, Abu Jandal, the son of Suhail bin Amr, who was the ambassador of the Quraish, found way to this assembly suddenly, stumbling in fetters and handcuffs. This young man had been imprisoned by the people of Makkah on his becoming a Muslim and had subjected him to severe torment. When he came to know that the Holy Prophet (sa) had come so close to Makkah, somehow, he escaped the imprisonment of the Quraish and still tied in his fetters, he managed to stagger to Hudaibiyah. Incidentally, he reached there at a time when his father was stipulating the condition, “Every man who comes to the Muslims from the people of Makkah, even if he be a Muslim, shall be returned.” Abu Jandal threw himself before the Muslims and very painfully cried, “O Ye Muslims! I am being subjected to this torment, merely on account of my having accepted Islam! Save me for the sake of God!” Upon the sight of this, the Muslims began to toss in agony, but Suhail also remained obstinate and said to the Holy Prophet (sa), “As per this treaty, this is the first demand I make to you, that you return Abu Jandal to me.” The Holy Prophet (sa) said, “The treaty has yet to be finalised.” Suhail said, “If you do not return him to me, consider this treaty dissolved.” The Holy Prophet (sa) said, “Let it go and grant Abu Jandal to us as an act of favor and kindness.” Suhail said, “No, never.” The Holy Prophet (sa) said, “Suhail! Do not be obstinate! Listen to me on this.” Suhail said, “I cannot accept this in any case.” Upon this, Abu Jandal cried out once again, “O Ye Muslims! Shall your Muslim brother be sent back to the idolators after having suffered such severe torment?”…The Holy Prophet (sa) remained silent for some time, and then painfully said, “O Abu Jandal! Be patient. Look towards God, for it is He who shall indeed arrange for your deliverance and for your weak Muslim brothers. At this time, we are bound by our circumstances, because we have already settled an agreement with the people of Makkah and we cannot act in violation of this treaty.”’
(The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa), Vol. 3, pp. 137-140)
Apprehension of Hazrat Umar (ra)
His Holiness (aba) that upon witnessing this, Hazrat Umar (ra) became very emotion, and asked the Holy Prophet (sa) whether the Muslims not upon the truth and the disbelievers upon falsehood. The Holy Prophet (sa) said that it was certainly so. Hazrat Umar (ra) then asked why they were enduring such humiliation on account of this treaty. The Holy Prophet (sa) said that being the Messenger of Allah he would never disobey God, and that God would help in under every circumstance. Hazrat Umar (ra) asked the Holy Prophet (sa) that had he not said they would perform circuits around the Ka’bah? The Holy Prophet (sa) said that indeed he had, but he had never specified that it would be that very year. Hazrat Umar (ra) then went to Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) and asked him the same questions. Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) responded saying that he was the Messenger of Allah (sa) thus he would never disobey Allah and that Allah would always support him, and so he advised Hazrat Umar (ra) to always remain obedient to him. Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) also gave the same response to the question of performing circuits around the Ka’bah, saying that the Holy Prophet (sa) had not specified that it would be that very same year. Later, Hazrat Umar (ra) repented and increased his good deeds as expiation for his conduct at that time.
His Holiness (aba) quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad (ra) regarding the conditions of the treaty, who writes:
‘After much disagreement and trouble, this treaty was concluded at last. In almost every stipulation, the Holy Prophet (sa) forfeited his term and accepted the demand of the Quraish. Furthermore, in accordance with Divine Will, the Holy Prophet (sa) fulfilled his oath with complete loyalty in that he should accept whatever the Quraish demanded for the sake of the Baitullah and in order to safeguard the reverence of the Haram at all costs. The conditions of this treaty were as follows:
- The Holy Prophet (sa) and his companions would return (to Madinah) this year.
- Next year, they would be permitted to enter Makkah and fulfil the rite of Umrah, but except for a sheathed sword, they would not be permitted to bring any arms. Furthermore, they would not remain in Makkah for more than 3 days.
- If any man from among the people of Makkah went to Madinah, even if he be a Muslim, the Holy Prophet (sa) should not grant him protection in Madinah and should return him. In this relation, the words of Sahih Bukhari are: “If a man from among us comes to you, you shall return him.” If however, a Muslim were to leave Madinah and come to Makkah, he would not be returned. In another narration, it is mentioned that if any man from the people of Makkah came to Madinah without the permission of his Wali or guardian, he should be returned.
- Among the tribes of Arabia, whichever tribe wished to ally with the Muslims could do so and whichever tribe wished to ally with the people of Makkah could do so.
- For the time being, this treaty would be for 10 years and during this period, war would be suspended between the Quraish and the Muslims.
Two copies of this agreement were transcribed and as witnesses, many esteemed people put down their signatures. From the Muslims were Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra), Hazrat Umar (ra), Hazrat Uthman (ra) (who had returned from Makkah by that time), Abdur-Rahman bin Auf (ra), Sa‘d bin Abi Waqqas (ra) and Abu Ubaidah (ra). After the agreement had been concluded, Suhail bin Amr took one copy of the agreement and returned to Makkah, while the other copy remained with the Holy Prophet (sa).’
(The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa), Vol. 3, pp. 141-143)
Dispelling the Anxiety of the Muslims
His Holiness (aba) further quoted Hazrat Mirza Bahir Ahmad (ra) who writes:
‘When Suhail returned, the Holy Prophet (sa) said to the Muslims, “Get up and after slaughtering your animals, shave your heads right here (after the sacrifice, the hair on the head is either shaved or cut short), and then prepare for our return.” However, the companions were in a state of extreme shock, due to what seemed to be an apparently humiliating agreement. Moreover, when they would think that the Holy Prophet (sa) had brought them there on the basis of a dream of his and Allah the Exalted had shown a scene of the Tawaf of the Baitullah in that dream, their dispositions began to sink exceedingly. They were like lifeless beings sitting without feeling or movement. They had full faith in the Messenger of Allah and completely believed in his promise as well, but due to the demands of human nature, their hearts had fainted in grief due to this apparent failure. It is for this reason that when the Holy Prophet (sa) instructed them to slaughter their animal sacrifices and return, the companions did not move. This was not because they were, God-forbid, disobedient to their Messenger (sa), for no community has existed on the face of this earth which was more obedient than the companions of the Holy Prophet (sa). Hence, their lack of execution was not an act of rebellion or disobedience, rather, it was because the feeling of grief and apparent disgrace had paralysed them; it was as if they heard but could not hear, and saw but their eyes did not function. The Holy Prophet (sa) was deeply hurt by this and quietly retired to his tent. Hazrat Ummi Salmah (ra), the venerable wife of the Holy Prophet (sa), who was an exceptionally intelligent lady, was watching the entire scene from her tent. When she saw her burdened and beloved husband enter in a state of concern and she inquired as to the details of the grief and concern of the Holy Prophet (sa) from his own mouth, she sympathetically and lovingly said to him, “O Messenger of Allah! Do not grieve, your companions, by the grace of God, are not disobedient. However, the conditions of this treaty have lost their senses in grief. My suggestion is that you say nothing to them, rather, quietly go out and slaughter your animal sacrifice and shave your head. Your companions shall automatically follow your lead. The Holy Prophet (sa) was pleased with this recommendation. Without saying a word, the Holy Prophet (sa) slaughtered his animal sacrifice and began to shave his head. When the companions saw this scene, just as a sleeping man suddenly awakens upon a clamour, etc., they were startled and as if woken up and so began to slaughter their animals in a frenzy and shaved the heads of one another. However, grief had made them so immensely restless at that time, that the narrator relates that such was the state of affairs, that there was a danger that while shaving the heads of one another, the companions could have well-nigh (accidentally) cut the throats of each other. In any case, the recommendation of Hazrat Ummi Salmah (ra) succeeded and where the blessed words of the Holy Prophet (sa) temporarily remained ineffective, his action suddenly awoke his followers who sat motionless at the time.’
(The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa), Vol. 3, pp. 143-145)
His Holiness (aba) said that once the Holy Prophet (sa) had sacrificed his camel, the camel that had once belonged to Abu Jahl and was taken as spoils, ran away. However, it was found and then sacrificed on behalf of seven people. That day the Holy Prophet (sa) sacrificed 70 animals, each on behalf of seven people. Twenty animals were sent towards Marwah so that they could be sacrificed there. Then, the Holy Prophet (sa) shaved his head. Thereafter, the Muslims followed suit in either shaving or cutting their hair. The Holy Prophet (sa) prayed for those who shaved their heads. He said three times that may Allah have mercy on those who shaved their heads and then the fourth time said that may Allah have mercy on those who trimmed their hair.
His Holiness (aba) said that it is recorded that the Holy Prophet (sa) remained in Hudaibiyah for 19 days. His Holiness (aba) quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad (ra) who writes:
‘After making his sacrifice, the Holy Prophet (sa) ordered the return to Madinah. At the time, it had been a little under 20 days since the Holy Prophet (sa) had arrived in Ḥudaibiyah. During his return journey, when the Holy Prophet (sa) reached Kira‘ul-Ghamim near ‘Usfan and it was night, the Holy Prophet (sa) made an announcement and gathered all the companions. He said, “This night, a Surah has been revealed to me, and it is more dear to me than all the things of this world.” It is as follows:
“O Messenger, we have indeed given thee a magnificent victory, so that we may begin for you an era, wherein the veil of forgiveness shall cover up thy shortcomings, past and future, and that He may complete His favour upon thee and may guide thee on the straight path of success. And indeed, Allāh shall help thee with a mighty help…The truth is that God indeed fulfilled the vision for His Messenger. For now, God Willing, you shall enter the sacred house in a state of security, some of you having their heads shaven and others having their hair cut short, and you shall have no fear.” In other words, if you were to have entered Makkah this year, it would not have been an entry of security; it would have been an entry of war and bloodshed. However, in the vision, God had shown an entry of security and it is for this reason that, as a result of the agreement this year, a state of security has been devised. Now, in accordance with the vision shown by God, you shall soon enter the Sacred Mosque in a state of security. Indeed, it so happened.”
When the Holy Prophet (sa) recited these verses to the companions, since the hearts of a few companions still felt the bitterness of the Treaty of Hudaibiyah, they became surprised, thinking that although they were returning in failure, but yet God was giving them good wishes on their victory. Some hasty companions even said, “Is it a victory that we are returning whilst being deprived of performing Tawaf around the Baitullah?” When these words reached the Holy Prophet (sa), he expressed great displeasure. In a brief but powerful speech, he said:
“This is an absurd objection, because if you reflect it shall become evident that the Treaty of Hudaibiyah is truly a momentous victory. The Quraish who were bent on war, have themselves forsaken war and settled a peace treaty with us, and have promised to open the doors of Makkah to us the following year. Safeguarded from the mischief of the Quraish, we are now returning in peace and security, whilst receiving the fragrance of our future victory. Therefore, indeed, this is a grand victory. Have you all forgotten how this very tribe, the Quraish, launched onslaughts of war against you in Uhud and Ahzab? This earth, with all its vastness, became straitened for you and your eyes were petrified, and you trembled in fear. Today, however, this very Quraish is settling a treaty of peace and security with you.”
The companions responded, “O Messenger of Allah! We have understood, we have understood. We cannot reach your farsightedness, but now we have understood that this treaty truly is a momentous victory for us.”’
(The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa), Vol. 3, pp. 145-146)
His Holiness (aba) said that this treaty bore many fruits. Makkah was ultimately conquered and the number of Muslims grew because of the peace and the newfound ability to freely move and meet, allowing others to meet Muslims and learn from them. This resulted in them finding out about the truth and becoming inclined to it. Ultimately, this led to the Arabs accepting Islam.
His Holiness (aba) said that he would continue mentioning these details in the future.
Summary prepared by The Review of Religions
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