Collated by S. Taalay Ahmad
Pakistan: The Express Tribune
Speaking to a media gathering, Mirza Masroor Ahmad said that the Muslims across the world should “peacefully unite in their opposition to the film” which has stirred up “great resentment and anger among Muslims worldwide.” He condemned the violent response witnessed in a number of countries by Muslims and the killings of innocent people including ambassadors and diplomats. He said, “Damaging property or burning buildings was completely wrong and benefited no party.”
New Zealand: TVNZ
In Europe, moderate Muslim leaders have been trying to stop the violence spreading to their region and it seems to be working so far…The Khalifa condemned the film makers and cartoonist, “Allah Almighty is going to fill Hell with such people.” Just as quickly reminded listeners that it’s not up to them to punish the wicked, ‘We do not believe in any kind of and you will never see any Ahmadi involved in this type of protest or violence,’ but their leader, the Khalifa, admitted to me that there are many more Muslims willing to do much worse. He says it’s not anti-western sentiment, more a case of others inciting violence to increase their own following.
USA: Fox News (interviewing Ahmadiyya Muslim Community representative)
Our Khalifa has repeatedly reminded us on how to respond to this, which is not only to turn to God as faithful Muslims, but to respond with the pen and our response should be one that’s lucid in conveying the blessed model of The Holy Prophetsa.
Malta: One TV (interviewing Ahmadiyya Muslim Community representative)
The head of our community has instructed and enlightened not only our community, but all the Muslims around the world that the reaction should be very peaceful, we should remain patient, we should speak about the character of The Prophetsa.
India: The Times of India
Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat world head Mirza Masroor Ahmad called on Muslims across the world to peacefully unite in their opposition to the movie. Expressing differences over spate of violence and killing of innocent people following the release of trailer for the movie, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad condemned the violent response witnessed in a number of countries. He said, “The killing of innocent people, including ambassadors and diplomats, is completely in contradiction to the teachings of Islam.”
USA: The Huffington Post
Treating freedom of speech as supreme at the expense of world peace and harmony is an incredibly flawed concept. His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the worldwide leader of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, which is in more than 200 countries, made this same point in his statement last week when he said, “Let it not be that in the name of freedom of speech the peace of the entire world be destroyed.”
UK: Wimbledon Guardian
Thousands of worshippers turned out in force on Friday to hear their spiritual leader condemn violent protests across the world against an anti-Islamic film. Members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community gathered at the Bait-ul Futuh mosque in London Road, Morden, to hear His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad deliver a one-hour sermon. In a live global broadcast, he deplored the protestors’ actions and said a peaceful approach should have been used to condemn the film. Speaking after his sermon, His Holiness said: “We cannot tolerate it, not even the smallest thing against the Prophet. Is it freedom of expression for somebody to insult your father in front of you? You will obviously retaliate.” He also called for the ridicule of other religions to be made illegal.
Canada: Ottawa Citizen
Last week in London, the world head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat called on all Muslims to unite peacefully in opposition to the film and condemned the violence. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad also suggested there should be limits to freedom of speech to protect religious beliefs.
Canada: Metro
On Sept. 21, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, a spiritual leader of the Ahmadi, called for limits to free speech so that the religious sentiments of all people are protected.
India: News Track India
The head of the Ahmadi community in Pakistan has said the anger of Muslims regarding the anti-Islam film produced in the United States, is “fully justified”, but has condemned the violent reaction to it.
UK: Belfast Telegraph
The supreme head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, has told his followers to turn increasingly to prayer and through their personal example embody the noble qualities of the Prophet. That, he explained, would be a more effective and lasting answer than riots and burning flags or effigies could ever be.
UK: Wandsworth Guardian
His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad said the violent protestors were not following the true teachings of Islam and lacked leadership. He added: “The way these Muslims are protesting is not the right way.”
The Official Press Release regarding this sermon was also sent out by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and was reproduced on Lankaweb.
This is a true message of Almighty Allah that you should pay back through good in place of bad deeds done to you from anybody.The best that these people can do is to let the anti-Islamic groups understand about the beauty of the Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw)’s teaching by response in a non violent way and reply them in a manner that those that are looking for truth will see good things from Islam.