Keynote address drawing a parallel between Islamic teachings and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Women’s Section
A brief look at how Islam have always provided rights for women long before western cultures introduced them.
33 CHASTITY (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad) The moral qualities that the true Creator has appointed for the discarding of evil are known by four names in Arabic...
Gist of the address delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV to Lajna Imaillah - Ahmadiyya Ladies' Organisation - on August 12, 1989.
Islam and Common Sense
34 POSITION OF WOMEN (Wahab Bin A dam ) Talking of the equality of man, one is reminded of the place of woman in society. “Let the woman learn in silence...
Women in Islam (Selma Mubaraka Khan) God in His wisdom has offered full equality to men and women. This does not mean, however, that our roles or functions are...
MARCH 1985 ROLE & STATUS OF WOMEN IN ISLAM 39 THE ROLE AND THE STATUS OF WOMEN IN ISLAM By Mostafa Sabet (Being the text of an address delivered in the...
Perfect Guidance of Islam
Overview of Pardah and Polygamy
Objections Against Polygamy Refuted