A highly respected figure in all Abrahamic faiths. Exploring circumstances of his life and his impact on Judaism.
Background and significance of the Jewish festival of Hanukkah and how it is celebrated.
Giving to the poor is obedience to the highest commandment, hence Jewish law requires 1⁄10th of one’s income be given to Jews or Gentiles.
A glimpse into the concept of fasting in Judaism.
A brief review of some of the theories surrounding the origins of this symbol of modern Jewish identity.
A review of the various Islamic schools of thought surrounding the life and mission of Jesus(as).
A short introduction based on a speech given at a multi-religious function.
A brief look and comparison at the religious aspects concerning fasting of the major religions.
INTERFAITH DIALOGUE (We produce an extract from an inter—faith dialogue organised by Lyle Penner. Invited were representatives of four great faiths: Neil Rose...
A Brief Life Sketch of Prophet Moses (Kenneth Moakan) As a Muslim, I do not feel that this subject is about a stranger; rather, it is a cardinal belief of...
The Prophecy Plot (1) (Naeem Osman Memon) (For nearly 2,000 years evangelical Christianity has furthered the cause of the Church on the basis of several Old...
Is Christianity True?
MARCH 1985 HOLY QUR’AN COMMENTARY In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Ever Merciful We praise Him and invoke His blessings on His Noble Prophet...
MARCH 1985 THE NEED OF THE HOLY QURAN 9 From Our Archives: THE NEED OF THE HOLY QURAN By Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad The Promised Messiah (Reprinted from the...