"In fact, the commingling of different schools of thought led to philosophical and intellectual advancement."
"...there are so many instances where Jewish people facing persecution in Christian countries fled to Muslim territories for sanctuary..."
History bears witness to the fact that in Spain Jews, Muslims and Christians thrived as a community, living and working together.
7th century Baghdad shows us that Jews and Muslims can not only coexist peacefully and harmoniously but also thrive and prosper together.
True Muslims and Jews will always stand firm against cruelty and oppression and are guided by a shared religious vocabulary.
How did Islam's Second Caliph treat Jews when he took control of Jerusalem? What's the precedent established by Islam's history?
A look into the Places of Worship, The Great Synagogue of Budapest and its significance.
Sabahat Ali Rajput, Mexico A lot of people are palpably furious right now – enraged with their governmental heads, frustrated with their Health Ministers...
Found in one form or another, fasting is a ritual common to most major religions. Explore this ancient discipline from the lens of various religious faiths and...
The role of celestial signs in establishing the truthfulness of God’s prophets.
The similarities between Jesusas and the Promised Messiahas.
Overview of Speeches Judaism – Rabbi Professor Daniel Sperber Judaism – Rabbi Jackie Tabik Hindusim – Umesh Chander Sharma Buddhism –...
Overview of Speakers Rt Hon Dominic Grieve QC MP HE Prof. Kwaku Danso-Boafo Dr. Katrina Lantos Swett Baroness Berridge Rt Hon Baroness Warsi Rt Hon...
We continue our exclusive serialisation of the epic biography.
We continue with Chapter VII from the epic biography of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa)