Exploring another place of worship, the city of Varanasi in India, which is a pilgrimage site sacred to Hindus, Buddhists and Jains.
Location: Siem Reap, CambodiaDate Opened: 12th Century C.E.Belief: Hinduism/Buddhism Angkor Wat is a vast Buddhist complex located roughly five...
Found in one form or another, fasting is a ritual common to most major religions. Explore this ancient discipline from the lens of various religious faiths and...
The holiest month for Muslims where they go hungry from dawn to dusk, but what is the true philosophy behind fasting?
Overview of Speeches Judaism – Rabbi Professor Daniel Sperber Judaism – Rabbi Jackie Tabik Hindusim – Umesh Chander Sharma Buddhism –...
Did Anything Except God Exist Before Creation?
A Question and Answer session with Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ru), fourth Khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, recorded at Cologne, Germany.
By drawing comparisons in the lives, personal attributes and historical backgrounds of the Buddha(as) and Jesus(as), the Promised Messiah(as) seeks to prove...
Analysis of how Islam entered and established itself in China, and how Muslims are living in China today.
When do religions get manipulated by humans to become more like mythology, and can we uncover true religion by examining mythology?
Addresses the question on why innocent people suffer and whether one can benefit from such trials.
14 BUDDHA AND JESUS (Bashir Ahmad Orchard) Buddha and Jesus were both holy prophets.of God who appeared in their own times for the spiritual rejuvenation of...