Muharram (the first Islamic month) marks both victories and devastating events that left an indelible mark on Islamic history.
Tag - Dates – Muharram
When you think about New Years you usually think about celebrations. But when it comes to the Islamic New Year, things are a bit different.
© Shutterstock Tariq Mahmood, Toronto, Canada Peer backwards in time: you will find our ancient ancestors living their simplistic lives in huts or houses...
Shutterstock | rasoulali Rabeeb Mirza, London, UK ‘O ye who believe! seek help with patience and Prayer; surely, Allah is with the steadfast. And say not of...
After reciting Tashahhud, Ta’awwuz and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness (aba) said that in this era, according to the promise of God, the Promised...
The martyrdom of Imam Hussain(ra) was one of the most tragic incidents in Islamic History | Translated by Shehzad Ahmad – UK In the...
Today, millions of Muslims around the world mourn the tragedy of Karbala each year in the first ten days of Muharram. In this article we examine how a true...
Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar, but rather than jubilation, this month dawns with the reminder of one of the most tragic events in the...
The tragic martydom of the grandson of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa during the month of Muharram
The Islamic Holy month of Muharram is celebrated in diverse ways by Muslims. This article portrays the manner in which the Promised Messiah(as) and his...
The merciless massacre of the grandson of the Holy Prophet(saw), Imam Hussain(ra), his family and companions in the fields of Karbala that led to the Shiite...