A special in-depth feature highlighting the writings of the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas on the five fundamental pillars of Islam.
Tag - EPI – Zakat
The Promised Messiahas explains the five fundamental pillars of Islam in depth.
Why interest and hoarding money are forbidden in Islam?
A look at some of the qualities of the Successors to the Holy Prophet(sa) who could not be corrupted despite the absolute religion and temporal powers they...
Zakat is taken from the well-to-do and given to the poor. It teaches sympathy of the highest order.
Exploring the role and function of Zakat as a means of purifying one’s wealth, helping to relieve the suffering of the poor and a basis for economic and...
The author reflects on verses of the Qur’an and the hadith relating to economic values. Economic values go hand in hand with social values. Recognising that...
The Islamic economic system narrows the gap between the haves and have nots. An emphasis on spending, zakat and prohibition of interests ensuring a fast...
The importance of doing good to others.
It is very important in Islam not to hoard money but to keep it working. How does Islam view placing money on the capitalist stock market system?
39 ZAKAT AND SADAQA – FITR (Olayiwolo Jegede) Among the five pillars of Islamic faith, Zakat, as described by the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon...
41 Economic Values (Sir Zafrulla Khan) In the economic sphere the basic concept in Islam is that absolute ownership of everything belongs to God alone (2:108;...