Tag - Rights – Freedom of Religion
Notes & Comments - The Tolerance of Islam
Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Islam
Pakistan crackdown on Ahmadi Moslems, Persecution, Creating hatred against the Ahmadis
Islam and Russia (3) (Dr. Qazi Muhammad Barkatullah) ISLAM AND EQUALIlY OF MANKIND Islam recognises the equality of all people of all nations. “0...
Curb on the Freedom of Religion in Pakistan (Sh. Nasir Ahmad, Zurich) In an article published in the magazine “Inquiry” of September 1984 under the...
Egypt and Freedom of Religion (Mushtaq Ahmad Bajwa) A West German quarterly, Aktuelle FragenAus der Welt des Islam (Actual Questions from the Islamic World)...
Tragedy in Pakistan (Shukri Robinson) Human tragedy is too often reduced to a few paragraphs on the front page of a newspaper. If it is not in the newspaper or...
JANUARY 1985 HOLY QUR’AN COMMENTARY In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Ever Merciful We praise Him and invoke His blessings on His Noble Prophet...
JANUARY 1985 LIMITS OF RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE 11 WHAT ARE THE LIMITS OF RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE? By Louis J. Hammann Professor of Religion, Gettysburg College The...