An in-depth rebuttal to the prevalent misconceptions particularly in the Islamic world of the use of force and the meaning of Jihad as according to Qur’anic...
Tag - Rights – Freedom of Religion
Majlis Ahrar and Maududi’s attempts to halt the progress of the community.
Each of the successors of the Promised Messiah(as) is a testimony to the second manifestation of the power of God. ‘…at the time of the demise of the...
Non-Ahmadi Muslims present an image of Jesus (as) which is at odds with their calls for peace.
The responsibilities of a Muslim state and how it should maintain peace.
Are recent events over the veil and the cross threatening the freedom of religion?
The English rendering of a Friday Sermon in response to Pope Benedict XVI’s speech containing false and unfounded allegations against Islam and its Holy...
Even though the practice in many so-called Muslim countries may lead to the opposite conclusion,freedom of speech and conscience are fundamental tenets of the...
How the traditions of Islam have been misinterpreted to suggest that Islam prescribes death penalty for apostasy.
Islam possesses a dynamic character. Muslims are duty bound to seek to persuade others about the truth of Islam and of the beneficent values it advocates. This...
The Afghan government released Abdul Rahman, a 41 year old man who converted 16 years ago to Christianity. In 1990, Mr. Rahman left Afghanistan and started to...
An address by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V – Islam is a religion of tolerance and allows freedom of belief and expression of opinion.
An extract from Murder in the Name of Islam. The punishment for apostacy is of medieval Christian origin that Maududi borrowed and made Islam a mouse-trap.
God’s messengers have followed a method of reform based on reason and persuasion and not on the use of force. Is there a death penalty for changing one’s faith...
Maulana Maududi, founder of Jama'at Islami, held that when persuasion failed, the Prophet(sa) took to the sword. Orientalists and history proves otherwise. A...
The history of religion is one of destruction and bloodshed but does true religion teach violence or has religion always been exploited by corrupt religious...
A look at how Islam responds to the challenge of secularism as a form of governance in the modern world with particular reference to Pakistan.
The introduction to this masterpiece is as relevant today as it was at the time of its writing over 100 years ago. The misconceptions of both Muslims and...
A study of the life and teachings of the Holy Prophet(as) towards other faiths co-exisiting with Muslims. Proof that concepts such as forced conversion are...
A lecture asking those who call Islam belligerent to reflect. Do Islam’s high values manfest themselves when bombs rain down from skies?
An excelelnt formula for inter-faith respect, tolerance and dialogue, based on a lecture delievered in Ghana.
Religious Freedom: Even basic religious rights are being denied not just by religious extremists but by governments.
How understanding, not force, was the driving force behind Islam’s rapid progress across the globe - Friday Sermon.
A look at how Islam promotes the establishment of peace at all levels.
Continuing a detailed review of the background to the persecution of Ahmadis.
How the Promised Messiah(as) and his Succesors provided the fundamentals for removing inter-communal misunderstanding and provided for the basis for peace.
A time to understand and end hatred.