For 40 years Ahmadi Muslims have been transforming the pain of persecution into ever stronger resolve and have flourished.
His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (aba) Second Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (Speech delivered on 19th February 1925)...
In this response to an editorial published by then-President of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf, Pakistani politicians and intelligentsia to truly examine...
Presenting the second part of a Harvard lecture in which advocate Mujeeb ur Rahman discusses the erosion of the rights of Ahmadis in Pakistan.
When the initial schemes of the Quraish to try to hinder the progress of the Muslims failed, they intensified their persecution to unimaginable proportions.
Start of Chapter VII from The Life and Character of the Seal of the Prophets(saw). When the persecution by the Quraish began exceeding all bounds, the Muslims...
Both the universe and everything within it have been created with flawless harmony and perfect equilibrium. Attempts to break this balance, whether by making...
An account of the horrific acts of violence and torture perpetrated by the Makkans upon the Muslims in the early days of Islam, and how the Muslims endured...
An in-depth look at the early opposition by the powerful tribes of Makkah against the Prophet(saw) to try and hinder his message at all costs.
The injustice, inequality and disorder seen in the world today have all surfaced as a result of mankind’s estrangement from God Almighty. Re-establishing this...
Religious Freedom in Indonesia Under Siege
The intense opposition to the Holy Prophet(saw) of Islam, and to Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as), the Promised Messiah led to the defeat of the opponents.
In response to the terrorist attacks that took place at two Ahmadi Muslim mosques in Lahore on 28 May 2010.
Vice-Chair of the Parliamentary Human Rights Group, UK, on the violence against Ahmadiyya Muslim worshippers and their mosques in Lahore, Pakistan.
‘Religion Drips With Blood’ – the bloodstained history of ‘religion’ is at odds with the true essence of God’s message.