
At the recent 9th Annual Peace Symposium organised by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, an audience including Government Ministers, Ambassadors of State, Members of both the House of Commons and the House of Lords, the Mayor of London and various other dignitaries and guests from all walks of life joined together to discuss the means of establishing international peace. In the keynote address (which will be published in the May Edition of The Review of Religions), Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad(aba), Khalifatul Masih V, Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community warned that the perilous state of the world appears to be leading us to a nuclear conflict in the shape of a Third World War. During the course of his address, His Holiness stated:

“One way in which I have tried to promote peace is through a series of letters that I have written to certain world leaders….. upon observing that hostilities between Iran and Israel were boiling over to a very dangerous level, I sent a letter to both Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Iran’s President, Mahmud Ahmedinejad, in which I urged them to forsake all forms of haste and recklessness when making decisions, for the sake of mankind. I have also recently written to President Barack Obama and Canada’s Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, calling on both of them to fulfil their roles and responsibilities towards the development of peace and harmony in the world. I am also planning to write and warn other Heads of State and leaders in the near future.

I do not know if my letters will be given any value or weight by the various leaders I have written to, but whatever their reaction, an attempt has been made by me, as the Khalifa and spiritual leader of millions of Ahmadi Muslims worldwide, to convey their feelings and emotions about the perilous state of the world. Let it be clear that I have not expressed these sentiments because of any personal fear, but instead, I am motivated out of a sincere love for humanity. This love for humanity has been developed and instilled in all true Muslims by the teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who, as I have already mentioned, was sent as a means of mercy and compassion for all of mankind.”

The Review of Religions has already published the full letter to Pope Benedict (January 2012 Edition). We present here some of the letters sent recently by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad(aba), Khalifatul Masih V, to various world leaders.

Contents of Letters

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  • God Almighty has created the universe and has sent the educators for guidance and this education completed at Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him). Hence all religions’ education in its purest form is part of Islam. So the religion for the human race is one.
    ‘Love for All Hatred for None’. With the practice of absolute justice we can achieve peace.

    It is all about each human being realizing one’s own obligations towards others. If one has more knowledge, he has more responsibilities. If one has more wealth, he has more responsibilities. If one is in position of authority and control, he has a lot more responsibilities in making decisions which affect others. We always need to look in the mirror and improve the image we see in the mirror.