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Ahmadi Muslims Should Achieve The Highest Echelon In The Fields Of Research And Science

On 14th December 2019, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Research Association (AMRA) held its 10th annual conference, in which researchers, thinkers and scientists gathered to listen to presentations on various topics, which included speakers from the Lajna Imaillah (women’s association). Review of Religions provides a summary below . Full transcript of the speech available here

This year’s conference took to new heights as it was the first international AMRA conference, with attendees from 9 different countries of the world. The conference was held in Masroor hall, Islamabad Tilford.

His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) graced this event with his presence and delivered an address to those in attendance in Islamabad, the headquarters of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. A brief summary of this address is presented below:

His Holiness (aba) explained that in many verses of the Holy Qur’an, Allah has mentioned the creation of the heavens and the earth and encouraged believers to ponder over it. His Holiness (aba) mentioned that humans have been given the ability to think and comprehend and the insight to appreciate everything that He has created.

The Caliph (aba) explained that true believers are not content to merely sit and wonder at the creation, rather they strive to learn the hidden qualities and as a result, they are drawn closer to God Almighty.

He further described that when a true believer implores for help, God grants them the support and understanding of the universe and they learn that the heavens and the earth could never have come about by itself, rather they point to a Magnificent Creator.

His Holiness (aba) then quoted the Promised Messiah (as) who stated that continued studies in sciences will always lead a righteous person to God Almighty. The more they learn about the creation, the more they will understand the beauty of Allah Almighty.

He gave the example of Dr Abdus Salam who based his research on the teachings of the Holy Qur’an and this led him to greater conviction in the One True God. Hence, if one seeks help from God Almighty in this manner, they will find His help in each step. The research of a believer leads not only to scientific progress and modern technologies, but also to serve as proof of the existence of God.

Ahmadi Muslim researchers were therefore urged not only to have the intention of furthering scientific research, but also to maintain the bond with God Almighty and try to learn more about His Being.

His Holiness (aba) stated that there should always be a clear distinction between Ahmadi scientists and others, which should be based upon righteousness and the love of God Almighty should be forever ingrained in their hearts. However, using science in the wrong manner, whereby they try to play God through cloning and altering the creation of God will only lead to failure and despair.

His Holiness (aba) quoted several articles which recognise the efforts and contributions of the early Muslims, in various fields of science, mathematics and research, whereby the writers admit that the Muslims brought about a golden age of research and discoveries. But they then lost it all as they gradually lost the spiritual connection with God Almighty. As a result, the Muslims also lost their drive to make further advancements in these fields.

The greatest challenge for Ahmadi researchers is to regain the lost glory, therefore, His Holiness (aba) urged that at least 100 Ahmadi students should follow in the footsteps of Dr Abdus Salam because 3 decades have passed since his achievement, but not even one Ahmadi scientist has become world-renowned. Hence, researchers should enter the field of academia and achieve the highest echelon in the fields of science and research.

In conclusion, His Holiness (aba) said to the researchers and scientists that it is up to them to think of ways of achieving outstanding accomplishments, and this can be achieved through mutual discussion and collaboration.

His Holiness (aba) ended the address with a silent prayer.