Komal Hadi, UK
It is safe to say that Jalsa brings with it countless blessings. From being able to even hold this event again this year, post-Covid lockdowns, to building the Jalsa site, while not knowing until the very last few weeks whether it would be going ahead or not, to observing how God Almighty enables all the many facets of these dynamically busy days to run smoothly. At times, I have found myself feeling a little anxious at the great responsibility of doing absolute justice in my duty at Jalsa for the guests of the Promised Messiah (as) and to the gravity of these spiritual three days. But I’ve always been told by my Nazimas (co-ordinators) in the past, when standing before large impending tasks, ‘This is God’s work, He will take care of it.’
This Jalsa was no different. After being selected as one of the few fortunate people who will be in attendance at Jalsa Salana this year and preparing for the duty ahead of the three days with my peers. But amidst the deliberative meetings, plans and anticipation, my ecstatic reaction was cut short when I approached my manger at work, who said it will not be possible for me to be absent, and I must come in.
I texted my Nazima with the sad news, and started reading Durood Sharif (prayer for sending salutations upon the Holy Prophet (sa)) and Ayatul Qursi (Chapter 2 Verse 256 of the Holy Qur’an) sitting in the office, asking God Almighty to make arrangements for me, so that I could journey to Hadeeqatul Mahdi (the Jalsa site) and be of service to a hardworking team.
A few moments later, my manager told me to call a number, which I did. Another senior manager picked up the line from her home all the way in a different city and said, ‘So I hear you’ve been invited to Jalsa, tell me how that happened.’ I explained the random selection process for the guests and why I had to go because of my duty. I explained how this was the biggest convention of the year for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and how things are currently being set up on the site. My manager was amazed at the creation of a small world in the remote farmland of the UK.
She asked, ‘So what will you be up to?’ I told her of my duty of gathering media content to share with those whose hearts are and souls are in Hadeeqatul Mahdi, but due to Covid restrictions, must remain at home, in an effort to bring them the Jalsa cheer. I was amazed that this non-Ahmadi lady wanted all the details of Jalsa Salana UK, as excitement and wonder ran through her voice and she exclaimed how special it all seemed and quizzed me on the many arrangements. ‘Ok, she said, ‘I don’t want you to miss out on this, the main event of the year.’ After indicating that she’s always wanted to visit, I promised her that whenever the opportunity were to arise in the future, I will surely take her with me so she could also quench her curiosity. ‘All my Ahmadi staff always go missing this time of year!’ I thanked Allah the Almighty for creating these provisions for me within a matter of minutes, the words of my Nazimas rang true; these are indeed days for the service of God Almighty, and He will take care of them. We can prepare and assemble plans all we want, but the true success comes from the Divine alone.
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