The story of Sumrin Naz, who was rewarded for her patience, prayers and unfaltering trust in Allah the Almighty, with a bundle of joy.
Tag - Miracles
Feroz Hundal shares a story of the power of prayer and how Allah the Almighty listens to His supplicants and accepts their prayers.
A faith-inspiring incident shows how Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya has been blessed with sight beyond the eyes by God Almighty.
A personal experience of the blessings associated with the Jalsa Salana.
Keep in mind that miracles are only granted to the men of God to demonstrate the difference between truth and falsehood. The real purpose of a miracle is none...
Many miracles are in fact as a result of prayers.
Examining the miracle of the splitting of the moon. Did the moon literally split, or symbolically?
The Khilafat of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV(ru) Whether winter or summer, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV(ru) would always go for brisk walks in the morning...
Prophet Moses(as), a truly great Messenger of God who safely took the people of Israel from the cruel rule of the Pharaoh to freedom.
These extracts show how someone who truly loves Muhammad(sa) writes about the Holy Prophet and expresses his superiority over all Prophets and the significance...
Islamic perspectives and testimonies on spiritual healing. God gave life and it is to Him Whom people should return at times of ill health.
THE RED DROPS (A. R. Dard) It was in May or June, 1884, that Hazrat Ahmad, after offering the Fajr prayer one morning, retired into a tiny room on the East...
What is a Miracle? (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad) What is a miracle? It is an extraordinary event the like of which the opponent of a divine messenger is unable...
Experiment in Fasting (Dr. H. S. Tanner) (Fasting has been prescribed by different religions in one form or another for the spiritual benefit of the faithful...
Proof of the Revelations of Bab and Bahaulla
A miracle for all people and all ages