His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) is a beaming beacon of Divine guidance and support. His Holiness (aba) represents the highest level of a connection with God in today’s world and thus he is the spiritual leader for tens of millions across the world, and champions the message of fulfilling the rights owed to God, and fulfilling the duties we each owe to our fellow human beings. Over the course of his Friday Sermons, addresses on various occasions, meetings with different organizations and children’s classes, His Holiness (aba) imparts invaluable knowledge and insight on a remarkably vast array of topics.
The Review of Religions is honoured to present some of these ‘Rays of Wisdom’ from His Holiness (aba) taken from various sources, for the benefit of its readers.
Significance of Promised Messiah (as) Day
Purpose of the Promised Messiah’s (as) Advent
The Promised Messiah (as) – A Guardian for Humanity
Significance of Promised Messiah (as) Day

23rd March is a day of great significance for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and is known as Promised Messiah (as) Day. The Promised Messiah (as) was the Latter Day Messiah foretold by the Holy Prophet (sa) and awaited by the major religions of the world, and was also the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslims Community. On one occasion, His Holiness (aba) explained the significance of Promised Messiah (as) Day and our responsibilities:
‘This day is commemorated in the Ahmadiyya Jama’at [Community] as the day the Jama’at was established and the Promised Messiah (as) took the bai‘at [pledge of allegiance]. Thus, each year, this day ought to serve as a reminder for us that the purpose of the Promised Messiah’s (as) advent, which is in line with the prophecies of the Holy Qur’an and the Holy Prophet (sa), was to revive the faith and to re-establish the true teachings of Islam in the world.
Furthermore, we are the ones who profess to have pledged allegiance to the Promised Messiah (as). Therefore, in order to fulfil this significant mission, we must play our role according to our respective capabilities and ensure that we re-establish the relationship between mankind and God Almighty, for mankind has lost its way. We must also draw people’s attention towards fulfilling the rights they owe towards mankind. Undoubtedly in order to achieve this, we must first reform ourselves.’[1]
Purpose of the Promised Messiah’s (as) Advent

With the advent of the Promised Messiah (as) came the establishment of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Many have misunderstood the advent of the Promised Messiah (as) and its purpose and believe this Community to simply be another sect in Islam. In reality, the advent of the Promised Messiah (as) bears great significance, and this Community is not just another ordinary sect, as His Holiness (aba) explains:
‘In this era, according to His promise, Allah the Almighty sent the Imam of the Age, the Promised Messiah and Mahdi in subservience to the Holy Prophet (sa) as the Hakam [judge] and Adl [just arbiter]. The Hakam and Adl was to gather all Muslims as one Ummah [nation] in light of the true teachings of Islam. He was to eliminate the erroneous interpretations and subsidiary disputes of the various groups and sects, thereby uniting the Muslims under one Ummah.
Today, we see that Muslims from every sect, who have carefully pondered and felt the pain owing to the disputes between various sects within Islam, have used their knowledge, wisdom and prayer and joined the community of the Promised Messiah (as). Each year, hundreds of thousands continue to join the fold.
The Ahmadiyya Jama’at [Community] has not been established on the basis of differences that exist between various sects and groups, or owing to their differences of opinion, or their difference in their interpretations and commentaries; rather, this community has been established in the Latter Days by the true servant of the Holy Prophet (sa) in accordance with the prophecy made by the Holy Prophet (sa) and the promise of Allah the Almighty. Having pledged allegiance to the Promised Messiah (as), it is this community that will bring an end to the disputes between the Shias and the Sunnis or between any other group or sect for that matter; and thus enable them to become united as one Ummah. We are to establish a single Ummahby informing the Muslims of the true teachings of Islam.
The Promised Messiah (as) was commissioned for this purpose and established this community in accordance with the commandment of Allah the Almighty. In order to fulfil this task, Allah the Almighty revealed to the Promised Messiah (as) that he should “gather together all Muslims who are on the Earth under one religion.[2]”’[3]
The Promised Messiah (as) – A Guardian for Humanity

The advent of a prophet is one of the greatest manifestations of God’s mercy for humankind. As the world drifts away from what is right in to a dark void of sin, God sends His beloved and chosen prophets to steer humankind away from their ruin. The Promised Messiah (as) manifested God’s love and mercy in ways unheard of in this day and age. Elaborating on this, and the fact that the Promised Messiah (as) was appointed by God Himself, His Holiness (aba) states:
‘It is owing to one’s love for Allah the Almighty which then draws one’s attention towards serving His creation. However, what was the Promised Messiah’s (as) own condition and practice in respect to this? Explaining this, the Promised Messiah (as) states:
“I would like to inform all the Muslims, Christians, Hindus and Aryas that I do not bear enmity with anyone. [I.e. he does not deem anyone to be his enemy even those who oppose him.] The love I have for the whole of mankind is like the love a benevolent mother has for her children, in fact even more. I am only an enemy of the false doctrines which obliterate the truth. To show sympathy to mankind is my duty and to shun: falsehood, Shirk, cruelty, ill-practice, injustice and immorality, are my principals.”[4]
Further elaborating on this, the Promised Messiah (as) states:
“It is evident that every species loves its own kind, even ants love other ants, providing there is no other selfish motive. Thus, it becomes the duty of the person who invites others to Allah the Almighty [the Promised Messiah (as) was calling people towards God Almighty] that he should love them the most. Hence, I love mankind the most but I am only an enemy of their ill-practices, injustices, disorder and rebellious behaviour. I bear no personal enmity with anyone. Thus, the treasure which has been bestowed upon me is the key for acquiring the treasures and rewards of heaven and I present that before mankind owing to my intense passion of love. The wealth that has been afforded to me is in fact the likes of precious diamonds, gold and silver and is not something that is spurious and debased. These treasures can be identified very easily because these Dirhams and Dinars [coins] bear the royal seal of the Sultan. (Who is this Sultan?) It is the heavenly testimonies which no one else possesses. (Allah the Almighty helps me and testifies for me.) I have been told that of all the religions, Islam is the true one. Out of all the guidance only the Guidance in the Qur’an remains in a perfect state and free from human interpolation. It has been explained to me that out of all the Messengers, the one who brought teachings which are perfect, superlative and unmatched in wisdom, teachings which display the qualities for the best example of man’s life, is none other than the chosen one, Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. And I have been informed through the holy and pure revelation of God, that I have been sent by Him as the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi and I am the arbitrator of internal and external differences. These names that I have been granted, namely the ‘Messiah’ and the ‘Mahdi’ have been bestowed to me by the Holy Prophet (sa). Furthermore, God Almighty bestowed to me these names through divine discourse and the need of the time warrants that I should be granted this name.[5]”’[6]
[1]Friday Sermon – 26 March 2021
[2]Tadhkirah, p. 763, [English Edition, 2009]
[3]Friday Sermon – 28 August 2020
[4]Arba’een, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 17, pp. 344
[5]Arba’een, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 17, pp. 345
[6]Friday Sermon – 24 March 2017
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