On 4th August, 2022, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) conducted an inspection of the various departments and preparations for the Jalsa Salana (Annual Convention) UK 2022. On this occasion, His Holiness (aba) also delivered a brief address to the volunteers of Jalsa Salana, the full translation of which is as follows:
After reciting Tashahhud and Ta`awwuz, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) said:
‘All praise belongs to Allah the Almighty, Who has enabled us to hold the Jalsa Salana at its full scale this year, both in terms of the capacity of attendees and the administration.
Last year, the Jalsa was held [for the first time] since the Covid pandemic, whereas this year, Allah the Almighty has enabled us to hold the Jalsa on a large scale as normal. Accordingly, during the two-year gap [in Jalsas], duties could not be performed as usual and even last year, I believe the number of volunteers who performed duties was less. Since the number of attendees was also less, the number of volunteers enlisted was based on the number of attendees.
However, seeing as the Jalsa this year will be attended at its full capacity and arrangements have been made by the organisers according to their estimates of attendees, the volunteers are also working in their respective departments accordingly. Perhaps there may be some new volunteers, and so, it is upon the more experienced and trained volunteers to train the new workers and to guide them.
Furthermore, although we are holding the Jalsa with complete freedom – according to the capacity allowed – you must still remain mindful of following certain restrictions. In light of the Covid pandemic, every volunteer should uphold the policy of wearing a mask. Just because we have permission to hold the Jalsa and have permission to host as many people as we like, they should not think that certain precautions no longer apply. Volunteers especially must be mindful of taking precautions as they will be working in close proximity to one another. Hence, this year, an aspect which requires special attention is that you must always keep your face covered with a mask. You must remain mindful of this.
As far as the arrangements are concerned, which I have inspected and have observed over the years and based on the manner in which you work, it cannot be said that such and such should be done or that there is a deficiency in any given aspect. If ever there is any shortcoming, then on occasions it is due to carelessness on the part of certain volunteers. However, as far as knowing how the work should be done, there is no shortcoming in that regard.
Therefore, you ought to serve wholeheartedly and bear in mind that we must fulfil our responsibilities by serving the guests of the Promised Messiah (as), discharge our duties and we must strive for the appropriate moral training of those who have newly joined. Alongside this, we must be mindful of the fact that an Ahmadi ought to set an example through their worship and maintain the bond they have established with Allah the Almighty.
Hence, during these days, one ought to safeguard their prayers. It should not be the case that one simply performs their duties but then neglect their prayers. Thus, alongside working hard and diligently, pay attention towards offering supplications and also towards worship. May Allah the Almighty enable you to fulfil this.’
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