After reciting Tashahhud, Ta‘awwuz and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) said that he would continue relating incidents from the life of the Holy Prophet (sa) that took place after the Battle of Badr.
![His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad](
Acceptance of Hazrat Abu al-Aas (ra)
His Holiness (aba) said that in Jamadi al-Ula 6 AH, the Holy Prophet (sa) sent a company in the command of Zaid bin Harithah towards a place called Ees which was at a distance of a six-day journey. This company was deployed because the Holy Prophet (sa) learned that a Makkan caravan was returning from Syria, with goods that were planned to be used in order to attack the Muslims. Once this company intercepted the caravan, one of the people captured was Abu al-Aas.
His Holiness (aba) quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad (ra), who writes about this in the following words:
‘Abul al-Aas’ bin Ar-Rabi (ra) was also among the prisoners who were captured in the expedition to ‘Is. He was the son-in-law of the Holy Prophet (sa) and a near relative of the late Hazrat Khadijah (ra) from among the Quraish. Prior to this, he was also captured in the Battle of Badr, but the Holy Prophet (sa) released him on the condition that when he reached Makkah, he would send his daughter – Hazrat Zainab (ra), to Madinah. Abul al-Aas’ (ra) fulfilled his promise but was still personally a polytheist. When Zaid bin Harithah (ra) captured him and brought him to Madinah, it was night time, but somehow he managed to send word to Hazrat Zainab (ra) that, “I have been captured and brought here. If possible, see if you can arrange something for my release.” So, just as the Holy Prophet (sa) and his companions were engaged in their morning prayer, Zainab (ra) announced from her home in a loud voice, “O Ye Muslims! I have granted Abul al-Aas’ protection”. When the Holy Prophet (sa) had completed his Salat, he turned to his companions and said, “Whatever Zainab has said, you have heard it. By God, I had no prior knowledge of this, but the community of the believers is like a single soul. If one of them grants protection to an infidel, its honour is incumbent.” Then the Holy Prophet (sa) turned to Zainab (ra) and said, “We have granted protection to whom you endow protection.” The wealth which was acquired from Abul al-Aas’ (ra) during this expedition was returned to him. Then, the Holy Prophet (sa) entered the home of Zainab (ra) and said to his daughter, “Be very hospitable to Abul al Aas’ (ra), but do not meet him in seclusion. Under the current circumstances, it is not lawful that you be intimate with him.” After a stay of a few days, Abul al-Aas’ went to Makkah, but this time his return to Makkah was not for permanent residence, for he quickly ordered his affairs and set off to Madinah reciting the Kalimah Shahadah, and upon reaching the Holy Prophet (sa) he became a Muslim. The Holy Prophet (sa) sent Hazrat Zainab (ra) to him without a new Nikah, i.e., he granted Zainab (ra) permission to resume marital relations with Abul-‘As once again.
In certain narrations it is also mentioned that the Nikah of Hazrat Zainab (ra) and Abul al-Aas’ (ra) was performed anew, but the first narration is more reliable and authentic.
(The Life & Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa), Vol. 3, pp. 15-16)
Demise of Hazrat Zainab (ra) & Hazrat Abu al-Aas (ra)
His Holiness (aba) said that this shows that if a woman leaves her husband on account of his disbelief, then a new Nikah is not required if the man later believes.
His Holiness (aba) said that Hazrat Zainab (ra) passed away not too long after her husband accepted Islam. According to narrations, the Holy Prophet (sa) instructed how her body should be bathed, beginning with the right side and according to the rites of the ablution. According to another narration, it is related that the Holy Prophet (sa) instructed that the body should be bathed three to five times. Then, the Holy Prophet (sa) led his daughter’s funeral prayer, after which he buried her.
His Holiness (aba) said that Hazrat Abu al-Aas’ (ra) business was in Makkah, due to which he could not reside in Madinah and with the permission of the Holy Prophet (sa), he remained in Makkah. As such, he was unable to partake in any battles, however, he did take part in one expedition under the command of Hazrat Ali (ra). Hazrat Abu al-Aas (ra) passed away in 12 AH.
His Holiness (aba) quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad (ra) who writes:
‘The son-in-law of the Holy Prophet (sa), Abul al-Aas’ bin Ar-Rabi‘ was a near relative of Hazrat Khadijah (ra) from the Quraish, i.e., her nephew. Despite being a polytheist, his treatment towards his wife was very kind, and after he became a Muslim, the relationship of both husband and wife also remained pleasant. Therefore, the Holy Prophet (sa) would often praise Abul al Aas’ (ra) in this regard, saying that he had treated his daughter well. Abul al Aas’ (ra) passed away in the era of the caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) in 12 A.H. His honourable wife, however, passed away in the lifetime of the Holy Prophet (sa). Her daughter, Amamah, who was very dear to the Holy Prophet (sa), was married to Hazrat Ali (ra) after the demise of Hazrat Fatimah (ra), but had no children.’
(The Life & Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa), Vol. 3, pp. 15-16)
The Expedition of Sawiq
His Holiness (aba) said that the expedition of Sawiq took place in Dhu al-Hijjah 2 AH. It is recorded that after the Makkans returned defeated, Abu Sufyan vowed that he would not apply oil nor bathe until he avenged the Makkan’s loss at Badr. According to narrations, either with 200 or 40 riders, he set out to fulfil this vow of his. He stopped at a valley 12 miles out from Madinah. Then at night, he went to the Banu Nadir and met with their chief and they spoke about the Holy Prophet (sa), among other things. Then, Abu Sufyan returned to his camp and sent a few people to a date orchard three miles away from Madinah, where they burned date trees, and also martyred a man from the Ansar. Then, thinking that he had avenged himself to some degree, Abu Sufyan returned to Makkah. When people learned of this, the Holy Prophet (sa) took 200 Muhajirin and Ansar and set out after Abu Sufyan until they reached Qarqaratul Kudr. Abu Sufyan and his company continued to elusively flee and the Muslims were unable to reach them. The Holy Prophet (sa) returned back to Madinah.
His Holiness (aba) quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad (ra) who writes:
‘Almost all the chieftains of the Quraish had been slain, and now the rule of Madinah had come to the lot of Abu Sufyan bin Harb. After Badr he vowed that until he had sought revenge for those who had fallen at Badr, he would abstain from having relations with his wife and applying oil to his hair. As such, a few months after Badr, in the month of Dhul-Hijjah, Abu Sufyan set out from Makkah with a force of two-hundred armed men from the Quraish and reached a place close to Madinah via the route of Najd. Upon reaching there, he left his army at some distance from Madinah and in the veil of the darkness of night, reached the abode of Huyayy bin Akhtab, who was chief of the Jewish tribe, the Banu Nadir, and sought his aid. However, since Huyayy still somewhat remembered his treaty and agreement, he refused. Then, in the same manner, Abu Sufyan secretly went to the home of another chief of the Banu Nadir named Salam bin Mashkam, and sought his support against the Muslims. This wretched man, however, very audaciously ignored all of his treaties and agreements and warmly welcomed Abu Sufyan as a guest for the night, and transmitted secret intelligence to him pertaining to the Muslims. Before dawn, Abu Sufyan took leave and upon reaching his army, dispatched a contingent of the Quraish to raid a valley named ‘Arid, which was located close to Madinah. This was a valley where the animals belonging to the Muslims would graze, and which was situated at a distance of only three miles from Madinah. It is likely that Abu Sufyan was made aware of this through Salam bin Mashkam. When this contingent of the Quraish reached the valley of ‘Arid, fortunately, at the time, the animals belonging to the Muslims were not present. Albeit, a Muslim from among the Ansar and a companion of his were present at the time. The Quraish apprehended both of them and ruthlessly murdered them.1 Then, they set ablaze the date palms in the area and set fire to the homes and small huts which were located there, before returning to the camp of Abu Sufyan. Considering this success as being sufficient fulfillment of his vow, Abu Sufyan ordered the army to return. On the other hand, when the Holy Prophet (sa) was informed of the attack made by Abu Sufyan, he set out with a group of Companions in his pursuit. However, since Abu Sufyan did not fancy throwing the fulfilment of his vow to doubt, he fled so frantically that the Muslim army was unable to apprehend him. Ultimately, after an absence of a few days, the Holy Prophet (sa) returned to Madīnah. This Ghazwah is known as the Ghazwah of Sawiq because when Abu Sufyan made haste to Makkah, he fled, leaving his ration behind, which primarily consisted of ‘Sawiq’ or sacks of barley, partly due to anxiety and also in order to lighten his load.’
(The Life & Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa), Vol. 2, pp. 279-280)
His Holiness (aba) said that there is also mention of an expedition by the name of Sawiq which also took place after the Battle of Uhud. This has also been called Badr al-Mau’id. On the day of Uhud, Abu Sufyan called out to the Holy Prophet (sa) and said that both the Makkans and the Muslims would meet again a year later. As such, the Holy Prophet (sa) set out a year later towards Badr where he remained for eight days, however, Abu Sufyan did not come forward to the battlefield.
The First Eid al-Adha & Marriage of Hazrat Fatimah (ra)
His Holiness (aba) said that the first Eid al-Adha was held in 2 AH. The Holy Prophet (sa) led the congregational prayer and also sacrificed an animal.
His Holiness (aba) quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad (ra) who writes:
‘During the month of Dhul-Hijjah, the second Islamic festival, i.e., ‘Idul-Adha was ordained, which is celebrated on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah throughout the Islamic world. On this ‘Id, in addition to Salat, which is the true ‘Id of a true Muslim, it is obligatory upon every such Muslim who possesses the means, to sacrifice a four-legged animal and distribute its meat amongst his kith and kin, friends, neighbours, etc., and to partake of it himself as well. As such, on the day of ‘Idul-Adha, and for two days thereafter as well, hundreds of thousands, rather, millions of animals are slaughtered for the sake of Allah throughout the entire Islamic world. In this manner, by way of practice, remembrance of the magnificent sacrifice made by Hazrat Abraham (as), Hadrat Ishmael (as) and Hazrat Hagar (as) – the greatest example of which was the life of the Holy Prophet (sa) – is kept alive; and each and every Muslim is exhorted that he too should be prepared to sacrifice his life, wealth, and all of his possessions in the way of his Master and Lord.’
(The Life & Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa), Vol. 2, pp. 280-281)
His Holiness (aba) said that Hazrat Fatimah (ra) was also married in 2 AH. It is recorded that first, Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) and Hazrat Umar (ra) requested her hand, to which the Holy Prophet (sa) remained silent, and it was afterwards that Hazrat Ali (ra) requested her hand. The Holy Prophet (sa) asked if he had anything to give in dowry, to which he replied that he had his armour and his horse. The Holy Prophet (sa) instructed that he should keep his horse and sell his armour. The Holy Prophet (sa) was asked whether such a marriage could take place, and the Holy Prophet (sa) confirmed that a marriage between cousins was permissible.
His Holiness (aba) quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad (ra) who writes:
‘Hazrat Fatimah (ra) was the youngest child of the Holy Prophet (sa), from among the children he was blessed with from Hazrat Khadijah (ra). The Holy Prophet (sa) held Hazrat Fatimah (ra) most dear to himself, and on account of her personal merit, she was undoubtedly most worthy of this distinct love. Now, her age had more or less reached fifteen, and she had begun to receive proposals of marriage. It was Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) who was the very first to make a request for Hazrat Fatimah (ra) but the Holy Prophet (sa) apologised. Then, Hazrat ‘Umar (ra) made a proposal, but his request was not accepted either. After this, upon judging that the intention of the Holy Prophet (sa) seemed to be with respect to Hazrat ‘Ali (ra), both these honourable men approached Hazrat ‘Ali (ra) and encouraged him to make a proposal with regards to Hazrat Fatimah (ra). Hazrat ‘Ali (ra) who was perhaps already desirous, but was silent out of modesty, immediately presented himself before the Holy Prophet (sa) and submitted a proposal. The Holy Prophet (sa) had already received an indication by way of divine revelation that the marriage of Hazrat Fatimah (ra) should take place with Hazrat ‘Ali (ra). Hence, when Hazrat ‘Ali (ra) presented a request, the Holy Prophet (sa) said, “I have already received a divine indication in this respect.”
Then, the Holy Prophet (sa) sought the consent of Hazrat Fatimah (ra), who remained silent out of modesty. In a way, this was also an expression of acceptance. Therefore, the Holy Prophet (sa) gathered a community of the Muhajirin and Ansar, and formally announced the marriage of Hazrat ‘Ali (ra) and Hazrat Fatimah(ra). This event took place in the beginning or middle of 2 A.H. Afterwards, when the Battle of Badr had taken place, it was proposed that the Rukhsatanah be held in the month of Dhul-Hijjah 2 A.H. The Holy Prophet (sa) called upon Hazrat ‘Ali (ra) and inquired of him as to whether he had anything to pay the dowry. Hazrat ‘Ali (ra) submitted, “O Messenger of Allah! I have nothing.” The Holy Prophet (sa) responded, “What about that coat of mail I gave to you on that day (i.e., from the spoils of Badr)?” Hazrat ‘Ali (ra) responded, “That I do have.” The Holy Prophet (sa) said, “That shall suffice, bring it.”
Hence, this coat of mail was sold for 480 dirhams, and the Holy Prophet (sa) arranged for the expenses of the wedding from this very amount. The dowry which the Holy Prophet (sa) gave to Hazrat Fatimah (ra) consisted of an embroidered shawl, a cushion made of hide which had been filled with dry date palm leaves, and a water-skin. It is also related in one narration that the Holy Prophet (sa) also gave Hazrat Fatimah (ra) a hand-mill as part of her dowry.
When these items had been arranged for, there was a need to obtain a home. Until now, Hazrat ‘Ali (ra) perhaps lived with the Holy Prophet (sa) in an apartment built next to the mosque. However, a separate abode was now required, where husband and wife could reside after marriage. Therefore, the Holy Prophet (sa) instructed Hazrat ‘Ali (ra) to find a place where both of them could reside. Hazrat ‘Ali (ra) temporarily arranged for a home and the Rukhsatanah of Hazrat Fatimah (ra) took place. On the very same day, after the Rukhsatanah, the Holy Prophet (sa) visited their new home and called for some water to be brought to him, prayed on it and then sprinkled it on both Hazrat Fatimah (ra) and Hazrat ‘Ali (ra), whilst repeating the following words:
“O my Allah! Bless the mutual relations of both of them, and bless those relations of both which are built with others and bless their progeny.”’
His Holiness (aba) said that this prayer should be offered by parents even today on the occasion of their children’s marriages. These days there is an increase in marital issues which is due to in increase in worldly desires. However, if faith was kept at the forefront and this prayer is offered, then these relationships can remain intact.
His Holiness (aba) continued quoting Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad (ra):
‘After this, the Holy Prophet (sa) left the newly wedded couple alone and returned. Afterwards, one day, when the Holy Prophet (sa) came to visit Hazrat Fatimah (ra), she submitted to the Holy Prophet (sa) that Harithah bin Nu‘man Ansari (ra) was in possession of a few homes, and asked if the Holy Prophet (sa) would request him to vacate one of them. The Holy Prophet (sa) said, “He has already vacated so many homes for our sake. Now I feel embarrassed in requesting more of him.” In some way or another, when Harithah (ra) happened to find out about this, he came running to the Holy Prophet (sa) and submitted, “O Messenger of Allah! Everything I own belongs to you my Master. By God, whatever you accept of me causes me greater joy then that which remains with me.” Then, this faithful Companion insisted and vacated one of his homes, and presented it to the Holy Prophet (sa). After this, Hazrat ‘Ali (ra) and Hazrat Fatimah (ra) moved to this home.’
(The Life & Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa), Vol. 2, pp. 281-283)
Prayer Taught to Hazrat Fatimah (ra)
His Holiness (aba) said that once, Hazrat Fatimah (ra) made a request for a worker to help in the home. The Holy Prophet (sa) visited Hazrat Fatimah (ra) and Hazrat Ali (ra) in their home and said, ‘Shall I not tell you something better than what you have requested? When you lay on your bed, recite Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest) 34 times, SubhanAllah (Holy is Allah) 33 times and Alhamdulillah (All praise belongs to Allah) 33 times. This is better than a worker.’
His Holiness (aba) said that he would continue narrating these incidents in the future.
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Appeal for Prayers in Light of the War in Palestine & Israel
His Holiness (aba) said:
‘At this time, I wish to make an appeal for prayers regarding the current situation in the world. Now, some journalists in the west, or even in America have written in their newspapers, that there should be a limit to revenge. Furthermore, America and other western countries should play their parts in [preventing] the Israel/Hamas War, and try to reconcile or reach a ceasefire. But the authors also write that it seems that, instead of stopping this war, they are hellbent on fanning the flames.
Just the same, it was in the news in America yesterday that one of the top foreign ministers handed in his resignation saying we have crossed the limits, injustice is being done to the innocent people of Palestine, and the world powers should pay heed to this matter. Thus, there are still those who are honourable among these people.
Furthermore, Jewish Rabbis also appear in the media from time to time, speaking in favour [of Palestine] and are condemning the oppression. Russia’s Foreign Affairs minister also stated, that if countries keep behaving in this manner, then this war will spread to the entire region; rather, I think that it will spread to the entire world.
Thus, these people need to come to their senses. As I have said before, the Muslim countries must unite as one, with one voice. If they speak as one voice (it is said that there are 53 or 54 countries), they will become a powerful force in the world, and they will have a stronger impact, otherwise individual voices here and there are of no consequence. This is one of the ways to establish peace in the world and end this war. Thus, to save the world from destruction, Muslims countries must strive to fulfill their role, may Allah enable them to do so.
Nevertheless, we must also fervently pray. May Allah end this war and protect the innocent, oppressed Palestinians so that they are not subjected to further injustices, and may Allah end all injustice in the world, wherever it is. May Allah enable us to pray.’
Summary prepared by The Review of Religions
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