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The Review of Religions

At the first Jalsa Salana (Annual Convention) held by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at in 1891, the Promised Messiah(as) invited members to put forth suggestions for how the true Islam, Ahmadiyyat, could be conveyed to the West and the English-speaking world. Members suggested that an English magazine could be launched. Subsequently, the Promised Messiah(as) formally announced the launch of The Review of Religions. 109 years after its launch, The Review of Religions today benefits from the insightful and visionary guidance of the Fifth Successor of the Promised Messiah(as), Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad(aba), Khalifatul Masih V, Head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim community. Under his auspices The Review of Religions is entering into a new phase of progress and success. Here we are opening up an aspect of The Review of Religions to our readers so that you can help us shape this magazine.
Appealing to a Wider Audience
Over the years several different logos for The Review of Religions have been used. As The Review of Religions rapidly expands, the need to have an instantly recognisable and consistent logo was felt necessary. In late 2010, it was decided for a complete rebranding to take place to raise the standard appealing to a wider audience whilst remaining loyal to the roots of The Review of Religions. After extensive research our aim was to align the new rebranded magazine on par with other major magazines. Working with our new designer, 6 logos were initially designed. A cross-section of readers was selected to provide feedback and 2 logos were shortlisted. From January 2011 until August 2011 “Logo A” (see above) was used. Since September 2011 “Logo B” was used and will continue until the end of this year. Which of the 2 logos do you like best and why?
New Look and New Articles
From January this year significant changes to The Review of Religions have occurred. We started printing in full-colour for the first time since its launch in 1902. We have also considerably changed the layout and style of the magazine by using more photos, incorporating a colour scheme for each edition, changing the font style throughout and improving the paper quality. We have also tried to widen our scope of writers and include more articles relevant to the events and religious festivals occurring during the month of publication. Hence, we featured an article on Muharram in January, an article on Easter in April, in this October edition our main article is on Halloween and in our next edition we will feature an article on Hajj to coincide with its start.
New Team
Many new faces joined The Review of Religions staff over the past year, whilst others have been with us for over 10-15 years. From the compilation of articles to reviewing and editing, proofreading, design and typesetting, distribution and despatch worldwide, administration, web development, our coordinators in various countries and the Management Board, all team members, both old and new have been working with great dedication to ensure the best quality for our readers.
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