“His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad[aba] stepped forward during his California visit to deliver a message of peace and tolerance when conflict and violence threaten in so many parts of the world. Many in the audience were inspired that his words of wisdom were delivered with a soft yet firm tone, underscoring the seriousness of his fundamental message. Those of us aware of the struggle of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, but who [have] never personally seen His Holiness, were certainly grateful for the opportunity and not disappointed. The points His Holiness made were universal in nature and thus a benefit to people from a wide spectrum of the spiritual believers. His Holiness should enjoy a sense of accomplishment that his visit to Southern California planted some seeds that will reap goodness of heart for years to come.”
Dana Rohrbacher
(US Congressman, Republican)
“I wish the major US media networks provided more coverage of a Muslim community and a leader, His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad,[aba] who solely supports peace and tolerance and denounces hatred and violence.”
Julia Brownley
(US Congresswoman, Democrat)
“I appreciate the opportunity to have met His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad[aba]. His commitment in promoting peace and tolerance among the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, are values we can all share regardless of cultural background or creed.”
Gloria McLeod
(US Congresswoman, Democrat)
“I was really awestruck when His Holiness, Mirza Masroor Ahmad,[aba] talked about Surah Fatihah being recited 32 times a day and how he explained its strong emphasis on upholding human dignity. His Holiness made me proud to be a Muslim. His Holiness defended Islam and all Muslims today.”
Aziza Hasan
(Former director of Government Relations for the Southern California branch of the Muslim Public Affairs Council)
“His Holiness touched me with his remarks in support of all of humanity regardless of faith or background. This type of inclusive vision demonstrates why he is considered a true man of peace. It is only through this type of compassionate empathy that we will be able to achieve our goals as an integrated society that embraces its differences and celebrates shared progress.”
Charlie Beck
(Los Angeles Police Chief)
“I had a wonderful experience meeting His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad[aba]. The work that he has done to inspire a peaceful path in this world is an inspiration to us all. I was honored to receive a blessing from His Holiness for the days ahead and to have been able to join Councilmember Dennis Zine to present the Key to the City to him (a very rare honor conferred only on a very few special guests to Los Angeles). His Holiness’ speech described a clear path of brotherly cooperation and respect as the foundation for peace and prosperity in the world. It was a wonderful opportunity to honor and welcome such a powerful religious and world leader to our City of Angels. We look forward to welcoming him back in the future and wish him all the best in his mission to spread a message of love, empowerment, and tolerance throughout the world.”
Eric Garcetti
(Los Angeles City Council member, now Mayor-elect of Los Angeles)
“What an amazing man he is. I was fully captured by his words and appreciated most especially his candor and his beliefs. I knew very little about the Muslim community prior to this event. Walking into the room and seeing the mantra “Love for All, Hatred for None” was inspiring. I truly wish that our world community would adopt that vision. Secondly, and most important on a religious note was his statement that regardless of our religion – Christian, Jewish, or Muslim, we all pray to the same one God. I do not believe it could have been said more clear than that. Again, if only our world would wake up to that fact and understand that when we bow or kneel and pray to our God, regardless of the temple we are in or the book we are reading from, it is the same One that we are thanking for the many blessings that we have from this world and life.”
A.J. Rotella
(Director, Sherrif’s Youth Foundation of Los Angeles County)
“His Holiness was a remarkable figure. As I looked toward him as he sat quietly on the dais, I immediately felt a calm, peacefulness radiate from him. It was an unusual, but very calming feeling. I knew right then that his Holiness carried a unique and special presence. When His Holiness took the podium to speak, every eye was upon him. It was clear we were hearing an important message of peace, and his love for mankind. The world needs this message from all religious leaders now, more than ever. His Holiness is clearly more than just a preacher of his faith. His message was clearly about what God wants man to be–people of peace, without hate. I will never forget this wonderful day, and the remarkable spiritual man I had the privilege to see, hear, and meet.”
Bill McSweeney
(Los Angeles County Sherriff’s Department)
“I can’t believe how much His Holiness, Mirza Masroor Ahmad[aba] covered in his speech on May 11. I read the transcript and by page 12 I realised it was impossible to categorise this speech into a single category because he has covered so many topics.”
Tamara Audi
(Reporter who interviewed His Holiness for The Wall Street Journal)
“Prior to the event I had little experience with the Ahmadiyya Muslim faith, so I was very appreciative to hear the message from His Holiness about the separation of church and state. It gives me much needed perspective to learn that true Muslim teachings can help spread the message of tolerance and peace. I agree with His Holiness that peace cannot be achieved without an end to oppressive viewpoints and cruelty to others. Please convey my appreciation of the message to His Holiness. I hope to live my life with similar principles in furthering our communities and creating a better world.”
Peter Aguilar
(Mayor of Redlands, California)
“For me, his message of tolerance and love for all was apparent, and his thoughts about respect for others and other religious beliefs was paramount. I believe he truly understands and shares what most people want for our world and he was able to convey that through a message of hope and peace.”
Steve Harrington
(President, CHP 11-99 Foundation)
“His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad’s[aba] visit to Los Angeles resulted in the message of peace, love and justice to five hundred people of all faiths. The audience consisted of public safety leaders, members of congress, city councils and educators. His Holiness emphasised “Love for All, Hatred for None” as the true teaching of the Prophet (peace be with him). World peace is a responsibility that all faiths can embrace was a common feeling by those in attendance.”
Lee Baca
(Sheriff, Los Angeles County)
“I was honored and privileged to have attended such an inspirational event, and have had the opportunity to be enlightened by His Holiness and his words of peace, love, humility, and tolerance. His commitment to world peace and love for all, regardless of race, religion, or ethnicity, is admirable and gives you hope and faith in the goodness of man and all mankind.”
Jon Goldberg
(Drug Enforcement Administration)
“It was a memorable event and very uplifting. The speech touched on a message that is needed in the world today; respect for all; discipline; commitment; unity; friendship; respect for laws, and hope.”
Anthony Williams
(Drug Enforcement Administration, Special Agent in Charge)
“His Holiness is an amazing man. I can see why you are devoted to him and the Ahmadiyya Community. His Holiness’ words gave me hope that one day that true world peace would be the rule and not the exception.”
Yolanda Parker
(KMS Software)
“We had the opportunity to learn more about the Muslim community and what it stands for. The guest speakers were wonderful from the California congressional to Sherriff Lee Baca. When His Holiness spoke and gave his blessings there was a lesson that was learned and a great take away. The lesson that we took away was that that the Muslim community is here to help the communities they live in and serve. Also to help families and children across the world with the water wells as His Holiness spoke about in his message. To bring peace across the country and to let the world know that the Muslim community is here to add value and togetherness, peace and equality for all. Thank you again for such a wonderful opportunity.”
Pam Compton
(Chase Bank)
“I found his speech incredibly powerful and wish that his message could be heard by many more people. Also, I am glad to now know about Ahmadiyya, about which I knew nothing until this weekend.”
Ida Beal Harding
(Wells Bring Hope)
“Love for All, Hatred for None”; acceptance of others; there is one God and his God is my God…every word emanating from his lips was truth. His goal of world peace and his timely warnings of nuclear war are words that our leaders need to hear and heed.”
Dr. Fred Leivo
(Coast Pharmacy)
“The message was on point and we all agree that working together towards peace is the direction we need to travel.”
John McMahon
(San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department)
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