New medical and genetic research providing evidence that the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel had migrated to the East.
Jesus (as)
Christmas Day is a holiday in the Western world observed to commemorate the birth of Jesus(as). Jesus Christ(as) is amongst the best known and most...
The prophecy in Deuteronomy 18 foretells the coming of a special Prophet. But who exactly was that prophet? (Final part)
Dear Sir, “By means of your seed all nations of the earth will certainly bless themselves.” Those words of Jehovah God to Abraham the Hebrew guaranteed that...
A study of the Bible provides ample evidence that Jesus(as) was a Prophet exclusively to the People of Israel, proves that the concept of the Trinity is only a...
Does Deuteronomy 18 foretell the coming of a special prophet, and if so, who was he? An in-depth appraisal of Jewish, Christian and Muslim claims.
Biblical language and terms prove that Jesus(as) is considered by the Bible a Prophet only, and not the literal son of God. Also, explaining the status of...
God’s treatment of those who rejected Prophets in the past was a warning to the people of the future.
This article discusses the recent media attention and surge in visitors to the Rozabal Tomb in Kashmir, and analyses the debate surrounding the true inhabitant...
This article explores the prediction of John the Baptist(as) that there would be a prophet after him who would baptise with the Holy Spirit, and analyses the...
The Qur’an teaches that believing in the truth of all prophets of God lays the foundation of peace between nations.
‘Religion Drips With Blood’ – the bloodstained history of ‘religion’ is at odds with the true essence of God’s message.
The divergent views of scholars (from 18th to 20th centuries) who generally agree that Jesus Christ(as) survived the crucifixion.
Humanity’s Messiah – The Secret Life of Jesus Christ – The Lost Years by Mantoshe Singh Devji.
A ten-point elucidation, using historical and Biblical evidence, proving that Jesus(as) did not die on the cross.